Thursday, March 4, 2010

Well, Jamie, you reminded me of something. When you were about 2 yrs. old you fell on the front sidewalk straight into the concrete and you had this huge bump in the middle of your forehead. After that, every time you fell, you hit the same spot! One day (this is before the car seat/seat belt requirements) I went to the grocery for Mother in that Oldsmobile car we had and I took you with me. You were standing up in the seat and I had to stop real fast and of course you went forehead first right into the dash. When I got home, Mother was not happy with me when she saw that huge bump again! To make a long story short, I believe that may be your problem!! hee! hee! love you, pat


  1. Pat, you're so funny! I laughed out loud reading your story about the bump on Jamie's head. You're going to be surprised at this, but I remember!!lol

  2. Ditto for me on the remembering! I remember she fell on the sidewalk out front and had a gigantic purple and blue bruise that lasted forever. Next thing you know, she fell on the same spot. It was like it was a permanent part of her face! But I love you anyway Jamie! LOL! Love to all, Judy

  3. Hey, Jamie I used to have a picture of you with a bruise on your head once when Mom brought you out to play in the water with Randy. Ona
