Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Jeanie, so glad you and Bruce had a chance to get away and "forget" about stuff for awhile..I know it was something you NEEDED! I hate that you've had to shoulder so much of everything with Mom and Dad...where would we all be without you...just know you are appreciated and loved so much by us! I have to say it scares me to read about you being stressed...you always have it so together and never seem flustered about anything or any situation...it's your one annoying trait ha ha...if you need to talk..or gripe..or cry..or yell...or whatever...I'm a phone call away for just a few more months and then after that a quick drive away...we don't have beaches, but we have ponds with fish and a fountain that makes a water swooshing sound kind of like the beach! I know you've been dealing with a lot and I don't mean just Mom and Dad..for a long time...that's quite a weight to be lugging around..maybe it's time to sit some of it down and lighten your load. Again, I'm a phone call away, I DO have a master's degree in counseling...ok, it's elementary school counseling, but still counseling...I'm here for you.....Love you...Jamie

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