Friday, April 22, 2011

We have sun and almost warm..52 degrees...temps today! I'd already decided that I need to escape this "dungeon" I've been trapped in cleaning so I'm going out to TJMaxx and look around for an hour or so. When I come back I'll work on a couple of boxes and then take a stress relieving walk. Tomorrow, Jason and I have planned a day out..his girlfriends Dad is a special forces soldier who's leaving for a 6 week school on Saturday, so she's having family time! It's suppose to be upper 60's and we're heading out to the Point Defiance Park on the Puget Sound and going to the zoo. They had white tigers born there last year that were featured on the Today Show and I've wanted to go and take a peek ever since. It'll be nice to take a few hours off and just relax. I've done so much..I'm stunned really. We've hauled one huge load of stuff off already..another ready to go this afternoon and then just the big stuff left after that. Some progress...but still a lot to coordinate! Ok, I'm hitting the showers and out the door. So glad Daddy seemed better today...I just keep clinging to the fact that I'll be there soon...but most days it feels like I'll just never get there...Love you all, Jamie

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