Monday, April 18, 2011

Checking in late today...I worked all weekend down in my basement going through boxes. I now have a pile of shred stuff almost a foot high and this is just round one. I've also increased my donation pile, but found out today that my local Salvation Army does not pick up in my area...not sure what I'm going to do now...may just do a bulk pick up through the trash company...honestly, I don't care anymore, just want it gone!!!! Poor Daddy, first his teeth and now his glasses. I worry a little about the agitation..he does not have a UTI now right? I'm so anxious to get to Murray so I can see them...I'm on pins and needles! I went to transportation for the 2nd time today...finally got a briefing date next Tuesday and then I can set up my moving dates...right now I'm leaning toward packing on the 18th and 19th of May and loading the truck on the 20th. I figure my stuff should arrive to Jerry on the 27th (Friday) which would give them the weekend to get a good handle on things..Monday then is Memorial Day. Pam I'll keep you posted so Jim can get the piano. Unfortunately with Jerry's bad back, he won't be much help to Jim, but Jerome will be there and if Jim gets there the day the movers are delivering, they'll probably help roll it right on the trailer. Ok, it's late, but I still have papers to shred and I haven't even showered yet. I've got to try and get some sleep...since Jerry's been gone, I'm averaging about 5 hours a night and it's killing me!! Love you all, Jamie

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