Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Yesterday when Brittney, the boys and myself first got there, Dad was sitting at the end of the long hallway directly in front of the door. He knew who I was though and even Brittney and the boys too. I asked where Mom was and he said she was around the corner in the other room. I said that their room was on the other long hallway and he said she was in surgery???!!! I told him that she wasn't and he said yeah that she was in room 2 and he was waiting on her! Anyway we had brought them ice cream sundaes and I told him that I was going to look for Mom but he wanted to eat his ice cream there! Okay, whatever!hheh Anyway he ate it all and to me looked good except for being hoarse. He made sense of almost everything else we talked about too. Mom was around at the nursing station and was carrying on a "not so pleasant" conversation with another lady patient there and the lady was just staring at her as if to say "what the heck!!!"heehheh I got mom to their room and she ate all her ice cream too. I brought Dad down then and she called him her angel. She knew me right away and called me "Precious" as we all know that is what she has called me for a long time. She said something to Brittney and called me Judy too, so she knew me which is always a plus! Today as Jeanie wrote we went back and Dad did look better today even than yesterday. Mom looks good too except for her hair which is too long. Jeanie asked the Social Worker about that today too and they were going to schedule her for a cut--not with water since Mom has a total hate for it!heheh Dad said today that Mom was in her own world most of the time though and that she complains about her leg and can't walk sometimes but okay others. I have no clue but Jeanie is right in that Mom would never have made it to the toilet today. Dad said Mom screams when they change her pants and things too but that they sleep good. Mom said their room was really pretty and she liked it a lot. She said she loves to clean her house too but that's really all she said about her house. Neither asked either day about home at all. It's kinda weird that it seems to them that they ARE home and never even worry or wonder about their "things" as neither has even mentioned it since they got there. You'd think they would ask how things were or where such and such was but they don't. I did take pics today and will get them posted as soon as Brittney figures it out for me. Leisa's thought is that Mom doesn't remember her things and Dad doesn't care. I guess that makes sense. Oh and yesterday Dad told me that Mom had 4 or 5 boyfriends too. He didn't seem to mind a lot but you know it bothers him! I asked him if it was good that he didn't have to worry about Mom every minute since she can't get lost or out the door and he said he guessed so but he still worries. Poor Dad. He needs a friend BAD! Love to all, Judy

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