Thursday, February 3, 2011

I'm going to call this a temporary blog till Jeanie and Pat give the whole story, but in case Jamie/Pam and/or Ona read this anytime soon, here is what I know. LNC called Jeanie about 5:30 a.m. and said that they were taking Dad via ambulance to the ER because he had fallen. Jeanie said they didn't even ask about whether or not we thought he should go, so Jeanie figured this couldn't be too good. She and Bruce went up there and she said Dad looked awful. He had a big bump on his head that was bleeding and I think she said his wrist was bleeding. They did the CT scan which came back fine. Jeanie had to keep Macie at 8, so Jerry Denton went up and then Pat came too. Jeanie said she and Pat neither one thought he even knew they were there because he slept the whole time. Jeanie was going to call down there to see what time they get them up for breakfast and if that was why he was up at that time of day. He's just exhausted I think. Jeanie said he was curled up in a ball and they just couldn't stand to even look at him because he has been through so much and he was pitiful. After he went back though, Jeanie called and talked to Debbie and she said he was doing fine. He had eaten a good lunch and everything, like nothing was wrong. They had ordered some ointment for his head and wrist. Mom is still doing good and taking breathing treatments. I called down and talked to the dietary department and told them to make sure that Mom had yogurt every meal. She said she would. Does that mean it will be done??? NO. They are just having a hard time right now with this plus the sickness they have been having. Jamie we're all scared to death that something will happen before you get here but you know it's out of all of our hands. It will just be whatever it is! I pray you'll be here for many months before anything bad happens! Love to all, Judy

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