Saturday, July 23, 2011

Molli and I went to LNC today.  We didn't get there until about 1:00 and they had finished eating.  I'm assuming the girl at the desk was the R.N. in charge, but she didn't have a name tag on.  I asked her about Mom and Dad and she said they were fine.  Daddy talked quite a bit , but as usual not all of it made sense or was understandable.  Here's the weird thing.  The room right next to the nurse's station had Alvin Lane's name on it and an "isolation" sign on the door!  I wanted to ask the reason, but figured the girl would tell me it wasn't my business!  I looked in there when she walked off and it was him.  Interesting!  Anyway, when we got there Mother and Daddy were both in the big room and Daddy was trying to push Mother in her wheelchair.  By the way, I forgot to mention about the appetite stimulant.  When I was there Wed., Nikki said that the insurance was not going to pay for it any more and they were just going to take her off of it.  I'm really so afraid that she will stop eating.  I know the end of Alzheimer's , the person stops eating and even though I try not to think about it, we all really know that she is getting to the end point and it really is so hard to face that.  I try not to think about it even though I know it's the truth.  Too sad!!  Love you, pat

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