Saturday, April 9, 2011

Went to see Mom and Dad again today. Got there around 5, and Mom was at the table asleep. Dad was in the other dining room looking for his food! I got him some coffee and asked them to get their trays and they brought them immediately. They both ate great. Dad much better than last night. They had a chicken salad sandwich, some kind of pea salad, fruit cocktail, and a chocolate chip cookie. Mom's chicken salad was pureed, plus she had yogurt, a vitamin drink, & ice cream. I'm thinking that is way too much sugar for Mom, but whatever. She loved it. I would touch her, or rub her back, and she would open her eyes and look at me. She was cranky. She told me to shut up, and made mean faces at me. lol But whatever, she ate well, so it doesn't matter. Dad says some things that make sense, and then his next sentence you can not understand. It's weird. I always make sure I get him tobacco before I leave. They were fine. Mom had on a long sleeve shirt tonight, so I didn't get to look at her new cut on her arm. Wish I could visit them everyday, but just not possible. I'm so glad I could see them these last two days. Casey is doing fine. He's called Corissa twice, and even sent her a picture of his new hair Thanks for your continued prayer for him. The worst is yet to come!lol Love, Pam

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