Thursday, June 30, 2011
Jamie, a sisters' weekend, night, whatever sounds good to me. I'm thinking for me it will need to be August or else like this next week! LOL! We're heading to St Louis on Sat and back on Mon for this weekend. Bruce and I are heading out the 16 for 2 weeks---heading to Saratoga racetrack and points east! We'll be back like July 31st! Yikes! Anyway, whenever is fine with me. Ok, trying to just catch up myself---I can't seem to get ahead on this whole thing! LOL! Love you all, Jeanie
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Jeanie and I went to LNC today. We got there around 11:30 and Mom and Dad were both in the dining room. Dad had his back to me at first and when I went around in front of him and said Hi Dad, he smiled really big and said well Hello Judith Ann, when did you get here? I was thrilled that at least this visit I KNEW he knew me. Mom was asleep in her chair at the table. She never did really wake up at all. A couple of times she opened her eyes about half way but it's not like she focuses or anything. I would swear she was blind! Her eyes roll back in her head almost all the time if you can get them open at all. She ate good though! It's funny how she opens her mouth wider when it's yogurt, cake, or ice cream than potatoes and/or meat!lol She drinks that thick stuff pretty well too I think. Dad ate good too. Jeanie took him a bag of tobacco and she pulled it out of the bag and said "Look, what I have Dad" and he had a huge grin and said Oh Boy! He does love that tobacco. Dad was tired though and kept saying he was tired and yawning. After they finished eating, we sat with them and visited in the commons area for a bit but Dad said he was tired. He was almost asleep by the time I went in there after he was in bed! I told him that I was going to drive back home but would see him again next time and he said be careful. I told him that I loved him and he said I love you too, Judith Ann. Again, I at least felt that he knew I was there because there have been times I don't think he did! I checked Mom's closet and she has all her stuff there and I didn't notice anyone else's in there. She had on that blue sweat suit that I got her with the flowers. That one girl-Margaret I think?-said she puts it on her all the time cause she likes it on her. It was not a bad visit at all. I wish Mom were more intune to things but she isn't and that's not going to change I don't think. I put my head up against her head though and talked to her and she seemed to stir around and mumble some at least. Hope everyone has a good 4th! I'm staying inside where it's cool!lol Love to all, Judy
Ok, I'm still cleaning out stuff...I thought I had downsized before I left Washington! What happened?!! Anyone having a yard sale this Summer?!!! Pat and Pam, I went to the Rotary Year End Ceremony last night and they honored Dr Conrad Jones for over 60 years of OB service to the Murray Community...he is just retiring this year. I'm assuming he's the Dr Jones that delivered you guys. Such an awesome man and still as sharp as a tack at 89...his wife is ailing and he decided this was his last year. They said he has delivered over 10,000 babies in Murray. The doctor who talked about Dr Jones' service is Jerry chief of surgery at Murray Hospital...Dr Jones' had delivered him as well! It was a super night! Jerry's Public Affairs gal took our picture...I'm hoping she'll send me a copy..I'll forward one on to you as well. Ok..back to trying to get my ducks and pictures and quilts and crocks and beds, etc in a row!! Let's plan a sisters weekend at my house...maybe July or August before school starts back??? Construction begins on my sunroom July will take around 4 weeks, but that won't really bother the rest of the house! Be thinking about dates...Love you all, Jamie
Monday, June 27, 2011
I know that most of you know the following, but I'm going to post it anyway. I talked to Michael Smith today for about 45 min and then to Debbie + Margaret and another girl that works there. I explained how upset we all were with Dad being hit TWICE. Michael Smith knew nothing about any of the problems with Dad and Mr. Lane----he told me he'd look into it and call me back today. If I hadn't heard from him, I was to call him about 4. Well, they called me about 3 and said that they were moving Mr. Lane into the other dining room and after eating he is to be taken right back and put into bed. We'll see. When anyone goes there, that's something to check for sure---making sure that they are not in the same place at the same time. Hopefully this will solve that problem! Ok, I'm deep into stuff myself right now, too. Love you all, Jeanie
i'm checking in...sorry, i've just been a little busy!! :) but I have talked to some of you on the phone, so I haven't been totally out of it!!:) Pat..SO EXTRA EXCITED for Molli and Marty...can't wait for the baby shower...HEY..I'll get to attend!! AWESOME!! still trying to dig upstairs is scary,but downstairs is clutter free for the most part..just don't open any cabinet, go in any closet or look behind any furniture!! Can't seem to find my linens for the beds..funny, I know they're here, just haven't located the box yet...we all have a fitted sheet and a towel, so for now we're good to go. Getting ready for Jerry's retirement on Thursday...funny seems like it's already happened...civilian world is agreeing with us so far!! Can't wait to see everyone and share some laughs!! Love you all, Jamie
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Called LNC to check on Mom and Dad and the girl (wasn't Donna but didn't catch her name) said that they were both doing fine. She said Dad was even a little "ornery" which they like and she laughed. She said he was in a really good mood! I asked if Mr. Layne had bothered him and she said no not at all and had been no where near Dad. I said "good! We have to keep it that way!!" So all is well for tonight at least! Love to all, Judy
Totally agree with you Jeanie. I couldn't even think/talk about it without crying until after you went this morning. It was SO hard on us putting them there in the first place but we did it to keep them safe, and then this! It is heartbreaking to think of anyone doing anything to Dad because Dad has always been so unviolent! Jody went by this afternoon and saw them both up and they were good. She said Dad called her sweetheart!lol They were both eating and were clean. She said Mom's hair was all clean and looked so good. Dad is still confused and when Jody asked about Mom, Dad said she was in the hospital.?? Weird! Jody asked if there had been anymore incidents and there have NOT been. Good! Hopefully tonight won't be an issue! I may call Donna after while and if I do, I'll post. Do we know details on Kentucky yet? Time? Leaving Thursday and coming back? If not, are we getting a room at Ft. Campbell? Pam wants to go but she needed details first. Jim had a class but he told her that he could change it and she could go with us. Love to all, Judy
I went down to LNC about 9:00 this morning to talk to ?????. It wound up being Nikki. I was SO upset by the time I left. The longer I talked the madder I got and the worse my voice got. I finally had to put on my sunglasses to hide the tears. I told her that this would NOT work. Dad is too frail and does NOT need to worry about this and does NOT need to have to defend himself against ANYONE----PERIOD! I told her that my worry was Mr Layne would hit Dad while he was standing and cause Dad to fall and really get hurt. I told her the whole thing with Mom and Michael Smith and the behavioral things, too. She said this wasn't the first incident---so my question was NOW WHAT!?! She starts the thing of keeping them apart---I told her I knew that but that didn't work---so now what!?! Dad is NOT going to be punished nor confined because of Alvin---it's not going to happen. I'm going Mon morning early -- Michael Smith gets there at 8:30--- and see what he's going to do about it. Move Alvin to another wing in LNC? That's an idea! Move him out of LNC? A better idea! Dad is not going to stay in this situation and feel threatened or unsafe. I won't have it! Nikki said Mr Layne didn't have the strength to hurt Dad nor the ability to move around like Dad---hence he won't go into Dad's room, etc. HOWEVER Dad DOES move around and at times he's not real lucid. There will be no way to keep them totally away from each other 24/7. I'll file a complaint if Michael Smith doesn't do something serious. Nikki said that she thought the family had already been warned. NO ONE has to right to be verbally or physically abusive to anyone-----it's not happening! Love you all, Jeanie
That is totally ridiculous! This is the second time we positively know of! There have probably been many other times too because Nikki said they try to keep them apart because Alvin does not like Dad. We need to file a complaint with Michael Smith. They sure were ready to do something with Mother when she was in her fighting moods. There is no way this should be happening! love you, pat
Friday, June 24, 2011
I just called again to check on Mom and Dad because Jody got tied up with things in Jonesboro and forgot about going by. Donna said that she was about to call "one of us" to let us know that Mr. Lane(sp??) and Dad had an altercation. She said it was after supper when they were putting people to bed and Mr. Lane and Dad "got together" in the big common room. She said that the report said that one was pushing the other's wheelchair and then he hit him and he was hit back" She said it doesn't say who hit who first but I told her that I KNEW Mr. Lane had hit Dad because Dad wouldn't hit anyone first and that we KNEW and had told THEM that Mr. Lane had to stay away from Dad! Nikki knows Mr. Lane doesn't like Dad and knew that it was a potential problem and my question is WHY did they let it happen if they knew Mr. Lane was aggressive!! It just literally makes me sick to think of someone hitting Dad. It's hard enough for us to have to have them there and then to think we put them there for safety and now maybe he's not safe. Dad couldn't defend himself against anyone because he's too frail! Donna said that he wasn't hurt and that they were all in bed. I told her that Michael Smith had said there would be NO hitting and that he had to send his own Mom for behavior modification and it's time for Mr. Lane to go there! Jody works tomorrow and Pam said she'd get her to go by and check on them. Ideas? Suggestions? We're getting into a crisis here I think! Love to all, Judy
I called and checked with Donna on Mom and Dad earlier and she said they were fine. They were both sleeping. She worked last night and they had both been good. She looked and they had both eaten good at breakfast and lunch. Jody is going to go by and check on them on her way home from Jonesboro in a bit and I'll post what she finds. Jamie, hope you're almost home! Love to all, Judy
Thursday, June 23, 2011
I am SO excited for Molli and Marty! I have been thinking 'baby shower' for a long time for them! Hey, we'll make plans for around Thanksgiving or Christmas when they'll be here! How exciting! They are such a great couple and will make great parents! Happy, Happy, Happy!!!!!!!!!! I drove by the house that burned today and it is CRAZY!!!!! It looks like something you'd see on tv or the news or a movie! It is totally charred with the door and windows up and out! HOW that didn't burn the whole block is a testimony to the JFD! Those guys must really rock to have controlled that fire! Horrible!
As for the meeting! I had to be sworn in and testify both! Good grief! We won't know the outcome for somewhere between 30 and 45 days! Chad thought we were appealing for the pharmacy bill! I'm like it's already down to $197.??! I wouldn't go through all of this for just that. Anyway, they talked in riddles with statutes to back their decisions, etc. Basically it boils down to they can do whatever they want because they have something to back up anything! The judge did ask if it was a good Miller's Trust--yes. Were the two checks something that would have been paid out of this trust----yes. The size of the penalty---about 4 days (she's charging us 61 days). After it was over, I told Chad I didn't understand why Mom's total wealth the first of Sept was a little over $400 and why she wouldn't qualify. He said it was because of the life insurance I had to cash out. But I cashed it out AND spent it during the month of Dec! OH! Well, blah, blah, blah! We'll see. MAYBE we'll get the extra months covered, maybe we won't, who knows! It's some more wait and see stuff + I figure she's going to want MORE papers sent to her all over again! What a nightmare! Lesson learned the hard way for all of us! Spend not save is the best way to live here----for now. I figure we'll all spend and then they'll change the laws and we'll be out of luck that way; too! LOL! Love you all, Jeanie OH, Jamie was going to stop in Columbia, MO, for the night and then drive to Murray tomorrow! YEA!!!!!!! I hope we can all go to Jerry's retirement ceremony next Thurs.
As for the meeting! I had to be sworn in and testify both! Good grief! We won't know the outcome for somewhere between 30 and 45 days! Chad thought we were appealing for the pharmacy bill! I'm like it's already down to $197.??! I wouldn't go through all of this for just that. Anyway, they talked in riddles with statutes to back their decisions, etc. Basically it boils down to they can do whatever they want because they have something to back up anything! The judge did ask if it was a good Miller's Trust--yes. Were the two checks something that would have been paid out of this trust----yes. The size of the penalty---about 4 days (she's charging us 61 days). After it was over, I told Chad I didn't understand why Mom's total wealth the first of Sept was a little over $400 and why she wouldn't qualify. He said it was because of the life insurance I had to cash out. But I cashed it out AND spent it during the month of Dec! OH! Well, blah, blah, blah! We'll see. MAYBE we'll get the extra months covered, maybe we won't, who knows! It's some more wait and see stuff + I figure she's going to want MORE papers sent to her all over again! What a nightmare! Lesson learned the hard way for all of us! Spend not save is the best way to live here----for now. I figure we'll all spend and then they'll change the laws and we'll be out of luck that way; too! LOL! Love you all, Jeanie OH, Jamie was going to stop in Columbia, MO, for the night and then drive to Murray tomorrow! YEA!!!!!!! I hope we can all go to Jerry's retirement ceremony next Thurs.
Pat, congratulations to you, Molli and Marty. Excited for you all!! That's unreal that house burned. I hate fires, scary. So glad it didn't damage mom and dad's house. Jim has a class scheduled right now for next Thurs., but will try to reschedule tomorrow, so if he can, I'd like to go too. I'll let you know. Thanks for the invitation. Love, Pam
AWESOME Pat on being another grandmother!! Congrats to Molli and Marty!!! I haven't seen a note posted on facebook yet so I'm thinking she's not announcing until now? That's great news! Can't believe that house burned!! Oh my gosh if Mom and Dad had been home!!! I shutter to think!!! I called LNC today to check on them and Donna said they were fine and nothing changed. They were both eating good. Jamie called me this morning and they were in South Dakota. They were shooting for around St. Louis today and Murray tomorrow. She thinks the retirement thing is 2 but will let us know. That would be awesome if we could all go together! Let's shoot for that!!! Okay, love to all, Judy
Okay, drumroll, MOLLI IS PREGNANT!!!! She is 11 weeks and the ultrasound and Dr. visit this morning showed everything to be great. They are so excited!!! Due date is Jan. 11. Start that baby shower planning, Jeanie! hee hee!
I would love to go to Jerry's retirement next week, so I'll be looking for the final plans. Jeanie, good luck on your appt. with Chad today. Hopefully, this will be the end of that!
By the way, the white house right next to Mother and Daddy burned last night! It's a total loss. I drove by this morning and it was unreal. It did no damage to Mom and Dad's house which is a miracle considering it looks about 3 feet between the two. The house on the other side did have damage. The girl's car was in the carport and it's a total loss also. Fires are scary!
Jerry and I went to LNC Tuesday morning. They were in the cafeteria waiting on their food - go figure! Dad looked good, but didn't always make a lot of sense. He said Jamie was supposed to be there and I told him it'd be a few days. Mother was her pitiful self. Anyway, they were just okay.
Jamie, keep traveling safely! love you, pat
I would love to go to Jerry's retirement next week, so I'll be looking for the final plans. Jeanie, good luck on your appt. with Chad today. Hopefully, this will be the end of that!
By the way, the white house right next to Mother and Daddy burned last night! It's a total loss. I drove by this morning and it was unreal. It did no damage to Mom and Dad's house which is a miracle considering it looks about 3 feet between the two. The house on the other side did have damage. The girl's car was in the carport and it's a total loss also. Fires are scary!
Jerry and I went to LNC Tuesday morning. They were in the cafeteria waiting on their food - go figure! Dad looked good, but didn't always make a lot of sense. He said Jamie was supposed to be there and I told him it'd be a few days. Mother was her pitiful self. Anyway, they were just okay.
Jamie, keep traveling safely! love you, pat
I'll post when I finish today. As for the results---I'm expecting nothing will change and we'll owe the maximum amount. Anyway, Pat and Pam---when we find out for sure the time, etc about Jerry's retirement ceremony --- it's this coming Thurs----do you all want to ride over to it, too? I'm thinking that we'll leave Thurs morning and depending on the time---either drive back or spend the night and come back Fri morning. Jamie said she thought it would be at either 2 or 4---didn't know for sure which one. It's probably about 4 hours or maybe even a little more from here---possibly about 4 and 1/2. It's at Fort Campbell, KY, not Murray. Think about it. Love you all, Jeanie
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Good luck tomorrow Jeanie on that Medicaid crap! I'm going with they give us NO break and then I won't be disappointed when they "stick it" to us!lol I'll be up next week to see them and then possibly off to Kentucky to Jerry's retirement. Jamie we need details!lol I read on face book they have abot 1,000 more miles and are currently in South Dakota! Go Jamie! Leisa is having a BALL at her Las Vegas convention and texted me tonight that they were sitting at a table with Brad Garrett (the tall guy from Everybody Loves Raymond) sitting right beside them! The hotel she said was the prettiest hotel she has EVER stayed in! She sent me pics and it is gorgeous! They big 8 ft windows look out at the city lights and airplanes landing, mountains all around. I'm glad she got to get away from work for a few days! Love to all, Judy
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
I went to see Mom and Dad this afternoon. They were both in bed asleep. I talked to Debbie about the new orders----they were for routine blood work this week. No big deal. She said that Dad had been better this morning----he had yelled some, but nothing like he's been doing. She said he was confused some, but that's the way it goes----sometimes out of it and sometimes better. His blood sugar was low, but she'd given him some cookies or something and it was back to 158. I guess he was ok. Anyway, Pat, also went to see them, too. She'll post later I'm sure. Jamie, I hope your trip across America is going well! FUN! Love you all, Jeanie
Monday, June 20, 2011
No idea about the orders for Dad. Pam went Sat, Sun and Monday and Debbie said today there was nothing new. NO clue! I don't like the confusion either but I can't for the life of me think what would be causing it. If it's dementia, it went South pretty fast! Glad you're home Pat and Jeanie both! Glad you both had good times!Love, Judy
I'm back! We had a great time! It was really fun, but it is nice to be home! As for Dad, I had a phone call on my answering machine about some new orders for Dad. The call came in Sat. Any ideas about what it is about? I'm sorry, but the confusion is still not making me happy! Just me, I guess, but I don't really understand the why of it! Congratulations to Jason and Casey! Good job on both! Be careful, Jamie on that drive! So much travelling going on! Love you all, Jeanie
So glad you had a good visit with Molli Pat! Casey is in the Army Reserves and finished bootcamp this past week. Pam told me that now he is off to the specialty school that will last till October 17 and then he will be finished. She said he would have some weekends free though and they would be able to use their cell phones and Skype. Leisa leaves for Vegas tomorrow for an APN National meeting as Jamie leaves from Washington heading home! Jerry will be flying home tomorrow too! Lots of traveling goin' on~! I plan on going to El Paso for Logan's birthday which will be July 29. I'm not sure when I'll leave or when I'll return but that's the only trip I have planned. Pat how did Marty's interview go? Hopefully it went well! Whatever well is! Could be a blessing either way!lol Love to all, Judy
Okay, we're back home! We had a great visit with Molli and Marty, but there's no place like home!! Our visit with Ona and Randall was great and I'm so glad we went. We had a good visit - got to watch Randall in his swim therapy and it was awesome. Bless Ona's heart, she's had a long year! She has been a real trooper and they are all blessed to have her so dedicated to his recovery. The whole family has been absolute proof that you do what you have to when life presents obstacles. I read the blog about the homecoming and it was a tearjerker for sure. Jerry and I will be going to LNC in the morning to check on Mom and Dad. Jamie, good luck on your trip! I got Jason's announcement and sent his card last week. Everybody hang in there! love you, pat.
Pam, is Casey joining the army?
Pam, is Casey joining the army?
Pam just left Mom and Dad and she said they are fine. They were both up in their chairs. Dad had showered but he of course already had tobacco stain on his shirt!lol But that's ok! Debbie said that there was nothing new to report. Dad's sugar was 154. He still mumbles of course and Pam said his teeth weren't in but she took care of that problem. She said she would pat and rub on Mom but there was no response but Dad could touch her and she would open her eyes and talk to him. She told himto quit that cause his hands were like ice!lol She couldn't stay through lunch because she had to run errands in Jboro and Jim has bible school tonight. Jamie looks like you can breathe today, get through Jason's graduation tonight and hit the road in the a.m.! AWESOME~~~~ I texted Ona today to see how the homecoming and sleeping in their own bed went and she said it was great! They went to bed about 10:30 and didn't even move till 7:30 this morning. Bless her heart! Hopefully all of you have read the journal entry for the homecoming and if not, get kleenex cause it's awesome. Love to all, Judy
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Pam just texted me that she had gone to see Mom and Dad and that they were fine. She said Dad ws up in his chair and roaming around. Mom was asleep but they got her up before Pam left. Mom is just Mom and there isn't a lot to really say about her other than she's pitiful. She's clean though and that's great! Dad was still confused but he wasn't hollering which is a plus! lol He was tired though and got away from Pam once and went to another lady's room and laid down on her bed! The lady was NOT happy!lol Big surprise there! I asked how he managed to get out of the chair and into a bed but Pam said it was low to the ground. She talked to him about things going on in the family and he responds but will then say something crazy. Dad was clean but she said he could use a haircut on his neck for sure. Maybe Jeanie can schedule that next week or so?? I'm sure yes!lol Oh and Pam took a couple of pictures and she was going to get Cary to help her post on here. She's going back again tomorrow and will let me know so I can post again. Happy Father's Day to all the brother in laws out there! Love, Judy
Saturday, June 18, 2011
The only thing to really add was that Dad's blood sugar was 308 I think Donna said. She said all her sugar's were high because of the cake and punch at the party. I believe she said Dad went to bed around 6:30 because he was just exhausted..I figure because of all the yelling and activity he'd had that day. Pam, I hope you can see them awake tomorrow...I'm anxious to hear if Dad seems any better! Jerry got here safe and sound! Just 3 more days!! Love you all, Jamie
Ok to start with I know that Jamie called last night to LNC and talked to Donna. Dad was calmer and Donna said that he just sometimes gets in the yelling phase--like it's been going on for a while. They were both in bed sleeping. I know they had both eaten okay at supper and Dad had drank all his liquids. Leisa said yesterday that as long as he is eating, drinking, peeing and no diarrhea and vomiting, that his potassium levels should stay ok. I think he's good with all of the above so hopefully that's not the issue with the yelling. Pam was going to go today at lunch, but due to storms around she went this afternoon. They were both in bed sleeping. They were both clean and looked good. Donna told her that Dad hadn't been hollering today. She said Dad had eaten good at breakfast but not so much at lunch. Mom had eaten good though. Pam is going again tomorrow but after church they'll probably be sleeping she figures, but then Monday she hopes to catch them awake. I'll post. Jamie if you know anything else to put on here about your conversation with Donna, please do. I've slept since then!lol Going out to eat tonight for Austin's birthday (it was the 12th but he was out of town). Love to all, Judy
Friday, June 17, 2011
Well, I did go to see Mom and Dad today for the Father's Day Reception. Dad was horrible again today. I mean he was yelling and just out of it. At first when he opened his mouth it was like he didn't really have his teeth in right. I said something about it to the girls---I thought he had his tobacco UNDER his teeth instead of just in his mouth. Well, they finally got the tobacco out and washed his teeth and had him rinse his mouth. That didn't really help with the talking, etc. I finally just took him outside thinking that that would help. He didn't want the cake or punch. I finally got him to take a bite of cake and he chewed then spit it out. I'm like: was that not good!?! I got him to take another bite and he picked up the punch and spit the cake into that! I think he thought the cake was tobacco! When I got up to throw all of that mess away, he stood up and was digging in a whole bowl of cigarette butts!!!!!!! I'm like: DAD, NO, YOU CAN'T DO THAT!!!!!! He just never was with it at all. I gave him his gift (I bought a long-sleeved t-shirt, a bag of sugar-free candy and a darling stuff bear---just wanted something sweet) and he never could figure out how to get it out of the bag! He did say 'you didn't have to' when I gave him the gift---which was good. I asked Debbie about him and she said he'd just been wound up today. Well, to me that's not 'wound up'! A pair of women that knew Pat and thought I was her, said that Dad had been yelling yesterday while they were there! What on Earth!?! No idea! Mom was in bed asleep---Debbie did not have the results of the x-ray, but she thought maybe Mom was at least the same and possibly some better. I checked on the eating and Dad was 100% for both meals today---Mom was 100% on breakfast and 50% at lunch. I just don't know. Maybe Dad has just taken a turn for the worse on the dementia thing. I'm anxious for someone to go and see if he's better because this has been two HARD visits for me! Good grief!!!!!!!!!! Ok, I'm off to straighten (Maggie and Macie just left) and pack for KY. Sounds like a fun weekend! Love you all, Jeanie
Thursday, June 16, 2011
I do know Jamie called LNC today to check on Mom and Dad and was told that they were okay. They had both eaten lunch. I don't think the person she talked to (believe it was Donna) mentioned the chest Xray. Hopefully it's okay. Maybe it's viral like Dad's was. Can't wait for you to eyeball them tomorrow Jeanie! Love to all, Judy
I did talk to the young guy that was working there last night after the incident with Oscar. He says that Oscar isn't a threat other than verbally telling people what to do! I will talk to Debbie about it tomorrow when I go. She seems to be really good and concerned about stuff. She called and left me a message that she had ordered a chest x-ray for Mom today. She said Mom was coughing and had eaten---just not as much as usual. Debbie watches. I will try to do the pic thing, but it's been a while since I've even tried to post a pic. Hopefully Pam can do it, too, in case I can't! Sorry! I did know Pat was going --- thought maybe it would be Sat. I did know Pam was gone to Casey's graduation --- didn't know when she'd be back. Ok, I'm pooped and am going to give myself a pedi and mani before going to bed --- maybe! LOL! Love you all, Jeanie
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Jeanie, I can't believe that about Daddy...what would have happened if you hadn't shown up when you did? Is there anyone we can talk to about this? I mean, there's been one confirmed hitting already...I just don't want Dad to be scared or bullied...that makes me sad. What happens if this man hits Dad again or punches him...will we even be contacted? And if so, what will they do? Who would have thought that we'd have to worry for his safety IN LNC? So glad they're having something for Father's Day! Could Dad use anymore long sleeve shirts or socks for Father's Day? I know they are both going to be so different than they were the last time I was there...I'll just be glad to get home. Jeanie, if you go on Friday, or Pam on Saturday-Monday, take a couple of pictures and post's sad for me, but at the same time, I love seeing them. I was looking at the picture that ya'll took of Mom the last time she was in the hospital...makes me think back to younger days. Jeanie, have a safe trip! Pat, have a safe trip! Pam, glad you got to spend time with Casey...he looks so good! Judy, stay inside where it's cool..saw it's really hot there! 6 days til I hit the road!! Love you, Jamie
Jeanie remember me telling you that Pat won't be home till Tuesday. Marty has that job interview with the marching military band and they're staying with Molli till he gets home on Tuesday. Pam won't be home till Friday and she said she could go Sat, Sun and Mon since you'll be gone Jeanie. I try to get it covered the best I can!lol I have nothing more to add about Dad. Sad! Love to all, Judy
Ok, Judy, the guy at the table that wouldn't swallow is Anthony Thomasella---he used to come in the store. Pat the couple you're talking about are the Lanes---Alvin and Jane. I saw his name for sure tonight on their door. He is tall (of course he's in a wheelchair), thin, bald, has long thin hands and long fingernails (LOL!) and reminds me of Mr Moore in looks. He's the guy that talked to me a long time about the roses that one day. Anyway, tonight when I went to see them, I could hear Dad yelling about the time I stepped inside the door. There's this big guy named Oscar that's there. Well, he's looking Dad's way (as I'm coming down the hall) and turns to go toward Dad. I take off in a huge hurry, grab Dad's wheelchair and move him. Well, here comes Oscar and wants to know what does Dad want, etc. I told him to go on that I had Dad and he was fine. He then goes 'he needs to straighten that' (pointing to the sofa in the commons area). I told him again to go away. Well, he kept coming back and circling and of course Dad kept yelling. I was afraid to leave before they put Dad in bed. I told Judy I thought Oscar is going to hit me a couple of times! I asked the guy working there tonight if Oscar was confrontational, and he said that Oscar thinks he's in charge of the facility and is always telling people what to do. No he said he wasn't confrontational. One lady asked why is that man yelling and was crying. I guess it scared her. Bless her heart and Dad's. He was awful. SOOO agitated and so out of it. He smiled real big and said there's my baby when he saw me---that's how he did that one night I think he thought I was Mom---Great! LOL! He was SOOOOO tired---he WANTED to go to bed. He kept saying he couldn't hold his eyes open, etc. I pushed him around the facility and took him outside thinking it would calm him down. It didn't. They put him in bed and I swear he was instantly asleep. Mom was Mom. I laughed though and thought WHY am I here---Dad was out of it and Mom knotted up her fist and hit at my hand when I touched her leg! LOL! They are putting Mom in bed now with a lift. It's really cool. It hooks to this 'cushion' thing under her in her wheelchair and hoists her up and over to bed. They said it was easier on Mom because she didn't like being handled and was to help her maybe avoid more skin tears because she doesn't fight this. Anyway, Jamie, I will be glad for you to get here. They are both just not getting any better mentally at all! Ok, I think that's it. OH! They're having a Father's Day Reception on Fri from 2 to 4. I'm going to try to make it. Pat and Pam, will either of you be here on Fri? I know Pat that you're going to Molli's. Are you going Fri or Sat? As for a gift, any suggestions for a group gift and I'll get it again. Ok, NOW, Love you all, Jeanie
If Nikki said that this man is mean, but especially mean to Daddy, that means she's observed at least a few acts of meanness toward Dad. Why has she not said anything to any of you? Wonder how long this has been going on? I think that's crazy..when Mom was having issues, they wanted to drug her! What have they done to squash this man's bad behavior? That makes me sad and mad! Poor Daddy! Six days from today I'm out of here...I'm so anxious to see them! I know it's already Wednesday, but are we doing something for Father's Day on Sunday? Pam, will you be the only one in the area on Sunday? If Jerry wasn't coming out here, he and Jerome could go and visit! Again, I'm just so ready to see them....Love you all, Jamie
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
I actually thought it was the man who was sitting there with the woman at their table when we got there Jeanie. They both had on green and the man wouldn't swallow. They eventually took him away and she was roaming so they let her eat at a table in the big room. Maybe not though cause that man didn't ever say anything. I thought they called the woman Jane though. No clue! Love to all, Judy
Hey, that's what I said---there's no way Nikki and the others worry about keeping them separated! No way. When Judy and I were there on Mon, Nikki was working with her phone during lunch. Judy told me that that guy is fixing to fall out of his chair. I looked and this guy was reaching for a glass. I got up, picked up the glass, put it on the table and Nikki hadn't moved! Not much looking! It just makes me mad that she said he didn't hit Dad----just swung at him---when she didn't see it! That's kind of typical for her. She downplays everything! I'm wondering if Alvin is Mr. Layne---his wife's name is Bobby. Do you know, Pat? Nikki didn't point the man out to me when I talked to her about the incident. Love you all, Jeanie
When I asked Nikki about this Alvin (the guy's name) she told me that he was mean to everybody, but that he especially did not like Daddy and that they tried to keep them separated. Obviously, they don't try very hard because when I got there the man was right next to Daddy and there was no staff in the room period! pat
Jeanie wasn't going to be able to go today, so I called LNC to check on them. Donna said Dad was much better than last week and he was up and about today. They of course haven't eaten supper yet and she made the comment she didn't know how well he was going to eat!lol I guess she knew that was my usual question! I told Jeanie too about your note Pat and she and I both are sick about the fact that they KNOW this man is violent to Dad and others and yet they blow it off! Nikki should have filled out an incident report! I think that's a requirement and if we complained to someone it would cause an investigation into LNC and I know they don't want that!!! Grrrrrrrrrr! Jeanie is going tomorrow and she said she would definitely speak to someone about the hitting! They told us Mom would have to go to behavioral modification and she hadn't even hit anyone at that time! Makes me sick to think about anyone hitting Dad for anything! Love to all, Judy
Hey, Margaret Mitchell had nothing on you! LOL! Good report! Not much to add really except to say Nikki said the guy didn't actually hit Dad---just swung at him! Oh, well, then that's ok!----NOT! She said they really watched them and kept them apart. I'm not a Nikki fan. I think she knows the least about what's going on of any of them--kind of in one of those 'ummmmmmm!' things! Anyway, I'm going to try to go back later this afternoon. I have Maggie this morning and early afternoon, then a few errands and then maybe I can go back. He truly did scare me yesterday. I mean, really scared me. Love you all, Jeanie
Monday, June 13, 2011
Ok here is a report on Jeanie and my visit to LNC today. When we first got there, Mom was in the dining room. She was fine-typical Mom with her eyes mostly closed and jabbering. She did have on one of the new outfits that I had gotten her, so that was good. Jeanie went to find Dad while I sat with Mom and then after a while I went to look for Jeanie and Dad both. Well as soon as I rounded the corner, I could tell by Jeanie's face Dad wasn't very good. One of the girls there had told Jeanie that she didn't know what was going on with Dad because he hadn't wanted to get up today and they had fed him breakfast in bed!! What???!!! He was mostly sleeping and/or not responding. He said he was cold and his skin was freezing so I have no doubt he WAS cold. His hands were cold even. Jeanie got him a sweat shirt jacket and then the prayer shawl quilt I had sent down with Jeanie. We rolled him to the dining room and he was literally sleeping with his head dropped forward in his chair at the table. I got pretty worried about him then too but he eventually roused up some and Jeanie got him coffee. He started watching some of the people in the kitchen area and jabbering some. I asked him if he remembered Pat was there yesterday and he said yes she was. I asked if Jeanie had been there and he said yes, and I asked if Judy had been and he said yes so I'm covered!lol When the trays came, he started right in eating while I fed Mom. Jeanie was off looking at the tv because there was supposedly a tornado in Leachville or somewhere close! It got black and poured down. They called a Code Yellow, Phase 1 while we were there (It had been totally hot and sunny when we went in!!!) We all had to stay in the dining room and away from windows. It didn't go to Phase 2 at least! Not sure what that would have entailed!! I was sitting there thinking" I'm going to die in this place with Mom and Dad and all these strangers!!!lol Luckily that didn't happen! Mom ate great!!! She is so good at eating and opens her mouth faster than you can put it in! She drank from her glass great too with that thickening stuff in it. She didn't have yogurt or ice cream either at first and of course I asked for it and they brought it without a problem. Jeanie helped Dad eat and I'm thinking he ate about 50% but maybe it was more. Jeanie said he ate enough and I heard him tell Jeanie he was about full and there was more food there than he could eat. Like I said, he was better when we left and was really tired. I personally think he was exhausted!! Nikki was there and I heard Jeanie talking to her about the incident with the other man that doesn't like Dad but not sure what was said so Jeanie will write something about that I'm sure. One of the girls said Dad had gone to bed at 8 and then Nikki said he was rowdy most of the night, so again not sure about what the story is. I really think the little nap Dad took perked him up. He was looking and smiling across the table at Mom too and commented about her liking to eat, lol. One of the male aides came in and was laughing and talking with Dad and Dad just smiled at him and you could tell he liked him a lot. Now Mom's clothes issue--I asked to speak to the laundry person and it was the one I thought, and her name is Shirley. She was super nice and I told her that half the stuff in Mom's closet was not hers. I told her that we bring things there and/or buy things that we want to see Mom in and the aides are pulling all these horrible things and putting on Mom. I told her that Mom was always so prideful and would have a fit if she could see what she was wearing most of the time. She told me that they had put some of a lady who had died clothes in Mom's closet and that is what she was wearing. She told me to take out all the stuff that we didn't want, wasn't hers, etc and she would haul it out. We took a garbage bag full out of there! She's left with about 5 outfits now so if anyone finds things for her and can take them down there, it would be great. Sweatpants without elastic at the ankles would be fine. Long sleeves I think is all she needs and nothing short sleeve because of her thin skin and also because it's cold there! Dad had gotten a shower earlier today and I think that's part of why he was cold. He also didn't have his hat on at first and he looks totally different without it! Dad probably doesn't need any shortsleeves in his closet either! Okay, I'm sure I left stuff out/off but I just drove home 3 hours and I'm pooped!lol If I think of anything more, I'll post again. Not the best visit but not the worst either! They were okay when we left which is better than reverse order! Love to all, Judy
Sunday, June 12, 2011
I do NOT like the 'guy' being mean to Dad! I'm wondering if this is Mr. Layne. He never sits with his wife in the dining room. He's a tall thin man that talks gruff. He's the one telling me about how to do roses. I'm going to ask tomorrow. Remember when Mom was first there and Michael Smith said that there'd be NO hitting, etc. That safety was a MAIN thing with them. He said that they'd send her out for behavioral therapy if it got bad. Well, what's the deal with this man!?! Did Judy misunderstand you Pat, or did the guy really hit Dad with a belt? I'm asking about this tomorrow! It's another one of those things of why hasn't anyone ever said anything about this to one of us or done something about the other man!?! Good grief! Love you all, Jeanie OH, Pat! The pics of your new car are so cute! I can't wait to see it in person! Stylin' is right! LOL!
I went to see Mom and Dad today. I waited until after 11:30 so they would be awake. They were in the dining room when I got there waiting on their food (as usual!). Dad seemed fine. He still had a cough, but he seemed to feel okay. He said, "Hey, Patsy" when I walked in so that's a good sign. I still didn't understand a lot he said, but that's nothing new. I told Judy when I got there, there was a man named Alvin pulled up to Dad's chair and he was being very ugly to Dad. He kept trying to get Dad to get a hold of him and when he would, the man would try to hit him! I went and got Nikkie and told her that this man was very mean and I didn't want him around Dad. She said that he was mean to everyone , but especially Dad. I told her to keep him away! After she moved him over by himself, he kept yelling at Nikkie, "Who's in charge here?" and she would say me and he would say, "Well, you haven't done a damn thing but stand there!" I had to laugh even though he was so hateful! I'm telling you he must be the bully of the nursing home. I was not happy about that situation. Mother was Mother - slumped over in her wheelchair with her eyes closed. She would mumble occassionally, but that's about all. I got Dad and the other 3 people at their table coffee. The man said, "But I don't have any money!" and I told him he didn't need any and that he could have all he wanted. Well, I ended up getting him 3 cups! hee hee! Anyway, not too bad a visit. Mother still had on the flowered capris and a blue pullover shirt. I don't understand the clothes situation. Why would we have to label everything and list everything if they just ignore it all. Stupid! Okay, I guess I'll go for now.'
Oh, I got a new car yesterday! It is awesome and I absolutely love it . It's a Nissan Juke - loaded with everything! It looks like a cross between a sports car and an SUV. Google "Nissan Juke photos" and look at it! I am stylin'!!! love you, pat
Oh, I got a new car yesterday! It is awesome and I absolutely love it . It's a Nissan Juke - loaded with everything! It looks like a cross between a sports car and an SUV. Google "Nissan Juke photos" and look at it! I am stylin'!!! love you, pat
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Good grief Jeanie you are the babysitting queen!lol I hate you did an extra bed cleaning/making! I have a sore throat tonight but hoping it will be gone tomorrow. I know it's sinus and shouldn't be contagious or anything. We got a sprinkle of rain tonight and that's it! Dang, I wanted a big ole rain!!! I think Jboro got it though, didn't you?Good for you! I should be there tomorrow night Jeanie and you can do another bed the following day! Are you sure you don't want to at least open a laundry service?lol Love to all, Judy
I'm glad they still seemed like they were getting better. There are several there with the same thing. I figure it's like school in that it 'goes around' to just about everyone. The day they brought the trays to the big commons room for us, they got there pretty dern quick, too. Good for Pam for staying and waiting and all of that. Good job! Ok, I've still got kids. Jon and Mollie missed their connecting flight in Charlotte, NC, and instead of getting into Memphis at 6:57 tonight --- it will be them getting into Memphis tomorrow morning at 8:35!!!!! I had already stripped Grant's bed and washed and put it back together! That will teach me to jump the gun and expect things to go as planned, huh!?! Love you all, Jeanie
Pam went to see Mom and Dad today. She said they were good but Dad still mumbles. Dad said he hoped they could go home soon! When she was leaving he asked her what he needed to do now. I told her that I really don't think Dad is talking about "home" as in the house on Poplar. I might be burying my head but that's what I need to believe at least! She sent me a video of both of them. She was trying to get Mom to talk but she did half way at least open her eyes. Dad was mumbling to where I couldn't hear him on the video. He said lunch was good and that's about all I heard. They were having an anniversary party at LNC today so Pam didn't get to ask about the medications because she wants to SEE that Dad isn't getting anything to make him groggy. She NEEDS to see if she has doubts~! I personally am convinced he doesn't. Pam said his cough and cold were much better but it sounded like everyone there had the same thing he had! When she first got there they were both asleep but she waited till them got them up for lunch. Nikki asked her if she was staying for lunch and Pam told her yes, so they brought their lunches to the main dining room asap. She said they both ate ok and were clean and good. Mom had the blue top on today that I had gotten her but she once again had on those wild capris! Those are in the trash come Monday when Jeanie and I go unless of course Mom has them on again!!! What's up with those ugly things??? It's like the Hawaii that won't die!lol Love to all, Judy
Friday, June 10, 2011
I went to see Mom and Dad today. Dad looked SO much better: his color was good, he didn't look sick like he did Wed, he made some sense and just all around was so much better. He told me he'd had a bad cold. True! He ate quite a bit of his lunch. Oh, by the way, I asked Debbie about the Ensure. She said he didn't have orders for it, but they may have given it to him when he wasn't eating the last couple of days. Makes sense. Anyway, Mom ate good, looked good and opened her eyes and talked. I asked her if the cake and ice cream was good and she said yes. Anyway, not a bad visit. I was so glad to 'see' Dad and see how much better he looked. I forgot to ask Debbie about the results of the chest x-ray; and when I thought of it, she had already gone to a nurses' meeting. Hey, I'm assuming he's on the mend and that's what matters about that! Love you all, Jeanie
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Ok, just got off the phone with Donna..9pm your time..She said Dad had his xray around 6-6:30, should have the results tomorrow after 10am. She did think Dad was feeling better, still had his cough, but didn't seem as tired and run down. He had no fever, but she did give him tylenol to help with aches and pains she said. His blood sugar was 160 something before dinner and 200 something (her words) after dinner so he did get his insulin tonight. He ate 75%..mostly consisted of his jello, dessert and bread, but he did have all his Ensure. Judy and I both said we didn't even realize he'd been given Ensure,but whatever, he drank all of his!! Donna said he drank 25% of additional liquids. He'd had a snack, but only ate 25% of it, a sandwich, but all his apple juice. Wonder if peanut butter and crackers might be something Dad would eat better than a sandwich? All in all, a pretty good report. Let's hope the chest xray is clear and this is a virus and it'll just run a quick course. Hope everyone is enjoying the weather!! We actually had sun again today and high of 72. Makes me so much peppier when it's like this!! Love to all, Jamie ps Today is 12 days and counting!!
A virus---how ingenious! I was trying to think of everything and never even thought about a virus! Bet that's right. I'm glad they're redoing the chest x-ray---just in case! You never know. I'll go tomorrow to see them and hopefully he really real be a lot better! Good news there! Ok, still cleaning. Love you all, Jeanie
Okay, Pam didn't get to go today so I called and talked to Donna about Dad. She said he seemed maybe a little better but they had reordered his chest xray and it would be done tonight. She said there were a couple they were doing again. Not sure exactly why but maybe they think something was missed. He had asked for his tobacco about supper time too and she told him he was on his way to the dining room to eat and then she would make sure he got it. I asked about temp and she said it was low grade-like 99. Leisa still guesses it's a viral infection but we'll see what the xray shows. Jamie is going to call after supper to see how much he ate and about his blood sugar. She'll post after that. Love to all, Judy
I called Debbie this morning before lunch to check on Dad and she said she thought he was some better. He was still sick but maybe not as much. He was up and rolling around in his chair. She said he ate about 75% at breakfast too so that's good. She hadn't checked his fever yet when I called and that was on her list of to do. Pam is going by today and if she texts me, I'll either post for her or she'll post herself. Hopefully he's better visually! Love to all, Judy
I had to go to Chad's office today to take more papers for them to send to DHS. According to Chad NOW, we can protest Sept but not Aug. You know---whatever! I'm ready for this to be decided. I'll study through the papers before going there on the 23rd, but right now I'm expecting it to be we'll pay everything from Aug through April 28th. I did call Central Pharmacy and Dad's bill did finally clear with the check I wrote. Mom still owes $197.?? for the months of Aug and Sept + some co-pay since Oct. Both of their prescriptions are now like anywhere from $1 to $4 each! Pretty cool! They had had Mom owing $1141.?? so $197.?? is much better! Ok, I'm just trying to straighten so I can clean. You would not believe how many items I've washed! LOL! I did 13 pillowcases yesterday alone! LOL! It was fun though, and Grant and Mak come back tomorrow night to stay until Jon gets home some time Sat! Ok, Love you all, Jeanie
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
I talked to Leisa about Dad and without seeing him, reading his chart, etc., her BEST guess is that it's a viral infection--probably viral bronchitis or viral upper respiratory. She said if it is viral, there really isn't anything you can do but treat the symptoms, i.e. cough syrup, tylenol, etc. These are the exact things they're giving him now. We'll just have to watch and see I guess at this point. If he starts running a fever, starts hacking up stuff, then we can go with asking for another chest xray or blood work again. It's a puzzle for sure! Love to all, Judy
Pat I had to laugh out loud at the end of yours when you said unfortunately you had to come up to breath! I know exactly how that is! I have to breath every now and then, but then zooom my head goes under. I have to bury my heart actually and just go with the head! Hard to do, but it's called surviving! As for any ideas, none from me. I'm going to talk to Leisa when she gets off work. I tried texting her today but she said she was so stressed with the huge workload today that she was to the point of chest pain and crying so I'm leaving her alone till she's off. I can't imagine any other suggestions. I did call and talk to Jamie and she and I both just guess it's related to his sinus. Without fever you wouldn't think infection but a new chest xray wouldn't hurt! I'll post if I find out anything from Leisa. Love to all, Judy
Jeanie is right. She and I both saw every day how horrible it was for them living there. I too was terrified that I'd walk in and find one or both of them dead and that's not something I wanted to have to live with. There was absolutely no choice for us - in fact, we put it off longer than we should have. It's a miracle that they both came out unharmed. I know it doesn't make it any easier, but that's how it is. I've already told Molli that if Jerry and I live to that point to put us somewhere to be taken care of. It's the only fair and humane thing to do! The reality is that when you reach their age you're not going to be self-sufficient. Ideally, we live happily ever after, but unfortunately, ideally rarely happens and we have to go to plan B. As Judy says, I try to keep my head buried in the sand, but when Dad called the other night I had to come up and breathe and it wasn't fun! We will survive!!! Love you all, pat
Ok, quick post. I did go see Mom and Dad. Mom looks great, ate great and the whole thing. Dad---well, Dad is sick. With what? not sure. Everything they've done has been 'fine'. Urine test, blood work, blood sugar, temp, x-ray---all ok. HOWEVER he is sick! He looks bad, he acts bad and he sounds bad. I really like Debbie and she's good. I asked her about ANYTHING else to check and she couldn't think of anything either. It will be 2 weeks tomorrow since I asked about a urine test and he's still confused (big time) and sick. He didn't eat but very little at lunch and not much at breakfast and yesterday. I asked when the doc would come for rounds---end of the month. Re-do x-ray? She was going to see about that. Anyw suggestions? Anyone have an idea? Love you all, Jeanie
My struggles with guilt and shame where Mom and Dad are concerned are based on the fact that those conversations between Mom,Dad and I occurred about nursing homes and promises that were made to them..I realize then and now are different, but still in my head, things were said and promises were made, the fact that I've been married to a military man that took me away from home where I've been an absentee daughter and the sadness of me and my boys missing out on being a big part of their lives and vice versa. I KNOW that something had to be done...that was even MORE confirmed when we started cleaning out their house and finding all we found. I know we..really you there, because again, I wasn't there; tried and worried and worked and struggled and did EVERYTHING you could to try and keep things good, but it got to a point in the road where a major decision had to be made. It was a hard decision,but the right one. Again, this is where my guilt comes in, I wasn't there to help with that move, to "be there" for were, and I'm so thankful for that, but I wasn't and I feel like I should have been..I feel like I let them down..not that I would have done things differently, just that I should have been there too. All things I continue to try and have closure on. I know they are exactly where they need to be and I'm so thankful that they are together and still have each other..I only wish they were together at home 10 years younger, but that is not reality! For me, I think moving closer will help me come to terms with my struggles...I don't know how much time I'll have with them..out of my hands, but I know it will be more than I've been able to have over the last 4 years and for this I am thankful. Love you all and hope to see you soon...Jamie
Ms M, I couldn't have said it better if I'd tried! You are good at putting my thoughts into words!lol Let's just be thankful that we all dodged a major bullet with Mom and Dad because something very very serious could/would eventually have happened. I'd be sick if someone from Protective Services had come in and took them away from us! Oh my coconuts as Peyton says!lol We're all fortunate!~ Can't wait to see how they are today Jeanie and will be anxiously awaiting your blog! Love, Judy
Hey, I'm fixing to head to LNC, but before I go, I want to add something to this train of thought. Sometimes we all make decisions that require tough love. Those are the hardest ones to make and the ones we keep coming back to along our entire lives! The decision to place Mom and Dad required that same tough love. They could NOT do it be themselves and could NOT do it with someone there 24 hours either. They were not getting the care they deserves and needed---that the tough love part. We didn't 'throw them away' and 'put them somewhere that was easy'---that's one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. It's still hard---not because I second guess the decision---that's not it at all---not one bit. It's hard because IF I had my 'druthers---this is not how their lives would have wound up. We have prolonged their lives---I have no doubt. I used to dread everyday going over there because I was SURE I'd walk in one day and find one or both of them dead! That's not being loving letting them live in that type of setting! I mean, if I'm to that point---do SOMETHING----don't leave me there to an act of fate or malice or accident to let me lay for possibly hours in pain and fear!!! Not loving to do that! I'm sorry, but loving them as we do required some tough decisions on our part. After that, it requires continued caring---being their eyes, ears, advocates----we haven't abandoned them---we're tried to be sure they're cared for in an humane way! Something eventually happens to all of us--it's life. Do we like it? I think NOT, but it's going to happen regardless of how well WE plan and scheme and think! We can't control everything---you know I'd love to with my OCD as Judy says, but we can't! The circimstances that led to Mom and Dad going to LNC were out of our hands. We TRIED, and TRIED, and TRIED! It's just hard. Love you all, Jeanie Ok, my spell check isn't working so I'm going to apologize for any and all errors of that type! Sorry! LOL!
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Guess who??lol Okay, let's see if I remember where to pick up my story! I called back down again after supper and spoke to Donna yet again (this was phone call 5 for me today!!!Yikes I'm getting a reputation with them!) She said that Mom ate really good but Dad didn't eat as much. She said he did drink most of his liquids though and did eat some. She said he was hoarse and has a scratchy throat and she didn't think he felt very good. She said his blood sugar was 88!!! I told her that he could NOT have a blood sugar of that low and that she needed to go give him some cookies. I reminded her that he does much better with higher than lower and that I didn't care if it was 300 because that was better than 88. She said she was going in there now and would do that. I texted Jamie and asked her to call back in an hour or so to ask how the blood sugar was running cause I really don't want to hack them all off by continuing to call every few hours!lol Jamie did call and talked to Donna and evidently they did give Dad cookies because it was up to 258!lol She said that he didn't want his sandwich (they evidently give dad a sandwich and juice for his night time snack)but he did drink all his juice. Donna said he usually stays up later than Mom but tonight he was tired and was already in bed. I'm hoping this is just a cold or sinus thing since the chest xray was negative but we'll see. Donna said that they had standing orders for Robitussin if they needed it but Dad wasn't really coughing so they hadn't given it to him. Let's see what fun things tomorrow brings!lol Love to all, Judy
I'm baaaaack!!!lol I called LNC and talked to Becky about Dad's chest xray and she said it came back fine without any infection. I guess we assume it's sinus or just a cold at this point! I asked how they were doing and she said she really didn't know but she would transfer me to the nurse. Of course it was dumb Donna! She NEVER knows anything and never can answer a question! I asked how they were, well she really didn't know because they were just getting Dad up. She said she really didn't remember Debbie saying anything about them or what they were doing and I told her that Dad had had a chest xray but it was fine according to Becky. She said well I don't know if they did one or not and I said THEY DID AND BECKY HAS THE RESULTS!!!!! I asked how they ate at lunch--well I don't really know and I said ok, let's do it this way!!I'll call you after supper and THEN you can tell me how they ate! Is that okay with you and she said yes it was! Grrrrrrrr she's dumber than a stack of bricks!!! I'll call later and yes I'll post yet again! I know you are all tired of my notes!lol Oh and Ona called me and was crying because she went down to Speech today after Howie left and Randall was sitting there with a dozen roses and had signed his own name to a card because their 48th wedding anniversary is tomorrow. I had to remind her about what she has and not what she's lost. My heart aches for her but yet she DOES still have Randall and that is such a blessing!!! Love to all, Judy
Well aren't I getting to be the blogger!lol 2 times in just a few hours! Ok, Jody worked last night at the hospital but she stopped in to see Mom and Dad on her way home. She said that they were both ok but that Dad was pale and coughing. Pam told her that they had done a chest xray yesterday and Jody said good because she thought he had an upper respiratory infection. Jody was tired and her emotions were running high but of course she was sad that they were both sitting in their wheelchairs staring at each other. After Pam's text, I called Debbie to see if they had the results of the chest xray and Debbie said that Becky had gotten them this morning and had faxed his along with 3 or 4 others who are sick over to Dr. Partan or whatever his name is!lol She said that they should start them on something later today depending of course on the results. She didn't know what the xray said herself so I of course called back down to ask Becky what the results were and who answered the phone??? Debbie!lol Becky was in a meeting. I asked Debbie the first time I called how they were and she said that Dad wasn't as confused as he had been. They were both eating and drinking great and in fact Dad had gotten 2nd helpings yesterday at lunch. I asked about his blood sugars and they're all running great=-=no highs and no lows. I'm sure Jeanie or I one will call to see about the results later and will post. Love to all, Judy
Jamie I know how hard this is for you and you're right in that part of it is because you weren't here to see that they had changed SOOOOO much from the Mom and Dad that you made those promises to! THAT Mom and Dad wouldn't have EVER been put somewhere in a home because those Mom and Dad were well and healthy~! Making those promises to them when you were just a kid isn't the same thing as making that promise to them when they were in such HORRIBLE living conditions over at the house! I hate that you have so much guilt and stuff over this and look at it as a horrible thing WE did when all you were really promising them is that you would do the best you could by them and take care of them the best you could and unfortunately this IS the best we could do! No sisters could have done more unless we all moved into a group home with all of our families and took turns taking care of them as if WE were the nursing home. That's really the only other solution that I know of and it is NOT an option on hundreds of levels!! I hope when you get "home" that you can come to peace with this whole thing about woulda/coulda/shoulda. I truly and honestly feel ok with everything because I KNOW that it was the only thing for THEM!! I'm so sorry that you aren't "ok" with all of it. You're absolutely right too that we're going to get through all of this together cause we're sisters and that's what we do! Love to all, Judy
Monday, June 6, 2011
Just checking in and reading the blog. All of this with Mom and Dad hurts me and I have so much guilt and shame and feel like I've let them down. I wish I could do all the things I promised them I would do...I have prayed and cried about this so much...I'm crying now. I keep trying to convince myself that this is/was our last/best option,but then I hear them telling me not to put them in a home, not to just throw them away and forget them. I know all the arguments/reasons/pros/cons/blah blah blah for everything, I just can't get passed the fact that it feels wrong. I hope that so much of what I'm dealing with internally comes from the fact that I've been so far away from home the last 4 years when they/things really started getting bad. I also hope that moving closer and getting reengaged in them and what's going on with them will help me...I've felt out of the loop/removed the last 4 years because geographically I have been. I just continue to pray and cry and try to deal. I'm glad we have each other, because nobody knows the heartache of all of this unless they're going through it or have survived it already. Love you all, Jamie
I know you do Patsy! We all wish for what we had! I still think about calling Mom every day around 4 because I called her everyday from the time she broke her hip! I will always hear her say "Cooking Suuuupper" like she always did when I asked her what she was doing. I always said "Hi Precious what are you doing" and that was my reply. Sometimes she would correct herself and say well no not cooking but doing the Those memories of them is what I hold on to because those days are gone for sure! They will always be precious to me, no matter if they know me or not and no matter where they are living! I love them dearly and know how much they love/loved us all. We were lucky girls!! Love, Judy
Judy, you're totally right. I know as well as anyone that there's no way they could have stayed in their house much longer. We are lucky that they made it safely as long as they did. It's just hard! I want to see them sitting on their porch drinking coffee or taking a walk down the road like they always used to do. I know that will never happen, but it's nice to think about. We have done what we had to do, no doubt about it. I just feel so sad for them! love you, pat
I know how much we all hate Dad being confused and it upsets us but we have to realize too that Dad's had issues off and on since 2006! That's when he had his stroke. I know that none of us have forgotten all the phone calls to Jeanie and Pat, especially you 2! I would give anything if there was a logical treatable diagnosis for Dad but I personally don't think there is. I talked to Pam today and she worries that Dad is being given some drug and my suggestion was that she tell the nursing staff she wants to SEE the medication records and then she can put that to rest. I am totally without a doubt convinced he is NOT getting anything to alter his mindset because trust me they would be charging out the nose for it and there aren't any charges that aren't explainable on the insurance list that Jeanie has. I know without any doubt too that we have done the totally right thing by Mom and Dad all along and will continue to do that. All of these words I'm saying with my head but I know you all know that my heart hurts because this was necessary. I have to say too that when we first even started talking about the possibility that one day we'd have to do something with them, I prayed a LOT and totally turned all of this over to God. I don't mean to sound "preachy" or anything but I'm just saying that for ME, I know God is in control of all of this and it will all be according to his will. Now is the time for making peace with all of this if there are issues about it that you/we had done differently. For me-as much as I hate it--it was and is the totally right thing to do when you try to leave your heart out of it. They were in desperate need of help and we got it for them. Dad said when we went there that first day that he "sure needed help". Gosh I hope this doesn't sound mean or hateful because I love you all and we all love Mom and Dad. We will be ok. Love, Judy
Debbie called and left a message on my answering machine today about Dad. She said he was more confused than he was Thursday when she last worked and seemed to have an upper respiratory infection. She'd ordered an x-ray and they had already taken it, but no results yet. I called Nikki and asked if there was anything that she could think of that might be causing this. She was pretty blunt and said you know he has a diagnosis of dementia and that's the way it is. I'm like but he just seemed to be getting worse and there had to be a medical reason. She said no---everything had been checked and she knew our concerns because of past problems. She said he has good days and bad days and that's how it goes. I asked about the phone call to Pat. She knew nothing about it, but she said some days he talks about home and other days he talks about Missouri and the war and all kinds of things. I WANT there to be a logical reason and one that can be treated with medicine, but I guess there isn't one---not one Judy, Leisa, myself or LNC can think of to check. If anyone has an idea, post away. Ryan is coming tomorrow to pick up the girls. They'll head out Wed, I'm guessing. I'm picking up Grand and Makenzie tonight to stay with me through 6:00 pm Wed and then back on Fri to stay until Jon gets back on Sat. I hope to go down either tomorrow or Wed for sure. I hate all of this for Dad, but Dad has had issues in the past and present, too. Maybe it is just getting worse. Anyway, love you all, Jeanie
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Yuck is about all I got! I like/want to believe that Dad doesn't really think of "home" as that place where he and Mom lived. Maybe he thought he was at the casino or somewhere like he's done a million times and wanted someone to come get him. He did that when he was at home on Poplar and maybe it's a continued thing like that. He KNOWS he can't go home alone and he wouldn't without Mom anyway! With Mom there, that is home. I hate that for you Pat and know how horrible it would be! Pam has said he's asked her about leaving and going home but thankfully he's never really talked about that much with me. I'm so sorry! I too am saddened and sick about it all! I feel in my heart though that we did/are making the right decision for Mom/Dad. You all know it's true!!! We all do! I'm sorry it's like this but it just is! Love to all, Judy
Oh Pat...I know that hurt so bad...what did you say to him? I fielded a couple of calls like that from Dad when he was in rehab after his stroke and THOSE made me sick and I knew he was coming home soon, so I can't imagine how you felt. Poor Daddy...that just makes me cry...are we doing right by Daddy having him there? I'm so sad....Jamie
Well, about 6:00 my phone rang and it was a girl from LNC saying Daddy wanted to talk to me. I could not understand anything he said except, "I want to go home". He said several other things but I couldn't understand him. It really upset me!! That's when I feel like just sitting down and crying and then going to get him. I asked the girl if he was okay and she said he was - he just wanted to talk to someone on the phone. I am very sad! pat
Pat I would love to believe that LNC was really afraid of Jeanie and I but trust me they aren't!lol You're right too in that a lot of the things that go on in nursing homes is pretty much ALL of them. I think LNC is as good as any and a lot of the people really care about Mom and Dad. That's the most important thing! We have to be the eyes and ears for them though and that's why our visits are so important. Off to Leisa's for supper! Love it! Thanks sisters too for all the sweet comments about the wedding. I just always want to do what Dean would want me to and going was the right thing. I'm glad I went too and it could have been 120 out so 98 was ok!!!lol Love, Judy
OMG! Jamie that was TOO funny! I'm with you---whew as to the washcloth! I sat here and laughed out loud at the whole scene! That is so funny and so true to motel/hotel living! LOL! Hey, the good news is that your time is rapidly drawing to a close there, too! YEA! You and Randall will both be heading home at about the same time! LOL! Good job! Judy the wedding stories were so sweet. That family really was a good friend to Dean---those things don't go away. You definitely did the right thing by going. They would have really missed you if you had not! You were the only one who could have represented your family! Good for you! Ok, I'm fixing to sit down for a minute. Hope all is well for everyone. Love you all, Jeanie
Jamie, you are too funny!! Judy, your wedding story was SO touching; it made me cry! Jeanie, so glad the wedding went well! Did Nancy and her parents come? hee hee!
Jerry and I went to LNC this morning. They were both sound asleep in bed - Dad with his hat on! The girl working said they had been fine and had both eaten all their breakfast. I'm thinking they don't tell us everything - they're probably afraid of Jeanie and Judy! hee hee! Glad ya'll stay on top of things. I guess I'm just too trusting and believe what ever they say when I know it's not always the true picture. I really believe that the situation is basically the same in every nursing home even though some are worse than others. There's just no other solution, so we're kind of between a rock and a hard place. I try not to dwell on the depressing aspects because I know there's nothing else we can do. This heat is horrible! I can't believe we're already having upper 90 temps. and it's only the first of June. I don't even want to think about July and August! love you, pat
Jerry and I went to LNC this morning. They were both sound asleep in bed - Dad with his hat on! The girl working said they had been fine and had both eaten all their breakfast. I'm thinking they don't tell us everything - they're probably afraid of Jeanie and Judy! hee hee! Glad ya'll stay on top of things. I guess I'm just too trusting and believe what ever they say when I know it's not always the true picture. I really believe that the situation is basically the same in every nursing home even though some are worse than others. There's just no other solution, so we're kind of between a rock and a hard place. I try not to dwell on the depressing aspects because I know there's nothing else we can do. This heat is horrible! I can't believe we're already having upper 90 temps. and it's only the first of June. I don't even want to think about July and August! love you, pat
Jeanie, so glad the wedding was nice and you should be proud of your're an awesome bunch no doubt!! How special to have all your grandkids with you...I hope someone got a picture of that..very special!! Judy, you're right, we just have a pretty darn good family all around...a person could do a heck of a lot worse!! :) Loved the stories of Jessica's wedding...those moments made it worth sitting on rock hard chairs and melting in the heat for sure!! I survived my night alone without Jason...barely...couldn't sleep really...funny, no matter how old your kids get, you still worry don't you? Living here in the hotel has been interesting to say the least...yesterday I was sitting outside on the patio enjoying the sun and working a crossword puzzle. Along came Bonqueque in her 2 tone cornrows, painted on size 18 jeans with 4 inch stillettos to sit at the table across from me. She's talking on a cellphone and digging through her purse. She pulls out a hotel washcloth and nail polish remover and begins to take the old nail polish off her toes. I couldn't believe it..a hotel washcloth!! I hope I don't get that with my next batch of clean amount of bleach could make me believe that washcloth was clean enough!! Right after that, a very heavy set lily white man dressed only in boxers and white knee high socks and black slippers came out on the patio to help his Korean wife carry in groceries...relaxing patio moment destroyed..along with my retinas...went inside!! 16 days and counting!! Love you all, Jamie
Saturday, June 4, 2011
SO glad the wedding was awesome along with her family/friends, etc. I know you were proud of the kids and grandkids and that's when we all realize what an AWESOME family we are in! We are all SO blessed!!! TYhank you Lord!! As for the wedding I went to, it was ok. It was hotter than snot! We had fans that they handed out with their name and date but it was still roasty! The seats were hard like bleachers and there were ants on them! The "pond" they stood in front of was kinda yuck looking too. Her dress was not my taste at all but it was pretty. It was ivory lace all over and had a mid back lace veil. Marc's oldest son Christopher was there (they have been estranged for years) because they are trying to reconcile their family. Dean loved Christopher like a son and it hurt him when he had to chose between Marc and Chris but of course chose Marc. Christopher hugged and hugged me though and said he was so sorry about Dean and how much he loved him. It was sweet. Right after the ceremony when we were all still standing there, Marc saw me and came around the seats to hug me and asked if he could show me something even though it might make me sad. He had the "boot" coin that Jerry had given him at Dean's funeral. He carries it everywhere. He cried after that because I told him that I HAD to come to the wedding because IF you can send your spirits somewhere after you die, Dean was there because he wouldn't have missed Jessica's wedding. Katy told me that Jessica found a dime this week and said "Thank you Uncle Dean". It was sweet. Anyway, glad it's over and glad I went. Jamie, GREAT job on that house stuff! Can't wait for you to get there and work on it because that means you're HOME! Yeaaaaaaa! Love, Judy
Quick note. The wedding WAS so pretty and Jon, Molli, Aaron, Grant and Makenzie all looked awesome! Mak cried during the wedding which upset me---they are great kids and I don't want them hurting in any way. I asked her after if she was ok, and she told me she started to cry because Molli was crying. Mak looked absolutely beautiful---I'm serious! George Horn was there and he said when he first saw her he was thinking wonder who that is! He then realized it was Mak. Anyway, it was all so nice: th e wedding, the reception, her parents, her family---it was all really nice. They had put a lot of thought/work into the whole thing, too. I laughed because they DID walk the mothers in---YIKES! When they walked me out, I was carrying Maggie! LOL! She'd been crying and sat in my lap the whole time of the wedding. I figured if I tried to put her down and explain, it would be another crying fit----so, I just carried her out with me! LOL! Hey, they may as well see the reality of the fam. My fam was so nice down there today---all of them except Ryan and Bryan. I'm proud of how they are and how they conduct themselves and how they all looked, etc. Bruce and I stood in the receiving line with 6 of our 7 grandkids! LOL! He held Maggie, and I had Dylan and Pepper and Makenzie standing with me. Aaron and Grant stood on the other side of Bruce. It was really sweet. Fara brought Macie over near the end and we stood there with all 7 of them! Pretty cool! Ok, the two here are calling my name. Love you all, Jeanie OH, Jamie, BOTH things arrived yesterday (Friday). Thank you---that was sweet. I'm fixing to write ANOTHER check for Dad's payment difference for June this week. LOL! I'll need you to write another check to me! sad it's just repayment and not just fun money! LOL! Thanks for the well wishes, you all, really!
Just checking in!! Jeanie I too hope the wedding was awesome...Jon deserves this happiness!! I hope my card for them made it to your house this week and I hope your letter/check made it too!!:) Let us know details on the wedding!:) Glad Daddy's tests were all ok...hope he stays that way!! Jason is camping with his girlfriends family this weekend so I'm on my own...kind of lonely..but I've always been good at entertaining myself!! All my furniture made it to the house yesterday with no issues. The crating people came out today and uncrated the clocks...alls well and the grandfather is ticking away. The other 3 need cleaning and the guy who came out today is a traveling antique clock guy who comes to Murray once every 2 weeks or more often if he has business...he left his card so I'll get them all checked this Summer and in good working order!! Jerry and Jerome were diligently working on setting stuff up today..anxious to see my house!! Talked with Teresa, our home builder who's also building our sunroom, plans are getting very close...I worked on plan number 3 on Wednesday and depending on the answers from the heating/air con guy, construction could begin in about a week!! I've been living in chaos here, I'm walking into chaos there...what doesn't kill you makes you stronger right?!! :) Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend..even you Judy in the 100 degree heat!! ha ha Love you, Jamie
Pam went to see Mom and Dad and she said Dad was still confused but not agitated and in a good mood. They both looked good and were clean. Mom had on those stupid Hawaiian capri pants which aren't hers and need to be pitched! She said that they told her that they were going to draw routine blood work on both of them--some they do every 3 months?? Not sure what but that they would call Jeanie with the results. Just giving you a heads up Jeanie!lol I did talk to Jeanie and she said that Jon's wedding was beautiful! Can't wait to see pics! Ok, off to shower (why? no clue since I'm going to be outside and sweating like a pig as soon as I get to the wedding!!!lol) Oh, I talked to Ona too and she's doing good. Mert and Betty were there and would stay from Friday till Monday visiting with them. Denita and Howie plus grandsons will be there tomorrow too. She said 2 weeks from today they would go home. You could hear the apprehension in her voice but she said that she would have lots of help with Denita and family next door and Home Health would come out she was told the day after she got home! I don't know how long or how often they'll come help her but I know she'll feel better when she has a routine down with how to do all the things she'll have ahead of her. Extra prayers still needed. Okay, that's it! Love to all, Judy
Pam told me yesterday that she was going by to see Mom and Dad today. She'll text me and I'll blog for us. Jeanie I hope the wedding was awesome and that Jon and Mollie will be soooooo incredibly happy!!! You have gained a daughter! I on the other hand are dreading the wedding of Marc and Katy's daughter tonight OUTSIDE at 6 p.m. in Little Rock at some fancy place called Alda's Magnolia Hill! It's suppose to be 100 today. Yikes!!!! Viv was suppose to meet me but she called and Cameron (her grandson) was in a wreck yesterday and she said she was so stressed about things! He's fine but it was his fault (some lady motioned him through a light and another guy rain through yellow) and no one was injured but they spend most of the day yesterday dealing with it all. She has a lot of health issues anyway and she can't take the heat cause she has high blood pressure anyway and it makes it worse. So I'm going alone to the outdoor wedding in the hot temp! Fun!!!! NOT! Love to all, Judy
Friday, June 3, 2011
I called back this afternoon about 3:30 to see if Dad's potassium level was on the chart but Donna said she would page Becky and I could check with her. Becky said she hadn't looked yet but she would if I called her back in 10 minutes. 15 minutes later I called and she had the results and she said they were all fine. The potassium level was right in the middle between high and low and the urine showed no infection. I said something about checking his electrolytes and she said that all of that was part of the test they had just finished and they were all good. She said in fact some were improved over the last set they had for him. She said that he seemed better today and that he and Mom were sitting in the big room side by side and he wasns't agitated or anything. I told her since we had checked urine, potassium and electrolytes that I supposed for now we would just wait and see. Hopefully he's just had a few bad days with being agitated--I seriously doubt his confusion is going to clear up over night but I could be wrong. So for today, I think we're good! Love to all, Judy
Ok, I called and talked to Nikki just a few minutes ago. She said the urine sample was fine. I asked if that was the culture or just the preliminary results---she checked with Becky while I was on hold and the culture was negative. That part is ok. She had drawn the blood for a BMT---don't ask me. Anyway, the results will be back by 2:00. So I said, I can call back at two to check on the results. Well, she said, you might want to wait until 3:00 so Becky can get them in the computer! Whatever! That will give us the info on the potassium. She said she understood our concern because of the other incident! You THINK!?! Anyway, she said he was great today: had been in the dining room with the activities and exercises, read the newspaper and talked to her about basketball. Whatever again!?! LOL! Anyway, that's where we are. IF he's better and IF both of these are fine, then I'm guessing we're ok! Jamie, you'll make it here as soon as you can. There is nothing you can do right now about the time thing! It's not like you're on vacation and just not coming back, weirdo! Love you all, Jeanie
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Ok Jeanie checked Dad's meds from what they paid for and he IS getting Lasix--20 mg daily. Evidently he has been getting it for a year and no clue if they changed any of that when he went to the hospital for the low potassium. He evidently IS getting his level checked periodically too because Debbie told Jeanie that they check it routinely every 3 months or so but that they were checking Dad's more frequently--I think this is what Jeanie said but I'm sure she'll post it right. Debbie said that they had sent his off on May 23 or something close to that and WHY is it not on the chart? She had said she was running another one too and I'm thinking that was this week but no clue when that will be posted either! So here is the plan for now--I volunteer tomorrow till noon and if Jeanie hasn't asked about UTI, potassium level and/or electrolyte imbalance by the time I get off at noon--then I'm calling Becky and talking to her to see what/where we are with his lab! This is NUTS!!! Leisa said she'd talk to Becky if I needed her to but I think I can ask 3 simple questions!lol We'll see! I too am glad they're better today. That's a start~! Love, Judy
I doubt that they've been doing routine checks on potassium all this time or surely we would have heard something about this don't you think? I hope they prove me wrong! Thank you Jody for going by...thank you Judy for posting!! I'm like you Judy, I know Dr Mulligan gave him something for kidney function, didn't think it was Lasix...but I thought he either never took it or was taken off of it by either LNC or his doctor when he went to the hospital! Glad at least they seemed better today and Mom was in "good" clothes! If we keep this up...between all of us, Leisa and Jody we'll just bypass LNC staff and start "self diagnosing"!!! I know it would be more quality of care and a hell of a lot quicker care!! Love you all and I'm working hard to get there as quickly as I can...Jamie
One more thing--Leisa said that elderly people in nursing homes generally have 2 problems that are nursing home specific and they are UTI and electrolyte imbalance. So IF he doesn't have a UTI, and IF his potassium level is ok (that's IF we ever get the results) then we'll go for an electrolyte imbalance and have them do a blood test for that. We'll figure it out without any help from them evidently! Grrrrrr Love, Judy
Her is our "Jody report", lol. She said she felt much better about them today. She said Dad was still a little confused but not agitated like yestereday. She talked to someone about Dad's potassium test but she didn't know anything and Jody couldn't find the nurse. She said that if Dad was on Lasix he would probably be on a potassium supplement or according to Leisa that or they would be doing routine potassium levels to make sure he wasn't getting too little/much. She said Mom was good and that they both had eaten good. They were clean and Mom had on a red shirt which I'm sure is the new one that I had gotten her. Yeah!!!! The plan is that Jeanie is going to check Dad's medication list to see if he's really getting Lasix and then I'll call Becky tomorrow or Leisa said she would to see what the heck is going on with things as far as the potassium/lasix/supplements etc goes. I believe that Dr. Mulligan gave Dad something to protect the kidneys when he first went in and maybe that's what Debbie was talking about and NOT Lasix. Let's hope! Love to all, Judy
Jamie I think Jody is going by today on her way to work which should be around 5 I think like yesterday. Results?? I doubt it! We'll be lucky if they are there tomorrow! I told Debbie that I was calling Becky tomorrow if the results weren't on the chart because she gets them first. I hate to say that I never even asked about Mom! I guess she's ok! Hopefully!!! I'll post when Pam texts me. Jamie you're absolutely right in that you would think they were jumping through hoops but trust me that it doesn't work that way in a nursing home! We're lucky we get anything because you have to have an order, call someone to come draw it, get the results to Becky, get the results on the chart, call the doctor, wait on orders, call in the drugs, and wait for delivery!~ Is that enough delay?? I think YES~~~~ Love to all, Judy
I just can't believe after what happened last time with Dad that they aren't just jumping through hoops to get on this. I hate tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow...I'm not usually good in the patience department anyway, but these days, this stuff kills me!! Is Jody going down today as well? I guess there's no chance that they'll have any test results late this afternoon is there? Why would Nikki say "fine" when no results were shut you up and have you stop calling? Ticks me off! Can they not put STAT orders on test results..a 91 year old diabetic with past history doesn't constitute a need to know now status? Question bombardment again.. Sorry, I'm just in a mood today...nerves are raw and inflamed and as always, just wanting/needing to be there!! Keep the posts coming...Love you all, Jamie
Ok, I called this morning and then Judy called because there were a couple of things she asked me that I hadn't asked! LOL! Debbie said he was REALLY confused today, too. (Judy asked about him eating---I didn't ask, but she told Judy he had eaten 100% of his food and liquids!) I asked her about the potassium test (BUM) that Nikki said she'd see about getting. No orders could Debbie find for this. She was going to write some to check his potassium. It will probably be tomorrow before they do it. WAIT, WAIT, WAIT! I told her that this had to be because something was going on medically with Dad. She thinks it has to do with his urine. She said something about stopping the lasix(sorry, don't know how to spell this, but that's how it sounds!). I'm like why is he taking that---he doesn't have congestive heart failure or anything like that that would require getting excess fluids out of the body. He's been taking it since March of last year. She said it was for his kidney. If that's the case, then it could easily be potassium related because that is related to the fluid levels in your body! I asked her to PLEASE check that. Judy asked Debbie about the urine sample preliminary results and that Becky said his was fine. Debbie told her that you couldn't say that until you get the culture back. When will this be---Debbie said tomorrow hopefully. I don't know anything else for them to check other than those two things. Do any of you? Something is out of balance. One of the symptoms of his potassium problems last time was low or no urine output. Judy asked about this and Debbie said his urine output was fine. Love you all, Jeanie
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Well crap.....sounds like something is going on with Dad...they did check his potassium level right, but no results yet? It justs makes my stomach go in knots...I'm anxious to hear the report for tomorrow. Judy I'm glad you called LNC...let's hope they paid attention to your words! Post when you have news. Extra prayers for tonight.....Love you, Jamie
I called back down to LNC tonight around 8:30 to ask about Dad and his supper. The lady said no he didn't eat much for supper and he said he just wasn't hungry. She said last night he ate almost everything. She said he did drink 2 cups of coffee, drank a glass of tea and a glass of water. I reminded her about his potassium level that sent him to the hospital because of not eating and drinking and to PLEASE give him a snack and preferably something with sugar. I told her that we don't worry about his blood sugar being HIGH but we did with it low! She said she would but we'll see what tomorrow brings! Ugggg. Love, Judy
Ok girls here is our update via Jody: She went there at supper time and Mom was almost finished eating but what was left looked pureed and probably was the hamburger. Dad wasn't in the dining room and his plate was there but he had eaten hardly any of it. She asked the lady where he was and she pointed that he went that way! Jody found him down the hall playing with the blinds. The nurse said he'd been agitated all day. This of course puts to rest the note Nikki said! Liar!!! The other help was running around with the fire extinguisher because the alarm was going off! She said that they had trouble with it last year when it got so hot outside. They didn't think it was a fire but they had to be sure.Jody said the alarms were SO loud! Guess that's good though. Mom had on a bib so she wasn/t sure about her top but evidently she had on the pants that matches the blue sweatshirt with flowers that I had gotten her. Jody will go back tomorrow and Pam is hoping to go on Friday at suppertime. Jim leaves for Guatemala tomorrow and Cary is coming to keep Pam company for the weekend so she said that she should be able to go Saturday too. She thinks Jody works Sun, Mon and Tues and hopefully she'll check on them those days too. I just don't understand Dad's agitation unless he really does have a UTI and/or his Potassium level is messed up. I don't like he didn't eat much tonight either! Ugggggg!! Love to all, Judy
You're right about the clothes-pitch those puppies!! We can get new clothes~! I just don't understand WHY you would put the tacky stuff on someone when they had NEW clothes in their closet??? I would automatically go for new over old! Maybe that's just me! Obviously it's not the nursing home people! It can't be ease of putting things on either because at least 2 of her new tops are Vee neck. I was kinda hoping Dad DID have a UTI and that would account for the slurred speech. I don't want it to be a potassium problem though! Yikes!! They have both managed as it is to be in the hospital during the time they've been there and we do NOT want any repeats! Let's hope for the best! Love to all, Judy
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