Sunday, April 3, 2011

Okay, first of all, so upset that Kentucky lost! Boo hoo!!! I was so hoping they might win it all! Jerry and I went to see Mom and Dad this morning. They were both asleep in their wheelchairs. I woke Dad up and he looked really good. I couldn't really understand most of what he said. He did say, "Where's Judy?" I told him she was at home. A lady that works there said she thought Dad looked so young for his age. She said her husband was 70 and he looked older than Dad! hee hee! He does look good when he's feeling okay. Mother, on the other hand, never woke up and just stayed slumped in her wheelchair. It's hard to see her like that. Nikki said Dad's sugar had been fine. It was 142 when she checked it while I was there. I got him some coffee and he seemed fine. I just never have gotten used to seeing them there and like they are. I still just picture them at home sitting on the porch drinking coffee. I guess that's just how I want to remember them. Oh, by the way, Jeanie, I asked Nikki about Mrs. Emison and she said that she died. I kind of figured that since I haven't seen her for awhile. sad . love you, pat

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