Saturday, June 26, 2010

Judy is right about the concern for Mom. She is just 'different'. I don't know exactly what the problem is, but there's just a far away look in her eyes. I really thought that at one point she was blind the other night---it's that kind of look. Today she had it, too, then she reaches straight out for the cup of juice---like there's no problem seeing. She's just different. She isn't confined to her room, but seems to show no interest in leaving, etc. It's just different. She was herself (well like she's been the last year or so) for just about 2 minutes today. Her voice was strong, there was a gleam in her eyes, etc. That's it though--the rest of the time wasn't good. As for Dad, I just don't know. I told Judy that maybe this is his out for when something happens to Mom. He didn't seem worried about her or anything today either. He just wanders. Judy said that he was 'checking the doors' like at school. It's just a hard time. We all have got to just know that Mom and Dad love/loved us all. They taught us all to be the people we have become. We are the parents now caring for them. We would all wish this to be not like it is, but it is the way it is. On one bright note, Mom did eat 75% of her breakfast and drank 75% of her fluids. Dad ate 75% of his and drank 100% of his fluids. This is where we have to have faith that all will be ok and so will we. I love you all, Jeanie

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