Saturday, June 4, 2011

Quick note. The wedding WAS so pretty and Jon, Molli, Aaron, Grant and Makenzie all looked awesome! Mak cried during the wedding which upset me---they are great kids and I don't want them hurting in any way. I asked her after if she was ok, and she told me she started to cry because Molli was crying. Mak looked absolutely beautiful---I'm serious! George Horn was there and he said when he first saw her he was thinking wonder who that is! He then realized it was Mak. Anyway, it was all so nice: th e wedding, the reception, her parents, her family---it was all really nice. They had put a lot of thought/work into the whole thing, too. I laughed because they DID walk the mothers in---YIKES! When they walked me out, I was carrying Maggie! LOL! She'd been crying and sat in my lap the whole time of the wedding. I figured if I tried to put her down and explain, it would be another crying fit----so, I just carried her out with me! LOL! Hey, they may as well see the reality of the fam. My fam was so nice down there today---all of them except Ryan and Bryan. I'm proud of how they are and how they conduct themselves and how they all looked, etc. Bruce and I stood in the receiving line with 6 of our 7 grandkids! LOL! He held Maggie, and I had Dylan and Pepper and Makenzie standing with me. Aaron and Grant stood on the other side of Bruce. It was really sweet. Fara brought Macie over near the end and we stood there with all 7 of them! Pretty cool! Ok, the two here are calling my name. Love you all, Jeanie    OH, Jamie, BOTH things arrived yesterday (Friday). Thank you---that was sweet. I'm fixing to write ANOTHER check for Dad's payment difference for June this week. LOL! I'll need you to write another check to me! sad it's just repayment and not just fun money! LOL! Thanks for the well wishes, you all, really!

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