Saturday, March 20, 2010

You know Jamie, I don't know any statistics about health and its decline when entering a nursing home, but I think that's what the nurse there today was trying to allude to when I was talking to her about Mom. She didn't SAY that, but there was implication and eye signals, etc. that made me think she was trying to tell me something along those lines. I don't know. I guess I thought EUREKA we've found it when we put them in LNC. It's not the facility at all, although I have wondered about mental stimulation there. I know they take very good care of their physical body----I wonder how much care is taken of their mental health. Does that make sense? I would love to walk in and see them all sitting around talking, watching movies, playing games, etc! Am I just a dreamer here!?! Probably. That would make ME happy for sure! Dad looked good today. He was sitting out in the common area when we got there (Bruce went with me today). His shoes were up on one of the little couches. I'm like what's with your shoes? He mumbled something about waiting for the big payout or something. I just have the hardest time understanding him. He doesn't speak as clearly and then he adds stuff in that makes no sense, too. Bruce asked him if he'd read the newspaper. Dad was reading last Sunday's church bulletin from a church there. He said he had the latest addition right there! It was a church bulletin!!!!!!!!!! Anyway, he never mentioned Mom. I finally went to check on her, and she was sound asleep in bed! I went to the nurse's station and asked how long she'd been asleep. About 15 or 20 minutes. She said Mom kept falling asleep in the wheelchair and they were afraid she'd fall out, so they put her in bed. I asked if they'd given her something. No. None since the dose on Wed night. This lady had given it to Mom then. She said Mom was so upset, crying, talking, etc sitting out there in the common area. They gave it to her to calm her down. I told her that Mom was still bad on Thurs at lunch, and she was surprised. I told her that it took very little for Mom. I asked about the sleeping aid for night----Mom had flatly refused to take it last night--so no. I asked about the wheelchair. She said she was surprised, too, that Mom was still in it. She remembered the day she got in after complaining about her leg----she has continued ever since. When I said how much I felt she'd declined in these 6 weeks, that's when she gave me the looks, etc I was talking about. She said it happens. Anyway, for me, it's been a hard week. I've gone 4 times and wasn't happy with them any of the 4 times! It's just such a helpless feeling about the whole thing. It seems the more we do to help---it doesn't improve their lives in the same amount. I talked to Pam this afternoon, and she's going to try to go tomorrow after church. I'm really counting on a good report from that visit. I mean Pat's with Mom and Addison was very good! Mom may have been fine today-----I just didn't see her. Dad was tired, too, and said a couple of times he was going to go take a nap. Hey, I needed one, too, so maybe it's just me! Let's all hope I'm super paranoid!!!!!!!!!!! LOL! Love you all, Jeanie

1 comment:

  1. The dreamer in me would like to see that too...singing or someone playing the piano for them or them using musical instruments, something close to actually living and not just existing!! I'm going to do some digging into nursing home admittance and declining health and see what I can find...I'm not sure I'll like what I find, but it might help us to help LNC better serve Mom and Dad. I'm anxious to get there and see them. Seems like it's been so long...Love, Jamie
