Saturday, March 6, 2010

Cary Beth and I went to see Mom and Dad today. We got there a little before eleven. They were both sitting in their wheelchairs in front of the nurses station. I noticed Dad's alarm was on, but not Mom's. Mom seemed really tired. I asked her if she wanted to go show Cary her room, but she didn't want to go. Dad said he'd already walked about 500 miles, and didn't want to go either. Mom's bed was stripped but it looked like Dad's needed to be, too. It was not clean. Mom doesn't make sense all the time in what she says, but she does seem happy there. Dad just watches her and takes care of her. It's precious. I noticed that Dad had a paper cup in his hand, and I offered to throw it away for him, thinking it had been a coffee cup, but he said it was his spit cup. I asked him where his tobacco was and he said he didn't know. Well, the nurse overheard our conversation, and proceeded to tell me that she had taken Dad's tobacco away from him because he kept spilling it. I said, well can he have some, and she said all he has to do is ask. I told him to ask but Pat said he won't do it. Pat's going to check on that tomorrow when she goes. I know they're so much better there than when they were home, but it still makes me sad to see them there, and to see how old they are. I'm just so glad they have each other. Love u guys...Pam

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