Sunday, February 27, 2011

We went to LNC this morning. They were both in the big room - Mother asleep in her chair and Dad kind of dazed in his. He did know who we were, though. He wanted to hold my hand and then he looked at Jerry and said, "Jerry, how are you?" He really made no sense in what he was saying. Part of it I couldn't understand. Just basically mumbling, etc. One of the girls said that Mother had been awake earlier and that they had done her nails. Nikki checked Dad's sugar while I was there and it was 171. They still have Mother in the room next door, but yet she's out in the population all day - doesn't make since to me! She was pitiful as usual and never really roused while we were there. Anyway, just another normal visit - not fun!
Jamie, I don't envy you the moving! It's hard trying to juggle 40 things at once! I can't even imagine!
Okay, I'm off to take a shower and get ready for another work week! 3 weeks until spring break, and I'm ready. I really need to spend my break cleaning house, but it ain't gonna happen!!! Too many other more fun things to do - like shop! I did break down and buy a new Dyson canister vacuum and so far I really like it. I still don't like cleaning house, though! ha!
love you, pat

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