Wednesday, June 30, 2010

OMG! Jamie, I read your post going 'AMEN', 'AMEN', and 'AMEN'! You are so right about all of this! Today I went to see them again (it's wednesday). Mom was GREAT! I have figured out that going just as lunch has ended/ending is the best time so far! Today she was alert, not draggy-eyed---any of that stuff. She ate good, too. She'd eaten half of her BBQ, all her french fries and part of her slaw. I fed her all her watermelon and all her ice cream! She did good! I told her I was going to see about getting her haircut, and she said she needed it! I wheeled her around to the beauty shop section and talked to the lady that does the haircuts. She's going to do Mom and Dad's hair! Dad wasn't that good. He didn't eat very much at all. One of the girls asked if he'd had two sandwiches because he'd only eaten about 2 bites of the one on his plate. I have no idea. He didn't eat the slaw nor french fries. He was trying to get the oj of the lady sitting next to him. I showed him the watermelon and gave him at bite. He liked it, but it was like he couldn't see it. He picked up his fork and was stabbing at the white paper by his plate. I handed the cup of melon to him and he ate it, but when I gave him his cup of pudding, he stabbed at the white paper (now on his plate!) again! Go figure! He's still not feeling the best---he has a cough and a runny nose. Debbie told me she'd faxed info twice and Nikki said she'd send it again today! Anyway, they pushed Dad out of the dining room while I took Mom to the beauty shop lady. Anyway, when I got back around to their room, Dad was sitting in front of the nurse's station wanting some tobacco. I asked if he wanted the newspaper or if he wanted it put on his bed. He wanted it, and after getting the tobacco he was spitting and reading! That part was great! Anyway, they were ok today. Mom was MUCH the better and Dad wasn't as good---balanced each other out! LOL! I won't go back until Mon. I have Grant and Makenzie from tonight until 6:00 Fri night, then Bruce and I are headed to St Louis on Sat to stay until Mon! Hopefully Pam can go on Fri or Sat because Pat has a yardsale on both those days and won't go until Sun! Ok, I'm off to wait on the grandkids! I love you all, Jeanie

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