Monday, April 18, 2011

I went to see Mom and Dad today. They were ok. Mom was sleeping in her chair---the usual. Dad of course had no glasses---I'm getting them fixed (hopefully) tomorrow. I'll need to get totally new frames. His have the part that holds the screw broken off. The one girl I like was telling me that Mom has been eating and drinking really good. She said this morning she was worried about Daddy. That's what she calls him, too! Anyway, she said yesterday and the day before he was SO wound up--was up most of the nights, etc. This morning when she was giving him a bath he was like so limp, etc. She said she told Debbie she was worried about Daddy and for her to contact the doc. She said he looked good now (when I was there), and she thought maybe he was just worn out! He was talking today about somethings that made not much sense, but he was talking about Judy again. He kept saying she'd locked herself in the house with all the stuff, etc. Who knows. On the financial end, I got another letter today from Social Security. This time they're telling me that the state of Arkansas would NOT pay the premiums for Mom and Dad and that they were behind in paying this premium. Therefore, they'll be docked for March's payment on their April check and then go back to their regular amounts of $236 for Dad but only $288 for Mom---$19 per month less. Why? Who knows! I'm going to check with Chad and SS to see what all this even means--does it mean that Medicaid will NOT pay for them? I don't know. Since the state of Arkansas won't pay their premiums, I'm thinking that that means they're not getting Medicaid. I'll try to find out. Ok, I'm off to clean the rest of my kitchen up. The Little Moore's: Jeremy, Maggie, Macie and Fara ate here + I gave the girls their baths + they played, too----lots of cleaning. They're precious though. Ok, Love you all, Jeanie

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