Sunday, April 24, 2011

Hey, we really did have a great childhood. I remember so many great times and normal kids' stuff that we did. Easter was really always so special with the new dresses, shoes, gloves, purses and/or hats! LOL! We were really fortunate!

I also called today and talked to Tony. He looked in the chart and told me they were giving Dad K-flex 500mg for a UTI. He too said that sometimes the info doesn't get out to them as quickly as it gets to LNC. Anyway, I'm glad they got the results and he's getting the med. As to why so many UTIs, it's something that does happen more because Dr. Hodges said the distance the bacteria has to travel gets shorter as we age + the disposable briefs, etc all add to the possibility. The amount of fluid they take in makes a big difference, too. Lots of things.

I'm glad Jamie that you're feeling near the top of this heap! That's great! You'll feel so much better when you get it finally all organized and the list made to take to the hotel/motel, etc. It will all work out just fine. Ok, I'm fixing to sit down with Bruce for a few minutes and then hopefully go to bed kind of early. We didn't sleep well last night (either one of us) and then got up at 5:30 to go to sunrise services at Craighead Forrest. The funny thing is we wound up with the wrong church group! LOL! I don't know where the Methodist Church was having theirs, but it was raining and there was a group at the pavilion right in front of us. We just assumed it was ours----wrong! LOL! We stayed anyway! Love you all, Jeanie

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