Monday, February 28, 2011

OMG Jeanie what a morning!!! I absolutely can not tolerate inefficiency/stupidity...why would they schedule the appointment and then not make arrangements for the right people to be present...let alone not even have the right place for where the test is going to happen...I'm sorry, but my sailor mouth would have taken over and I would have blown someones hair back with a string of 4,5 and 6 letter bad words while the vein in my forehead bulged and my face turned red!! I realize it wouldn't have changed the situation, but JEEZ... I'm so sorry you have to get up tomorrow and try this again...please Lord let it all be good for everyone involved!! I just keep asking myself...what happens to those elderly people at LNC that have no family involvement? We're pretty much up in their face out there and stuff still happens...scary! When Mom threw her bacon on the floor they were just going to punish her for her bad behavior and not get her anymore? Why would they not open her pudding? They think she's able physically or mentally to do it on her own? These kind of reports, paired with the stress in my life and the fact that I seem to be living off of Sunchips and Graham Crackers, just send me over the edge about LNC/St Bernards/Whoever!!! I hope things go smooth for you tomorrow and I wish I was there to help/go with...soon, very soon.... Jeanie..on a totally different subject...that Terminator cream I was telling you about IS in an orange tube by Acne Free and has just benzoyl peroxide in it...I think it came from WalMart. Hope these things help!! And Judy..yes that old NewYorker in Oklahoma was quite a hoot...that's the car that talked, caught on fire when the engine overheated and had 440 air conditioner: 4 windows down 40 mph!! Memories for sure!!!! We sold it to some teenager and his Dad for a 1000 bucks...heck by that time it had practically been rebuilt!! And now I'm there again with the Volvo...oh well!! Love you all.....Jamie

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