Saturday, June 25, 2011

I went down to LNC about 9:00 this morning to talk to ?????. It wound up being Nikki. I was SO upset by the time I left. The longer I talked the madder I got and the worse my voice got. I finally had to put on my sunglasses to hide the tears. I told her that this would NOT work. Dad is too frail and does NOT need to worry about this and does NOT need to have to defend himself against ANYONE----PERIOD! I told her that my worry was Mr Layne would hit Dad while he was standing and cause Dad to fall and really get hurt. I told her the whole thing with Mom and Michael Smith and the behavioral things, too. She said this wasn't the first incident---so my question was NOW WHAT!?! She starts the thing of keeping them apart---I told her I knew that but that didn't work---so now what!?! Dad is NOT going to be punished nor confined because of Alvin---it's not going to happen. I'm going Mon morning early -- Michael Smith gets there at 8:30--- and see what he's going to do about it. Move Alvin to another wing in LNC? That's an idea! Move him out of LNC? A better idea! Dad is not going to stay in this situation and feel threatened or unsafe. I won't have it! Nikki said Mr Layne didn't have the strength to hurt Dad nor the ability to move around like Dad---hence he won't go into Dad's room, etc. HOWEVER Dad DOES move around and at times he's not real lucid. There will be no way to keep them totally away from each other 24/7. I'll file a complaint if Michael Smith doesn't do something serious. Nikki said that she thought the family had already been warned. NO ONE has to right to be verbally or physically abusive to anyone-----it's not happening! Love you all, Jeanie

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