Friday, September 9, 2011

WOW! Jamie, that's all great progress! I know it will be wonderful! Judy, you did a great job posting for me---even the right words for the money situation! LOL! The money situation is this---we will owe an additional $902.?? for Dad for Aug! I kind of lost it with Michael Smith. I do understand why, but it just makes me SO mad! It's like every time I THINK I have it straightened out---here comes another darn curve ball heading at me! Why do we owe MORE? Because Medicaid pays the amount of Dad's bill PER DAY that Dad can't afford---hence, you divide the $2543.42 that was Dad's share of his income that was to be paid to LNC for Aug (remember we always made up the difference each month?!) by 31 (# of days in Aug) and then multiply that amount by the 11 days Medicaid WILL help pay, and the rest of Dad's/our liability for the month of Aug!!!!!!!! BIG FAT YUCK! I asked then will we still owe for the 10 days in April when Medicaid began paying for Mom? YES! The difference is that Mom's amount will be like $12.10 per day X 10 days BECAUSE Mom's share of her income each month is $363! Anyway, I will eventually get to a point that I can tell you what we'll each need to pay. Right now it's $902.?? + 121.00(Mom's for April) + $24,242.22 - the amount for the 10 days they will pay divided by 6 SHOULD be our amount! I'll be able to figure it more accurately when I get home and can check my figures! Anyway, GRRRRR! On a happy note, the track at Franklin, KY, looks great, they are having a HWY 31W yard sale this weekend, and our motel is nice! LOL! Judy, they have BINGO everywhere! At the track, about 300 feet from our motel and another place across the street from the track! Go figure! LOL! Love you all, Jeanie

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