Thursday, April 21, 2011

Hey, Jamie, your turn! I'm much better. Had a long talk with myself, got away for a few days twice, got some sunshine, gotten back to thinking about others and not myself so much. It's all helped. I still get sad, but I'm definitely better. I wish you were closer and we'd make a trip to see/help you. Unfortunately, we're not. Do like I used to tell Ryan when she'd get down and stressed-----get out of that house for a while---------go shop, go look, go walk---just go somewhere and do something other than what you have to do. I know you have a mountain to climb with going through and packing/sorting an entire lifetime of a house, but you still have nearly a month. You will have it done long before the movers get there. Dad was better today when Judy called. That's good news. I also called Beth today and she still wasn't sure about any of the questions I'd asked. Her gut feelings is that it's all tied to the suspension of Medicaid benefits that Dad got for March. She really thinks that there'll be another letter soon saying that they will pay his premium and the social security will go back to the amount it was last month. Basically she said to just wait and see what comes out in a letter next. She did say that neither of them knew why Mom's would now be less (social security if they deduct her medicare premium). She said I could call the social security office and just ask. I'll see if I get another letter in the next week and if not, I'll call and ask. Ok, I've now finished 1/2 of the first row of my quilt---8 blocks! OMG! I thought this will be a primitive quilt for sure. Going up a block and across the top and bottom of the blocks, I can keep a pretty straight line of stitches. Going down the other side----forget it! It looks like I'm wandering drunk! I'm leaving them, too. I figure, hey, that's the way I sewed it, so there! LOL! I thought a couple of times about what some of teachers used to ask me about my writing on the board. They'd ask if I'd written all of that. Sure. Why? They'd always say it looked like several different people had written on the board and couldn't believe it was all my handwriting. Well, that's kind of the way the quilting looks. It looks like several different people are sewing on it. Hey, maybe they are. Maybe I have different personalities and they're coming out in this quilt! Good grief! It's sad in places! Oh, well! Love you all, Jeanie

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