Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Awesome comments Jamie and all so true about Mom and Dad. We were/are so blessed with the parents we have/had. Jeanie will post later but she had another really good visit with Mom today. She's figured out it is all about timing and after lunch is almost finished is best. Mom ate good even today! I hope she's as good when I visit next week! Dad is the one not doing so well mentally and maybe not physically since he didn't eat as much and has what seems to be a cold. Nice if we had them both good at the same time!LOL Brittney and the boys left this morning and I miss them! Skyler asked me last night if I was going to be so happy to have my house back and I told him no because I'd miss him. We both choked up and he said he would miss me too but we could talk on the computer like they did with his dad!LOL Logan kept looking behind them as they were going ahead of me through the security part as if to say "why aren't you coming with us?" Adorable kids! I'm just so glad that they are going to be a family again with Frank because he's missed them all so much. I told Brittney last night too that I was so proud of she and I because we lived together 6 months and still love each other!LOL Love to all, Judy
OMG! Jamie, I read your post going 'AMEN', 'AMEN', and 'AMEN'! You are so right about all of this! Today I went to see them again (it's wednesday). Mom was GREAT! I have figured out that going just as lunch has ended/ending is the best time so far! Today she was alert, not draggy-eyed---any of that stuff. She ate good, too. She'd eaten half of her BBQ, all her french fries and part of her slaw. I fed her all her watermelon and all her ice cream! She did good! I told her I was going to see about getting her haircut, and she said she needed it! I wheeled her around to the beauty shop section and talked to the lady that does the haircuts. She's going to do Mom and Dad's hair! Dad wasn't that good. He didn't eat very much at all. One of the girls asked if he'd had two sandwiches because he'd only eaten about 2 bites of the one on his plate. I have no idea. He didn't eat the slaw nor french fries. He was trying to get the oj of the lady sitting next to him. I showed him the watermelon and gave him at bite. He liked it, but it was like he couldn't see it. He picked up his fork and was stabbing at the white paper by his plate. I handed the cup of melon to him and he ate it, but when I gave him his cup of pudding, he stabbed at the white paper (now on his plate!) again! Go figure! He's still not feeling the best---he has a cough and a runny nose. Debbie told me she'd faxed info twice and Nikki said she'd send it again today! Anyway, they pushed Dad out of the dining room while I took Mom to the beauty shop lady. Anyway, when I got back around to their room, Dad was sitting in front of the nurse's station wanting some tobacco. I asked if he wanted the newspaper or if he wanted it put on his bed. He wanted it, and after getting the tobacco he was spitting and reading! That part was great! Anyway, they were ok today. Mom was MUCH the better and Dad wasn't as good---balanced each other out! LOL! I won't go back until Mon. I have Grant and Makenzie from tonight until 6:00 Fri night, then Bruce and I are headed to St Louis on Sat to stay until Mon! Hopefully Pam can go on Fri or Sat because Pat has a yardsale on both those days and won't go until Sun! Ok, I'm off to wait on the grandkids! I love you all, Jeanie
Hello Sisters...I'm finally back home, have all the laundry done, mailed out bills, bought groceries, recovered physically and just about mentally and cleaned house yesterday and today!! i'm sorry I haven't written on the blog in awhile...I read it while on vacation, but Jerry's computer is so secure that I couldn't post! Here are my ramblings...this blog is about communicating the facts of Mom and Dad and unfortunately, there are going to be a lot of unhappy facts! It's just the sad, depressing situation that is Mom and Dad. I wish that they were with it would be so much easier on us..but in a sad way, it's good that they don't know. Can you imagine Mom's comments about LNC if she had all her faculties...of course if she did, she wouldn't need to be there anyway! I know you feel bad Jeanie about always feeling like you write negative stuff, but it's the facts of the situation. I don't read the blog looking for good...I read for information...and honestly, I don't really expect good, so when there is good, I'm pleasantly surprised. I think the reality is that Mom will have fewer good moments today than yesterday and even fewer good moments tomorrow. If she is end stage like the doctor diagnosed, then this is our reality. I chose to remember Mom and Dad from about 15-20 years ago...older, but still full of life. Mentally, I can't afford to dwell on how they are today, I must just accept it....even if it does suck!! We must be careful not to get caught up in the horribleness of the situation and make sure we continue living our lives to the fullness. If we live long enough, we'll all be there soon enough anyway! I don't question for one second the love that Mom and Dad have for any of us and the love we have for them...the 2 people at LNC are just what's left of the Mom and Dad we all know. The essence of them are with us everyday..the morals, values, ethics they instilled in us! I know it's hard going to visit them..again, it is a sad and depressing thing seeing them like they are, but it's for you and not them really anymore. Keep posting the facts...for those of us so far away, news is news, no matter good or bad. If Mom is slipping away, I pray that she holds on until I can get closer to Jonesboro, but I also know that that might be praying for a miracle. I too am glad I'm not an only child and that there is strength in numbers...6 is a nice strong number!!! I love you all......Jamie
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Well, my visit today was neutral!hee Jerry and I got there about 10:30 and they were both sound asleep - Mother in the wheelchair and Dad in the bed. I'm sorry, but I just can't make myself wake them up - I'm afraid they'll be totally disoriented and I would be upset. I did ask Debbie about them, and she said Mother had been good and had eaten a good breakfast. She said Dad ate good, but he still wasn't feeling very good. Anyway, not a very informative visit! love you, pat
Monday, June 28, 2010
Im sooooo glad you got something positive Jeanie because I was sure dreading my next visit if she barked at me for asking if she wanted a cookie and telling her that I loved her!!Lol I plan on trying it again next week! Brittney and the boys leave Wednesday and I know I'm going to miss them! Leisa is coming over Wednesday night to help me get things down, Logan's bed taken apart, etc. Then Leisa will be home on Tuesday of next week and I can come up then. Keep the posts coming and hopefully they will repair like todays! Love to all, Judy
Ok, I went to see Mom and Dad today (Monday). I just couldn't get them off my mind. Anyway, I am SO glad I went. I waited until I knew they'd be just finishing up lunch. They were in fact coming out of the dining room as I was walking down the hall! Talk about good timing! Anyway, Dad was pushing Mom's wheelchair like they were a train. He was NOT good today, but I think his was exhaustion! He didn't look good and certainly didn't sound good. I literally couldn't understand much he said---something about Gideon Anderson and something about blood work and redoing it for ?????????????????. He fell sound asleep sitting there, and they took him to bed. He was sleeping with his mouth wide open when I went in to say bye! Mom, on the other hand was more like she's been! FINALLY! She wasn't wonderful----those days are gone----but she was more alert and with it. She asked me who I was, and when I told her I'd come to see her---she was SO glad! She called Dad her precious----well she called another man that, too, after they put Dad in bed! LOL! I was showing her pics in a magazine and said this one looks like Ona. It was a pic about the time of WWII and they were dressed like the ones of Mom and Ona from that period. Anyway, she goes: REALLY? My daughter Ona!?! She was so thrilled acting! Hey, that's good for you, Ona! On the other side of that coin, I was trying to make conversation and told her Bruce was driving to Little Rock today. She got this really worried startled look on her face and sat up really straight. She goes: Bruce died! I'm like NO, He's fine! Good, she says! Was it his wife who died!?! I'm like, no, she's fine! LOL! She'd already asked me who I was and I'd told her I was her daughter Jeanie. LOL! She did say she loved me! LOL! I hear her tell that to the workers, too. Anyway, after they put Mom to bed, I asked the workers if they thought Mom was worse. None of them did! I told them about how bad she was all last week, and Debbie said she did have a bad week last week! You think!?! Anyway, they all thought that both of them were really spry to be 90! Debbie said Dad still had some swelling but not much. He's still a little hoarse. His blood sugar was like 130 something. Anyway she said she'd faxed info on him twice to the doc and hadn't heard anything back yet. She's waiting for Mom to finish this antibiotic before getting another stool sample, too. OH, I told/asked Mom about getting her hair cut. She said yes, it needed it! Anyway, all in all I was so glad I'd gone today. I needed to see a little more than what I saw all last week. They also said Mom had been up since breakfast, too. Dad on the other hand had had a nap after breakfast and fell asleep talking to us after lunch! Hey, it was a much better visit than anything I had last week! Mom's still weak acting and her eyes are full of matter like they do, but at least she was awake and understood some of the things I said! Ok, off to walk Annie! Love you all, Jeanie
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Pat I feel the same way and told Leisa tonight that I'm to the point now that I dread going back. I'm almost afraid to say anything to Mom too because I don't know if she'll yell at me or smile! Leisa just keeps reminding me that it's NOT Mother and that she sees it all the time and we can't take any of it personally. It just kills me to think that I'll never have another "personal" moment with her then! I'm so thankful too for all of you and even more for my faith. God will see me through all of this and all of you too. I don't want to sound "preachy" but I have that faith to fall back on and always want to share that when I have an opportunity. Mother and Dad ares Christian and for that I'm so thankful because I know their life here is limited but not their heavenly one. Mom I'm more concerned for at the moment though. I know in end stage that they just get to the point of not wanting to eat or get up or anything and just lay there wanting to sleep. Mom said she was just so sleepy but said once "I'm not going to be just yet" to me. I asked Leisa too if and/or when that going to bed happens, what will be next. She said that usually pneumonia sets in pretty rapidly because of inactivity. YUCK!!!! I hope we all are preparing ourselves because it's only going to get worse. I love you all though and will be there for any and all that I can be!~ Love to all, Judy
Well, I wrote a post, but it disappeared! Anyway, we just got back home from visiting Molli and Marty and had a great (but short) visit. When I read the blog, I was hoping for some good news, but instead I wanted to cry when I read Judy and Jeanie's entries! I also feel that Mother is "slipping away" and that her time left with us is very limited now. It's very hard for me to write that and I try to prepare myself but I don't know how! The last visits I've had have also not been good. I am going to see them Tuesday. I babysit with Addison on Mon. and Wed. so I can't go on those days. I dread my visits now so much, because I don't know what I'll find, but I know it's probably not going to be good. We must remember that we all still have each other and for that I am so thankful. Thank God I wasn't an only child! love you all, pat
One more thing that I thought of that I wanted to say was that it was almost as if Mother didn't really want us even talking to her yesterday. I could say something and she would just look down with her eyes closed, her lips pursed and shake her head. She didn't want you to touch her either it seemed. That very small "window of normalcy" that she had yesterday was perhaps the last "normalcy" of her that I will get to see because I can't go back up till after the 4th of July. Brittney leaves Wed with the boys, I have a doctor appt on Thursday, work on Friday and I'm watching Bryan's (Leisa's guy) dogs till they get back from San Antonio to visit his sister on Tuesday. I'm truly going to be afraid to go back too because I'm not sure my heart could take another day like yesterday!~ Mother's words can cut to your core whether they were intended for you or not! I thought today she could have been "Granny" talking to her about doing something to Marie. Mother always told me that Granny was mean to her at times because Marie is such an angel in Granny's eyes and Mother was always to blame. I just don't want that "mother of yesterday" to be the Mother in my head if something were to happen to her before I see another "spark". Hopefully this makes sense to whoever is reading this. Consider it my "ramblings". LOL Love to all, Judy
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Judy is right about the concern for Mom. She is just 'different'. I don't know exactly what the problem is, but there's just a far away look in her eyes. I really thought that at one point she was blind the other night---it's that kind of look. Today she had it, too, then she reaches straight out for the cup of juice---like there's no problem seeing. She's just different. She isn't confined to her room, but seems to show no interest in leaving, etc. It's just different. She was herself (well like she's been the last year or so) for just about 2 minutes today. Her voice was strong, there was a gleam in her eyes, etc. That's it though--the rest of the time wasn't good. As for Dad, I just don't know. I told Judy that maybe this is his out for when something happens to Mom. He didn't seem worried about her or anything today either. He just wanders. Judy said that he was 'checking the doors' like at school. It's just a hard time. We all have got to just know that Mom and Dad love/loved us all. They taught us all to be the people we have become. We are the parents now caring for them. We would all wish this to be not like it is, but it is the way it is. On one bright note, Mom did eat 75% of her breakfast and drank 75% of her fluids. Dad ate 75% of his and drank 100% of his fluids. This is where we have to have faith that all will be ok and so will we. I love you all, Jeanie
My visit with Mom and Dad was pretty devastating to me. Mom was mean to me which is something she's never done. When we first got there Dad was sleeping in the hallway. We woke him up but he did say my name after me asking him a couple of times. He was talking goofy to Jeanie and I though and said at one time that a movie star was there last night. I asked man or woman and he did say man but couldn't remember the name. He asked if that was Judy in the bed and said that Judy had fed mother, etc. I have NO clue why he thought it was me but whatever! He even said that the other night he tried to wake Judy up and yelled and hollered and she still wouldn't wake up. I'm guessing he was talking about Mom. Dad just wanders off when we are there though like he couldn't possibly care one way or the other if we're there or not. He was trying to go into a room on the opposite side of the nursing station from theirs and when I told him that wasn't their room, he said "Hell, I know it's not my room", so I thought==well alrighty!!heheh Mother on the other hand is the one who devastates me because she was mean to me 2 times. She was sleeping when we first got there and the nursing staff said she had been asleep since about 8:30--it was currently 10 or so and we let her sleep till 10:30 and then tried repeatedly to get her to wake up. She would mumble to us but wouldn't wake up. We finally got nursing personnel to get her up and she was just sooooo sleepy and could barely hold her eyes open. Jeanie got her some apple juice though and she drank 2 or 3 cups of it and finally had a little animation about her. I held up a cookie and all of a sudden she snapped at me that she did NOT want that and to stop asking her! I had to fight back tears at that because you could tell by the blank look in her eyes she wasn't herself. Don't think that I'm the only one she yelled at though cause she got mad at Jeanie once and was shaking her balled up fist at Jeanie and said something about "You better not do anything to your sister" or some such weirdness. She just kept saying to me "I'm fine, I'll be alright, it's okay, etc" She even said once that she was so tired. You can tell she is too and I really worry about her just giving up. She has drastically changed over the last 2 visits as far as I can tell and I dread going back the next time if she's worse still. When we got ready to go she told Jeanie bye and then she asked me if I was going home and I told her that I was and had a long drive back. Then I got up and kissed her on the forehead and told her that I loved her and she pulled away and said "don't say you love me" and wagged her finger at me and just stared at me with that mean hateful "who are you" look. I was sick! Mom has always been my biggest fan and I can hardly stand her being in the state she is. I have to keep reminding myself that it's not MY Mom that says those things because she would never do that. I talked to Jamie on my way home and I seriously doubt that she'll be "here" in either body and/or mind for much longer. I'm seriously concerned about her. This all stinks!! Love to all, Judy
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Ok, sorry, but the visit today with Mom and Dad wasn't good. Bruce and I drove down about a quarter after 4. I know that's not the best of times, but by the time we left, it was near suppertime. We left a little after 5. Dad looked good. He was SO confused today though. He asked me if that was Pam or Judy---talking about Mom in the bed! They were cleaning Mom up, and she was fussing. Dad looked at me and said Judy doesn't want to go to the hospital! I'm like, ok, this is TOO weird. The one girl asked Dad who I was: he said 'the neighbor'! LOL! She goes: no, that's your daughter. To which Dad replies: that's the neighbor--I know my daughters! Guess that pretty much sets me up as the neighbor! Dad kept talking about going to night court and leaving at 12, etc---nothing he said really made good se: se. Mom, on the other hand, was pitiful. She was in bed and seemed SO tired. Even when they got her up, she just couldn't seem to keep her eyes open or focused. She said something about home, and her things and asked really loud: where's Marie, has anyone seem Marie! She asked about Jeanie---I don't know if she meant me or Jeanne Louise. She kept saying: Ok, bye, bye. She just seemed so tired and so frail and so old. I know, 90 IS old, but you know what I mean! I'm sorry for the bad posts lately, but I figure that you want the truth. Mom is not confined to their room. I said something about a haircut, and they said they didn't know why not. The girl was going to make a note about it. We'll see. Maybe that will help. Her hair is long--not like she wore it. I also took some different razors down for Dad. The girl asked for some because Dad complained about the others 'pulling'. If this doesn't help, I'll go buy an electric one for him. I don't know what to tell you all. I will try to go see Mom early the next time. Lunch wasn't good Tues, and 4:15 wasn't good today. I'm really concerned about Mom. I guess I'm worried she's either giving up or really slipping away into the disease. Hopefully, when Pat goes tomorrow she'll have a better report than me! This neighbor seems to bring out the worst in them! LOL! Love you all, Jeanie
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
I went to see mom and dad today (Tuesday). Dad was in the dining room getting ready for his tray---mom's still confined to her room, I suppose, because that's where she was waiting for her tray! I spoke to dad and then went to sit with Mom. She was just sitting there talking to herself. She kept talking about beautiful things and her home, etc. I finally asked her if she loved beautiful things and she said yes and had big tears roll down her face. She kept mentioning home and her things, etc. I felt so sorry for her today. I did get her to eat---they'd left off her yogurt and ice cream and coffee---but she ate all her peanut butter and jelly sandwich, roll, jellow with fruit and a few bites of chicken, fried okra and baked beans. She did drink all her tea and all her water. I left Mom and went back to check on Dad. He didn't eat much of his lunch, but he was finished. When I got him back to their room, Mom says, there's my precious. I love him. He's the sweetest person. It was both so sweet and so sad. Dad said they needed to get her home because Mom was worn out. He told her to be sure and get all her things out of the closet. Anyway, today just really got me. It was just such a sad thing for both of them as far as I could see/tell. I looked at them both and just hated the whole situation and understood it, too. Mom was talking today at least. She just didn't make a lot of sense and did at the same time,too. Anyway, I hated to leave, yet couldn't stay! On another note, Michael Smith (the administrator) told me that we were going to get a BIG bill for ambulance service because we used Emerson---that we had requested it. I'm like--no--I didn't request any particular one. He said that we'd said we only used Emerson. I'm like no! Becky stood up then and said it was Maude Shelton --not Margaret Shelton that had used Emerson. Moral of this story is: we need to ONLY use Medic One whether going to or from the hospital. LNC has a contract with them for $35 each trip whereas with Emerson the bill would be $625! YIKES!!!! The did start Mom on an antibiotic for her c-dif, and Dad's ankles weren't swollen today. That was good. I'm going to see about getting Mom's haircut when she gets out of her room. The girl told me, too, that she needed some more razors for Dad. She said that Dad complained about the razor pulling on his beard after it was used once or twice. I got Gillette 3 blade disposable razors and will try another brand to take to them Thurs. If this doesn't help the situation, I'll just buy him an electric razor. She said that would be fine. She can use them on him. Anyway, that's it for today. Hopefully, Thurs will be better. I just don't like the sad, home talking, pitiful stuff. I told Judy, I know this sounds awful, but I wish they both REALLY knew everything going on or didn't know anything at all about it. This inbetween stuff is just so hard to hear! I know that's the chicken's way out for me. Sorry to be so weak! Love you all, Jeanie
Saturday, June 19, 2010
I went to see Mom and Dad today and ran into Pam and Cary Beth! It was so good to see them. I think Cary Beth is adorable! Anyway, Cary and Pam noticed that Dad's hands and ankles were swollen. I hadn't noticed them Thurs, and Judy nor I noticed them on Tues. I mentioned it to Debbie and she hadn't noticed them either. When she pulled Dad's socks down, you could really tell it. She said maybe it was because he'd been up a lot today. I need to ask Pat to check when she goes tomorrow. Dad was also really confused again today. Mom was sleeping. Bless their hearts. It's hard to see them like they are. Mom still has the C-dif infection. Debbie wasn't sure what the doc would order for her. Anyway, I took Dad a card from Judy and I and he read it. That was good! Ok, Happy Father's Day to all the husbands and sons and son-in-laws w/children! Love you all, Jeanie
Friday, June 18, 2010
Hey Ona it's good to hear from you! I will definitely miss Brittney and the boys but so glad that they will be together as a family again. My house will be so quiet I probably won't be able to sleep!~LOL I guess for me the last straw would be when Mom didn't know me but I'm taking Jamie's advice and thinking that somewhere inside her head she DOES know me but can't put a name and face together. I just love her and Dad so much that it makes me sick to think about them not being here with us even though they're not mentally here most of the time. I'll survive though--I have a lot of faith and that will get me through anything. I plan on trying to go to Alaska in September or October for 3 weeks or so because it will probably be my last chance and I don't think I can go till March without seeing the boys! Love to all, Judy
Hi, there everyone!!! I've written several comments on here, but I don't kmow where they're going:) Maybe someone is having a good laugh wondering who in the world I am and why am I writing to them:) Sounds like Mom and Dad are having some issues. Judy I know how you feel about Mom not calling you by name...she never did me any time I saw her. She would say Ona but not know that I was her. Can't they wrap Mom's bed to keep her from hurting herself? At least she is getting to get out of her room now. What an interesting close up picture of you two!!!! Judy, hope you won't be too sad when Brittney and the boys leave. Jamie, hope you and your family have fun on your vacation (AKA shopping trip:) We are going to Red River with Howie and Denita's family at the end of July. Everyone is coming here for the Fourth. Hopefully, you all will be able to read this. Love, Ona
Thursday, June 17, 2010
OMG! The pic is too funny of Jamie and me! LOL! The other ones are really good! Go you all! Bruce and I went to see Mom and Dad today. It was another not-the-greatest- visits visit! Mom was fussing about something and Dad was returning the fuss! You could hear them before we got into the dining room! Something about Mom cutting in line......who knows! Anyway, she finally got to laughing at Bruce. He wasn't doing anything but sitting there, but she would crack up. I kept telling her it was Bruce and she finally said 'that's Bruce' near the end of our visit. She did eat though! I fed her all her yogurt, ice cream, watermelon, her whole peanut butter and jelly sandwich and a few bites of steamed vegetables! Oh, and about 2/3 slice of buttered bread! It's the most I've seen her eat in a long time! Dad ate about 3/4 of his meal and then started eating Cheetoes! Hey, eating is good. Debbie told me she'd given Mom something else to make her go to the bathroom, but she still hadn't gotten the sample by about 1:15 or so. They are letting her out and about though because now she isn't going potty! LOL! Anyway, Dad was worn out from dealing with Mom---I figure that's part of his nonsense stuff. He did finally calm down some and talked to Bruce some before we left. Anyway, it was ok. Hey, Jamie, going on vacation sounds good to me. Tagging along to shop sounds really good! Enjoy yourself! I love you all, Jeanie
Thanks for all the news on Mom and Dad...I miss not seeing them..but Mom did visit me in my dreams the other night and it was so nice to talk to her and hear her voice. Judy, I'm so sorry about your latest experience with Mom...I know how you feel...she never called me by name this last time either...doesn't mean she won't the next time though, so don't be too down. I'm glad to hear Mom is back out in the regular population...can't believe she's dropped another pound...good thing she'd put on some weight before they went in, huh? Jerry and I are off to Portland today and tonight and then all of us are heading to Sacramento and Monterey CA for a week...Jerry is visiting 2 satellite clinics of Madigans and the boys and I are tagging along to play!! Jerome and Jason already have a dive in the bay set up and I've staked out some shopping! The break will be nice!! I'll have my cell phone if you need to get ahold of me!! Sunshine and warm weather!!YES!! Love you guys, Jamie
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Good job on the post, Judy! She is right about the 'not worried about us being there thing' with Mom and Dad. There have been several times I've gone to see them and it didn't seem to matter one way or the other with them I was there. A few minutes is the same as several hours! They physically seem to withdraw from the visit! It's weird to describe. This is what Judy saw yesterday for the first time. I wish I could change that, but then there are a lot of things I wish I could change! On the medical end of the visit, the stool sample they had taken was not handled correctly. Debbie said she'd called and asked specifically WHAT type of container did the sample need to be collected in, etc. She did as told, and they still said it wasn't correct. She was waiting again yesterday to collect yet another sample to send off to be cultured. They had done another test on Mom to see if there was blood in her stool since she's so pale! LOL! The WHITE skin thing! LOL! Anyway, it was fine. They did let her stay in the commons area and go to the cafeteria to eat yesterday. They were giving her a bath when we got there---so, she was clean and she wasn't having the Big D! I mentioned to Debbie about Dad being so hoarse. He told me he'd stood outside for 3 days in the rain watching the razorbacks play! Yeah, well, probably no! Debbie said she'd noticed it and had asked him if his throat hurt, his chest, anywhere. He wasn't coughing either and didn't have a runny nose. She asked about allergies---hey, he lives in Arkansas----everyone has allergy problems! Anyway, they're not giving him anything for the hoarseness at this time. Donna (I don't remember dealing with Donna before---it's usually Debbie or Nikki) called to tell me Mom has a new skin tear on her arm. They think this one was from reaching through her bedrails. They were going to put some padding on those and doctor the tear. Mom's teeth are an issue with me. One---she has appeared to have lost a tooth on the upper right about three teeth out. I don't think it's one of her partial. I don't remember the gap---it has been there for a while. Two---the middle tooth on the left was blackened yestereday. Judy said after Mom ate the cookie that was gone. I couldn't keep looking at her teeth, so I missed that, I guess. I'll check when I go back Thurs. Ok, I'm off to walk Annie. It's already near 80 degrees! Love you all, Jeanie
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Jeanie and I went to see Mom and Dad today and it was NOT a good visit for me because this was the first time that Mom didn't say my name. She called me Precious and told me that she loved me but it was almost like she could have been talking to any of us and not really me if that makes sense. Needless to say I cried a LOT after I left. It's just that to me she is drifting further and further into her own little world and rapidly. She did drink coffee and ate a cookie that I got her and was pleasant to everyone. Well she did get a little hacked at Jeanie and I a couple of different times but nothing major. She asked Jeanie if her Dad was dead and Jeanie said NO he was sitting right there behind her!LOL She asked Jeanie and I if we were friends and I said yes and we're sisters. She said "Really??" I didn't know that. I turned to Jeanie and asked her which one of us did she think was her child?LOL Daddy didn't really say a lot that made much sense either other than to tell Jeanie and I to be careful driving back and forth. He said that it was a really nice Motel there and then he told Jeanie that it cost $100 a night??NO clue about that. He even said something about the Razorbacks which he hates!LOL Mom has lost another pound or so and she either weighs 102 or 103--not sure which. Dad had actually gained a couple of pounds. The weird thing to me is that it doesn't seem to really matter to either of them if we come or not and almost like we're always there! I know it's good that they don't sit around wishing we would come or anything though so maybe that's a good thing. I personally always dreaded but yet knew it would happen that one day Mom wouldn't really know me and even though I think she knows "kind of sort of" that I'm familiar, it's just not me personally. This probably makes no sense to any of you but it's the best I can come up with today. Maybe my next visit will be better in a week or so. Brittney and the boys will be flying back to Alaska around the 30th of this month so it may be after that before I get back. Love to all, Judy
Monday, June 14, 2010
Good job on posting Patsy! I love to get on here and read something positive! I would write myself but I haven't been back to visit since the last time I wrote! I am planning on driving up later today after Skyler gets out of Preschool and spending the night, visiting in the morning and driving back home. This is his last week since Frank is home!!! YEAH!!!!! Frank is going to check on the housing situation today and they have decided that Brittney and the boys will fly into Anchorage instead of Fairbanks because their trailer with 4 wheelers on it is stored at Frank's Dad's house there and he plans on getting it along with Brittney and the boys. Frank's Dad met him in Fairbanks yesterday morning when he got in with his truck so life is looking up. I have 2 awesome stories about Frank's trip home though, so here goes. One was when he walked through first class on his plane in Minneapolis, a man stood up and told him to take his seat and that he would sit in coach. Frank told him that it was fine and he would sit back there but the flight attendant said that they had it covered with him a seat in first class, so Frank was upgraded. He said it was awesome! He slept like a baby with his camo blanket!LOL Then when he was in Anchorage on his layover, he was eating supper when a lady came over, thanked him for his service and told him that his meal was on her. He told her that she didn't have to do that and she said it was already done. Is that awesome or what??? He was really touched and appreciative and so was I! I still love our blog and don't want to see it fall apart, so come on girls, post!!
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Jerry and I went to see Mom and Dad this morning. Dad was really good! They had shaved him and given him a manicure! His fingernails looked awesome. They were going to do Mother's later. Dad talked really good today and even made sense. We visited in their room with them for a while. Mother was asleep (as usual) in her wheelchair and I'm sure never knew we were there. Nikki said that they finally got a stool sample from her and were waiting on the results - hopefully, sometime today. They said Mother had been awake and alert earlier. Anyway, a better visit than Friday. I think maybe lunch is not the best time to go, so I may start trying to get there earlier from now on. Okay, talk to you later! Come on ya'll, get to writing on here! ha! love you, pat
Friday, June 11, 2010
I went to see Mom and Dad today. Dad was in the cafeteria waiting on his food. He sounded like he had a cold, so I asked Debbie and she said that she had noticed it also. He was really hard to understand today and what I did understand made no since. Mother was in her room asleep in the wheelchair as usual. I didn't wake her up. Debbie said she had been a little combative today. Still no stool sample, so no test results. I checked on Dad's sugar and it had been okay. Nothing new really. There seemed to be several people working in the cafeteria today that I didn't recognize, so I don't know if they've had several quit or what. Anyway, not a very productive visit. Brittney, I'm so proud for you that Frank will soon be home! That's awesome! love you, pat
Well, I've fought my computers all night and just now have it up and going! Get this: when I'd turn my phone on--the internet would connect! when I turned the phone off---the internet would NOT connect! I came really close last night to bundling the whole mess up and pitching it! LOL! I am NOT a fan of things that don't/won't work! LOL! Anyway, while trying to talk to ATT this morning, I figured that out! I switched the connection phone jacks (for about the 100th time!) and this time it worked! WHATEVER! As long as it works! LOL! Ok, I was going to say that I'd been to see Mom and Dad on Thurs. Mom was awake and actually ate pretty well (still in her room, still no sample as of 1:45 yesterday--Thurs). She is so quiet acting and kept wiping her face with her pants! She talked to me though and ate---two bonuses! Dad was in the cafeteria eating when I got there, so I just went to be with Mom. After Dad ate, they brought him back to the room. He looked really good, but he wasn't as sharp as he'd been! First thing he asked me was if I remembered where I'd hidden the cigars and cigarettes! LOL! I went to get him some tobacco, and he put the WHOLE amount in his mouth! I'm sitting there thinking that there's no way he'll be able to chew that, but he did! He then tells me he met the president yesterday (that'd be Wed) and that Dad had given a speach! Why the speaking thing, I don't know! Anyway, he told me about lunch and how much food he'd had, etc. When I left, he told me to be careful, etc. Anyway, they were ok. Dad seemed with it physically, and Mom was awake! Anyway, today (Fri) Pat is going down to check on them. I hope that they get the stool sample soon. Hey, the good news is that she obviously is NOT having the BIG D!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL! Ok, I'm off to work around here before picking Makenzie up at noon at Valley View! Good job, Judy! You have done a wonderful thing by having Britteny and her boys with you for 6 months! I can NOT imagine! Go you! Love you all, Jeanie
Thursday, June 10, 2010
2 AWESOME reports in a row??? I'm not sure that I can stand it! LOL Actually I would LOVE an awesome report everytime! It totally makes my day when I get on here and read positive stuff about either/or of them. I think we are all so blessed that this transition has gone as well as it has! I dreaded/worried/fretted about it for years! Dean and I use to talk about "what ifs" with them and I have always dreaded it all. Thank goodness it has gone so well. On a happy note from me too is that Frank is on his way home! He has to testify in an MP case at Fairbanks on June 25, so they are sending him home now and he does NOT have to go back. Brittney and boys will soon follow but they have housing, storage, their truck issues to work out after Frank gets home and then of course her tickets to home. I'll keep you posted! The 1 year turned into 6 months! Go Army!LOL Love to all, Judy
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Bruce was in Lake City today, so he went to check on Mom and Dad. He said Dad was great. They talked, etc. He told Bruce about breakfast and all he'd eaten, etc. Mom was in her chair with her head down when he got there, so he didn't bother her. He asked about Dad's eating, and they told him that they were doubling his meat and vegetable portions on lunch! Great! Nikki called later and said that they were going to increase the nutrish stuff they give Mom. She called me tonight about 9:00 and scared me! She was calling to say they'd had a conference about those losing weight, and they were going to give Mom a liquid that inproves your appetite. I asked about her weight and how much she'd lost. She checked and Mom weighed 106 before and now 104. Considering all she'd been through this last week and a half, that's not too bad. I asked if they'd gotten a stool sample today, and they had not! Hopefully tomorrow they will. The sooner they get one, the sooner they can culture it and the sooner they can get the results to hopefully get her out of that room! Anyway, good report on Dad for sure! Oh, I also asked Nikki about Mom and general, and she said no Mom was good! OK! I'm off to bed. Love you all, Jeanie
Monday, June 7, 2010
Sorry this is so late in the night to post! I went to see Mom and Dad today, and today, Dad was REALLY good! He looked good, acted good and talked good! I was so happy! When I first walked in, he was in the hall to my right drinking a can of Diet Coke! I'm like WHAT!?! Anyway, one of the girls working there came up and started kidding him about using her to get a Coke and then going back to his wife! He drank the whole thing. I took him outside on the patio for a while and just talked to him. It was great. Mom was asleep in her chair in her room when I went by the first time. After talking to Dad, I went to see Mom. She was SO tired! She kept falling asleep. I'm not sure she even knew I was there or who I was. At one point I gave her a hug, and she jumped a mile. It scared her---she was sleeping with her eyes open! THAT I do NOT like! Anyway, I asked Debbie about her, and Debbie said that earlier this morning Mom had given her what for over changing the bandage on Mom's leg. She also said Mom was letting the women on The View have it, too. It was around two when I got there, so I'm sure she was tired. She is still confined to her room. They're going to take another sample on Wed and culture it. It might be 72 hours at the most for the results. Until then Mom is room-bound. She did not have the BIG D today. That's a good sign! Dad's sugar today was in the 140's---that's good, too. I told Debbie again that Dad does better higher than lower. She totally agreed! All in all, I was much happier today than I have been with a visit. Hey, it was about time for a good one!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL! Anyway, I'm off to bed. I just finished putting together the cutest child's lawn chair. They are at Lowe's and look like the old-fashioned metal ones! They come in 3 different colors and are really heavy and stout! Naturally I bought two, and the second one didn't have all the screws! Back to Lowe's in the a.m.! Hey, Judy told me I needed three anyway, so this will be a good excuse to buy another when I replace the one short on screws! LOL! Love you all, Jeanie
Sunday, June 6, 2010
I went to see Mom and Dad today. Mom is still eating in her room. I sat with Dad for a while and then went to see Mother. Nicki said this morning that Dad was very "combative" with one of the girls and when they checked his sugar it was 66. She got him some orange juice and coffee and then he was okay. I don't like the fact that they have doubled his night insulin from 10 to 20. She said they had faxed some info to the Dr. about it, but hadn't heard anything. He said "Hey, Patsy" when I came in so he definitely knew who I was. The rest of what he said made no sense. He also kept looking for Mother and I tried to tell him that she was in the room. He looked okay, but he is so thin. I also think he is very sad at times, but I don't know what you do about that. He just seems to have lost all interest in everything he always loved. It's just sad to see them both as they are. I know I want them to be how they were 10 years ago and it ain't gonna happen! As for Mother, I don't think she knew who I was, but she was friendly and talking. When I came in the room she was slumped over in her wheelchair and I guess she was asleep. I spoke to her and she sat up. Anyway, fun times!! love you, pat
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Thanks for the birthday wishes:( Sad to think that I'm soooooo old, but as Dad always told me "it beats the alternative:. We are in LA visiting with Randy and his family for a few days...heading back on Saturday (hopefully to stop in OK to gamble a little:) Hotter than blue blazes down here:) Poor Mom and Dad! Maybe Dad will have someone to visit with if the teacher friend turns out okay. Hopefully there won't be another out break of Dad's potassium stuff again. When we get home I'll send the new grandbaby something...glad all went well with the birth. Sounds like everyone is busy, busy. Talk later, Ona
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Good job Jeanie on our post. LOL I just wanted to add that the DNR order is now on their charts cause Jeanie signed it today. Also I did notice on Mom's leg that she had a taped up place still with the date of 5/31 on it which I assume was when they changed her dressing last. They both do make a lot of sense one minute and no sense at all the next. They are definitely where they need to be and at least leaving them is so much better when you know someone is there with them and has their back. Love to all, Judy
Judy and I went to see Mom and Dad today. Last night he fell and hit his head and (they thought) hurt his arm/shoulder. He was sent to St Bernard's ER to get checked out. Pat, Judy and I were there. All was fine. Anyway, today when we went he looked better than he did last night. He was still making some talk that didn't make sense, but he was better than last night. He finally came in the room with us today and talked some. We left him in the cafeteria fixing to eat. Nikki told me that his bma (? I think that was the name of the test for his potassium, etc ) had come back and all was fine. Mom was doing ok. She was more weepy and was worried/wondering where everyone was. She makes so much sense at times, it kills me. I do see why they think she's depressed at times because she is! We left her in their room fixing to eat. She still isn't out because of the infection. Anyway, they were ok. It's just what has to be for their safety and care for right now. Pat called me this afternoon to say that Nikki had called her to say Mom's skin tears were all better other than one on her leg! That's great. I swear she said they were going to give an antibiotic, too, but for the life of me I don't know why or if! LOL! I am losing it, too! Anyway, I went to see Macie today and she's great. Fara and she both went back to the doc for their 1 week checkup today. All was fine! I like it! Ok, love you all, Jeanie
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