Saturday, June 11, 2011

Pam went to see Mom and Dad today.  She said they were good but Dad still mumbles.  Dad said he hoped they could go home soon! When she was leaving he asked her what he needed to do now.  I told her that I really don't think Dad is talking about "home" as in the house on Poplar.  I might be burying my head but that's what I need to believe at least!  She sent me a video of both of them.  She was trying to get Mom to talk but she did half way at least open her eyes.  Dad was mumbling to where I couldn't hear him on the video.  He said lunch was good and that's about all I heard.  They were having an anniversary party at LNC today so Pam didn't get to ask about the medications because she wants to SEE that Dad isn't getting anything to make him groggy.  She NEEDS to see if she has doubts~!  I personally am convinced he doesn't.  Pam said his cough and cold were much better but it sounded like everyone there had the same thing he had! When she first got there they were both asleep but she waited till them got them up for lunch.  Nikki asked her if she was staying for lunch and Pam told her yes, so they brought their lunches to the main dining room asap.  She said they both ate ok and were clean and good.  Mom had the blue top on today that I had gotten her but she once again had on those wild capris!  Those are in the trash come Monday when Jeanie and I go unless of course Mom has them on again!!! What's up with those ugly things??? It's like the Hawaii that won't die!lol Love to all, Judy

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