Sunday, March 27, 2011

My guys left Friday with a 17foot u haul full of stuff pulling a trailer with a jeep with stuff followed by a suburban full of stuff. I was cracking I said...pretty redneck, but they were both so excited!! I have to say it was a little sad seeing them drive down the street and even sadder when I walked into my house and it looked a little deserted! I spent some of that night and most of the last 2 days cleaning and beginning some organizing. I just got off the phone with scream about my WILDCATS!!!...and they're right outside some town, Christian, South Dakota I think. It's where they're stopping for tonight. I believe Jerry said from there they still have 1500 miles to go..YIKES!! The goal is to get to Murray on Tuesday, but I think it will be more like Wednesday. I think the u haul can only go 55mph, so it's slow going and pretty boring countryside. Jerome did tell me that the mountains in Montana were gorgeously covered in snow and he saw an antelope grazing out by the interstate. Once they get across the plains, there will be more scenery to look at....I think they head toward Kansas City next, then St Louis and then hit 24 toward Paducah. I would imagine about now that some of the excitement has worn thin and so has the padding on the butt. They'll perk back up when they start to get closer. Keep praying for their safety and smart choices!:) I'm so excited for Jerome to see the town and the house...I hope he loves it...I think he will. That's about it for now...other than we'll close on our house and land as soon as Jerry gets there. The hospital is throwing him a Welcome to Murray party for the community on the 31st and he starts officially on the 1st. Seems weird...them here..but there's plenty for me to do, I just can't seem to get motivated to do it yet...I have 3 months, what's the hurry? Keep those posts a comin'!! Love you all, Jamie

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