Monday, March 7, 2011

Jeanie's right our visit was OK with Mom and Dad and actually one time Mom opened her eyes, looked at me with that look of recognition and then did that laugh with the scrunching up her soulders and then said "I love you" to me! This of course made my day!!! When we first got there and I stepped in front of Dad his face lit up and he smiled real big and said "Well HI!" and I thought well this is good but then he said "Where's Judy? She hasn't been here in a long time" and I said Dad, it IS me! Then when I asked him who I was, he said "Well, Judy-you haven't changed" so who knows! He later again said "Where did Judy go?" and I said I'm right here Dad! Pat, what test will they do on the esophagus? Barium swallow? It's nothing! Or EGD where they knock you out like they do for a colonoscopy? I've had that too and you're basically asleep so no big deal either. Hopefully your new medicine will help! Jamie, I'm so sorry about all your good byes but they are bitter sweet I know because you have at least something good to look forward too at the same time as the sad ones you're going through. I'm glad I drove on home today because the weather says Hot Springs will have storms tomorrow including possible tornadoes and hail! How fun is that? Glad I'm not going to have to drive in it! I came home and went straight to Kroger and Walmart and then Walgreen to get all the stuff I need to hibernate a few days if I had to! Love to all, Judy

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