Wednesday, June 1, 2011

I called and talked to Nikki---not to crazy about her decisions and observations---and she said Dad was fine today. I told her about the visit yesterday and the major confusion and mumbling. She said that he is confused during parts of the day. That's not the concern---it's the mumbling and all that goes with it. Usually that's a medical problem and not a confusion problem. She went to check with Becky about the results of the urine test--I told her it had been a week and IF there was something going on he didn't need to wait another 3 or 4 days! Anyway, Becky did have the preliminary results and everything was fine. Hum....! She's going to check him when he gets up (he was down for a nap) about a blood test to check his potassium. I asked about the x-ray; and she said since Dr. Parten had sent no new orders, she assumed it was fine, too! As for the tacky clothes, I'm just going to tell them the next time I see Mom in them that that's unacceptable. I'll pitch them if they're in her closet, but the other women aren't dressed like that. Mom has 3 good pairs of pants and 4 tops. They can rotate those until they look horrible and we'll pitch them and get some more. This isn't rocket science! Anyway, I'll try to call and check on Dad later today, too, if no one goes by there. Love you all, Jeanie

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