Monday, July 11, 2011

I really was too tired to laugh at your notes Jamie but couldn't help myself!lol  You kill me!  WHY you don't write a column or book is beyond me!  Pat could add a lot of funny herself!lol  Mom and Dad were ok today.  Mom was Mom and didn't really say/do anything but eat other than she "stirred" every now and then and mumbled that "I gotta go" thing she says.  When I got ready to leave I hugged her and said "I love you Mom" and she mumbled what sounded like "I love you" back.  Maybe it's just my wishful hoping/thinking! Dad was confused as usual and he gets so stressed when he sits there waiting for his food!  I know they give him coffee but I think he worries he won't get anything to eat because he doesn't know what he's suppose to do.  I don't think he ate much but Jeanie helped him while I fed Mom so not sure about his amount.  Nikki had already warned us that the nurses had been feeding him snacks and he probably wouldn't eat much.  His blood sugar had been 107 so they have snacked him up with stuff!  Did any of you know that Dad could walk with a walker??? Jeanie and I didn't but Nikki said he does great and almost runs! WHAT??? She said they use a strap around him and he walks.  She was going to get the PT to show us but I guess she was at lunch cause it didn't happen but Dad was waaaay too tired to walk!  He was so sleepy with his eyes half open but he was chewing tobacco before his nap.  We did get him a pair of jeans and some razors and took to Nikki.  We ended up finding a 35/30 for Dad but the ones in his closet are actually 36/30 but the girl who works there with her Mom said they were so big you could just pull them down without unsnapping them.  Hopefully these will be good and we can buy him another pair.  Ok, I think that's it!  Leisa is awesome and in a GREAT place!  She told Bryan he could date her and they could start at the beginning while he tried to figure out why he couldn't make the engagement/marriage commitment because now it's not in the cards for them.  Go Leisa!  I know they love each other and hopefully it will work out at some point in the future if it's what SHE wants!  We'll see.  I told her that she was her own soap opera!~lol  Love to all, Judy

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