Tuesday, December 6, 2011

I did go see Mom and Dad on Mon. I'm getting horrible about posting! Sorry, but I'm just busy. They were both in bed when I got there. I'd been talking to Jon for over an hour and missed most of my chance to visit. Debbie and Margaret both told me Mom ate 50% at lunch and breakfast Mon. That was AWESOME! Mom's vital signs were still all good and she was again so alert. They were laughing that she'd been calling PAT! Her eyes were open and all when I went in to see her, but she fell asleep pretty quickly. Dad was awake and didn't talk much about what I could understand, but I thought he looked good---color and all. He is thin, but he's been getting thinner for a while. He's kind of getting into the routine of eating a big breakfast and not much lunch. His sugar was good and he wasn't yelling. He didn't want them to take off his glasses, but when I talked to him with them, he said ok. Margaret and Missy both told me that they had complained to Debbie and Michael Smith (even met Michael Smith at the door to complain) about Mom and Dad's room being so cold in the mornings. They said the shift that comes on at 10 and works until 7 turns on the a/c or else turns on the heat but turns the temp down to the coldest setting. They said that Dad doesn't want up it's so cold and they were worried about Mom since she just had pneumonia. Anyway, they decided to complain to me so I could file a grievance. They didn't want me to use their names. SOOOO, I'm having Judy call late before she goes to bed to ask about please make sure their heat is on. Tomorrow when I go, I can then ASK Margaret and Missy about the heat and when they say no (if that's their response) then I can complain for real! Anyway, holding steady for now! I'm so glad. Love you all, Jeanie   OH! When are we going to try to get together? I know, Jamie, that Jason leaves this weekend and you won't be able to until after that. Pat, do you get out of school a week from this friday? Pam, does Jim? Maybe we can get together either that weekend or one day the next week? We can get together any day next week as long as it's after school for Pat and Pam? Just asking. I'm pretty free as to times! LOL!

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