Friday, July 1, 2011

I went to see Mom and Dad this morning at lunch----that makes no sense, does it?! Oh, well! Anyway, Dad had two big pieces of catfish, fries, slaw, ice cream and a small piece of lemon icebox pie + a piece of bread. He ate dang near every bite! Mom had the same except a HUGE piece of pie + thickened water, strawberry drink, tea and milk! Good grief! She ate nearly every bit of hers + all the fluids! Dad did pretty good except the tired he gets the more confused he gets. Mom told me 'I'd better quit it!" when I was telling Dad to sit down. He did with Debbie's help and said he was so 'swimmy (word?) headed'! And WHY does he not need to stand up!?! I called Beth this morning about the damage to the house---there can be no gains from it and we can't pay the deductible from a Miller's Trust acct! Whatever! She also said that Chad told her for me to just write the check out of Dad's acct to the nursing home-----I'm like YIPES! and said will you put that in writing so that I'll have proof Chad said that! I mean, for real, that's what I told her. I also called and talked to Social Security about the year-end representative payee form that I had to fill out for each of them---did that and have already mailed them back. I also called Higginbotham Dentistry about the bill I got for an x-ray of Dad's head after he broke his dentures and they (LNC) sent hit to the dentist. Ashley finally called me back this afternoon and said the bill belonged to LNC because they told her it would be Medicaid offset and that in no way, shape form or fashion did I owe it! I'm suppose to take it back to Michael Smith and give it to him to ????????. She said if I had any more problems to call her and they'd get involved! So there! LOL! The whole thing is one big hair-splitting thing! I'm serious! Jamie I hope Jerry's retirement ceremony went well. Give him my apology for not being there. Love you all, Jeanie

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