Tuesday, November 30, 2010
OMG! The pics were AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!! I cracked up at the comments Ryan wrote! LOL! We laughed and laughed at the pics! One of the workers took the group shot of all of us. She took two---the one where everyone is looking around and a second one where she cut off the top of Ryan's head! LOL! The ones Judy took looked like Mom wasn't even suppose to be a part of the pic! LOL! TOO FUNNY! I did go today to see Mom on her birthday and she was GREAT!!!!!!! I took some pics of her and Dad and will TRY to get them on here tomorrow! She was sitting upright and talked and looked SO good! They had tied a balloon onto her wheelchair, given her a cupcake and sang Happy Birthday to her in the big dining room! It was all sweet! I took her your card Jamie----she said it is JUST beautiful! So Pretty! It was amazing! I also took her a shirt from Judy and I and a cupcake that Ryan had made---it looked REAL fancy! She ate it and said OK, I've had plenty! Just like she used to! I cracked up because when I asked Mom if it was good, Dad goes--I can vouch for that! LOL! They both loved it! Anyway, Mom said twice I need to go peepee! I asked one of the workers and she took Mom out of the dining room. I took Dad a few minutes later and Mom was sitting in the big commons room. I pushed her over to a tree they had that was FULL of cardinals! It's adorable! She said two or three times how cute it was. She then got to talking about a dress and that they couldn't find one that would have been any cuter, etc. She was good! Her pics are NOT good! Bless her heart, she is NOT photogenic! LOL! Not at all! Dad was ok. He looked good, but he was pretty confused. He wanted some tobacco and Debbie got it for him. He put the cup of good into the cup for spit and was going to spit in the good. He kept trying to get things up off the floor. When I told Mom the card was from Jamie, he asked if Jamie was coming. I told him that not today but probably before too much longer. Anyway, it was a good visit. I asked Debbie about Christmas and what they did and what I could do for the people there. She said they have a big Christmas party---she thought it was the 17th and I should be getting a letter about it. She said they needed a couple of presents each before then because Santa would hand out gifts that day ( I think they save one of them for Christmas Day itself) and that it was a really big deal event. I'll definitely go, and I think Judy is definitely going to try to go, too. Any others want to go with us. That's a Fri (if indeed the 17th is correct). Judy also thought that while she was here, the 4 sisters that will be here could get together for a small celebration of our own---maybe a movie or out to eat or shopping or something. Judy's coming on Wed and will stay until that Sat, so maybe on Thurs or Fri night/afternoon. I'll talk to all before then. Anyway, it was a great birthday for Mom and a good day for all! You've got to love those kinds of days! I can't wait to hear about your plans, Jamie, when you get them. I'm so hoping that you'll be closer, but I'm also hoping for Jerry to make General! Maybe General AND closer! Whoo-oooo! Now THAT would be SPECIAL! LOL! Love you all, Jeanie
Loved the pics of Mom and Dad and Ryan and her little family. How was Mom today on her 91st birthday? Kind of makes me a little ill thinking about it...just can't believe they are that age...happy, yet sad feelings about it all. Mom was leaning over in her wheelchair...does she always sit like that now? Poor thing...she looks really healthy though...kind of chubs!:) I know the look...I see it when I look in the mirror! HA HA Glad you all went to see them on turkey day!! Jerry should hear something about our lives not long after the first of the year...it will be nice to have a handle on things and possibly start to make some plans!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM! I love you.......and my sisters too, Jamie
Monday, November 29, 2010

Here are some of the little ones who were there on Thanksgiving! Macie with me, Chandler, Maggie, Dylan and Pepper at the little table. We had such a good time! It was so nice to see you, Aunt Judy and Aunt Pat (and fam!), and we missed all the rest of the aunts, cousins, uncles, etc., etc.!! I looked through my pictures from the few days and they are pretty much worthless!?!? What on earth was I doing to not get any decent pics?? Hmmm.... making cupcakes, breaking things in Mom's house, shopping at midnight, catching a cold from a zero-year-old.... LOL! Hopefully some of these will share a little of the holiday with ya'll! Love and miss you all!!! :) Ryan
Sunday, November 28, 2010
I am so thankful for the progress that Randall is making! Reading his blog is so encouraging and uplifting! That is all so great! Sometimes it's easy to forget that we get so many blessings each and every day. I am so thankful for you all and am so blessed in so very many ways. Love and peace, Jeanie
Friday, November 26, 2010
Jeanie, Ryan and the girls went to see Mom and Dad yesterday(Thanksgiving)and they were in the dining room finishing supper. Dad is still really confused. When we first walked up and Jeanie patted his shoulder, he turned around and said "Hi Baby". He also opened his arms and reached out for Jeanie to sit on his lap, so we think maybe he thought she was Mom. I said something about Mom and he said he didn't know where she was. I told him "she's right here Dad and pointed to her." He just looked funny. Later he did reach over and patted her arm a couple of times and called her Baby. He said she goes from mad to glad which we all know! Mom was good I thought. She was leaning in her chair but she ate really well. She was nasty with food where she kept picking beans and stuff up and dropping some on her lap. She managed to get a lot in her mout thought and her plate was empty by the time I finished putting ice cream and cake in! Ryan took some pictures of all of us in groups and I'll ask her to post some on here. Mom even said "I love you too" when I told her that as we were leaving. She hasn't said that to me even after me saying it to her every time I visit, until yesterday. Totally made my day! Dad kept asking us about staying to visit at the hotel and there weren't any rules about when you could visit. He tried to drink from his spit cup which we stopped. He was talking about walking miles and stupid things but some made sense. I call it a good visit. Okay, off to shop! WhoopWhoop!lol I'll have to tell about our adventure at Old Navy at midnight! lol Love to all, Judy
Thursday, November 25, 2010
HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALL MY AMAZING SISTERS! I can't imagine my life without each and every one of you in it. I'm so thankful for our Mom and Dad and realize more and more each day what a blessing they were/are to us all. God has been so good to our family and I give him the thank you that he deserves. Have a great day to those I won't see, and I'll see some of you later! Love to you all! Judy
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
We're watching the Maui Classic on ESPN. It's in the Lahania Civic Center on Maui (naturally!)! LOL! Anyway, UK is playing. Shame you aren't there, too! LOL! Hawaii is so pretty---it really doesn't seem real in a lot of ways when you're there. ENJOY! Hey, for me---eat some Kona coffee ice cream! OMG! It is AWESOME!!!!!!! I literally ate it EVERY day we were there---more than once some days! OMG it is SO good! LOL! Just me though! LOL!
As for Dad, his appetite is still good. Breakfast he usually eats 100%. He loves breakfast. At lunch it seems he eats less. I think he usually has snacks, etc that makes him not as hungry by lunch. I'll check on the insulin amount. I don't know at what point in weight you alter the insulin dose. Weight is a factor. The funny thing about that though is that Annie takes 8 units twice a day---Novilin (sp?) N like Dad. Dad was taking 14 in the morning and 10 at supper. That's 24 for his size and 16 for Annie's size!! Go figure. Annie weighs about 15 pounds---at the time 1/10 of Dad's, but the amount of insulin she takes doesn't reflect that. Weird.
HAPPY THANKSGIVING to you all---see some of you Thursday! LOL! Ryan and fam heading here tomorrow afternoon. Mak and Grant won't be here at all all weekend because it's Nancy's holiday and it's a 4 day holiday according to the divorce. Divorce stinks for kids for sure! Dana will have both her son and her daughter with her this year---she's so excited about that. We'll have a new addition this year, too, with Macie. The turkeys just keep growing! LOL! Love you all, Jeanie
As for Dad, his appetite is still good. Breakfast he usually eats 100%. He loves breakfast. At lunch it seems he eats less. I think he usually has snacks, etc that makes him not as hungry by lunch. I'll check on the insulin amount. I don't know at what point in weight you alter the insulin dose. Weight is a factor. The funny thing about that though is that Annie takes 8 units twice a day---Novilin (sp?) N like Dad. Dad was taking 14 in the morning and 10 at supper. That's 24 for his size and 16 for Annie's size!! Go figure. Annie weighs about 15 pounds---at the time 1/10 of Dad's, but the amount of insulin she takes doesn't reflect that. Weird.
HAPPY THANKSGIVING to you all---see some of you Thursday! LOL! Ryan and fam heading here tomorrow afternoon. Mak and Grant won't be here at all all weekend because it's Nancy's holiday and it's a 4 day holiday according to the divorce. Divorce stinks for kids for sure! Dana will have both her son and her daughter with her this year---she's so excited about that. We'll have a new addition this year, too, with Macie. The turkeys just keep growing! LOL! Love you all, Jeanie
I worry about Dad being thin...of course he's never been real big. Funny how Mom is the one who's heavier now and we always worried about HER being too thin. What about Dad's insulin...as his weight drops, shouldn't his insulin be adjusted as well? Could his insulin dose be too high for his weight which in turns makes him lose weight? Does Dad still have a good appetite? Speaking of appetite...I hope you all have a super Thanksgiving! We'll be eating Thanksgiving buffet at the Hale Koa...80+ degrees and sunny....a HUGE change from what's going on in Fort Lewis right now...they have 30 degrees and SNOW! I feel so sorry for them...NOT!! We're off to the North Shore to watch a surf board competition...supposedly world famous! Jerome's excited..I'm hoping for good shopping near by!! :) I miss everyone and hope to see you soon! I love you, Jamie
Monday, November 22, 2010
Hey, sisters! Bruce and I went to see Mom and Dad this morning. Mom was SOUND asleep when we got there---mouth open, deep breathing sleep! )Dr Parten came around for rounds while we were there. I introduced myself and asked for some thoughts on Mom. He said she was naturally was naturally continuing to decline as per the nature of her disease. I asked about the Sequerel and told him about the info online that it had not been approved for the elderly with dementia related problems and could cause heart problems. He said that it had to have been approved or else they couldn't use it. The other doc (the psychiatrist) is the one who prescribes it and that he (Dr. Parten) can 'tweek' it if needed. I told him that we did NOT want Mom zoombied out---he said they didn't want that either. I asked about Dad, and he said that their main concern with Dad was keeping his nutrition and activity levels up. He said that other than some confusion issues, Dad seemed to be doing fine. Dad was in the shower when we got there, and he looked SO good when he got out. He was SO clean and clean shaven, etc. He looked really good---tired, but good. I took his tennis shoes off his feet and brought them home with me to wash. He had some leather ones there to wear while these are washed. Anyway, Bruce and I talked to him and all for a while. I kept going to check on Mom, but she never woke up---not even totally when Dr Parten checked her heart, pulse, feet, etc.! Not a bad visit. OH, I asked Debbie about the results of the test for Dad's possible UTI. She said it probably wouldn't be back until the middle of this week. He didn't seem as agitated as last week today. Ok, I've gathered and gathered and gathered for Thanksgiving. Tomorrow is cleaning day and Wed is cooking day! WHOO-OOOO! I'm ready to start cooking now! Love you all, Jeanie
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Jerry and I went to see Mom and Dad this morning. They were both in their wheelchairs in the big room. Daddy seemed very disoriented and didn't make much sense today. He looked good, except that he's so thin. Mother was more alert than she has been the last few times I've been. She talked a little and actually stayed awake most of the time we were there. I asked Nikki about them and if they had found out if Daddy has a UTI and she said evidently he didn't because they haven't put him on any new medicine. Anyway, not a bad visit considering. love you, pat
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Sorry this is so late in coming today! I went to see Mom and Dad today at lunch. Mom is definitely more awake and aware! She got mad at me for trying to hold her glass and then got REALLY mad at me when I tried to straighten her bib. In fact she said 'she'd slap the hell out of me'! OK! I'm out of here! LOL! I went out to find Dad. He'd finished and rolled out into the hall. He kept yelling JEANIE at the top of his lungs. I'd go to him, push him to where Mom and I were, then he'd roll away again and start yelling! LOL! They've sent off a urine specimen to check for a UTI. He was definitely more agitated than normal and had been up since 3:00! Good grief. He was WORN out. He kept telling me he had a doll for Jamie. Judy (the lady in charge of housekeeping) told me he was rolling around with the bear yesterday singing to it. I told her he'd told me he was giving it to Jamie, and she said that's what he told her all day yesterday. I thought that was sweet. Anyway, more crap from DHS today. They're nuts and driving me that way, too. Hopefully, I can get this info to them tomorrow or Mon before the holidays. Having fun Jamie? I am envious!!!!!!! LOL! Love you all, Jeanie
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Ok, I was just watching the Today show and an ad came on the TV about Seroquel XR for depression. Is this the same medicine that Mom's on? You know how they always list "side effects"? Well the one that says "elderly dementia patients should not take it because it increases the chance of death." really got my attention. Maybe there's more than one type...seroquel xr and then a regular seroquel....I know it caught my attention. I'm looking forward to Hawaii...the warmth and sun will be nice...I know you all have had it with the heat, but it's been a cool rainy summer here. I bought President Bush's new book and printed off some crossword puzzles...that will be the extent of my activities, plus some shopping!:) Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and eat lots of goodies for me...I'll be dining on pineapples!! Jeanie, glad you're taking the party to Mom and Dad...I really think that's the best option for them...but I know it's tough. I'll try and put some photos on Facebook! I love you all, Jamie
Monday, November 15, 2010
Ok, I got up this morning and went to see Mom and Dad. I was sick for Pam after reading her blog. Anyway, Mom was in bed, but she smiled and talked to me some. I asked her if she was tired, and she smiled and said she was sleepy! She said this feels really good. I mean, she knew what I was saying! She was not unhappy or any of that today. Dad was nowhere to be found. I was walking around LNC and came across Nikki. She said Dad was in the shower. I said something about Mom and her talking, etc. She said Mom had been so sweet this morning and was doing better with the less med in the morning. She said Dad had been up all night and was kind of aggitated. She was going to check for an UTI to just make sure nothing was going on. When they finished with his shower, he looked SO good and SO clean. He had a cup of tobacco and seemed really tired! I asked if he'd been up all night, and he goes---I don't think so! LOL! He did point out the bear that Judy gave Mom and said it belonged to Jamie. All in all, they were fine today. I felt much better about the whole thing today, too. Bruce had already said, Jamie, that Thanksgiving afternoon/night we'd take them something down and go see them. That's the best option for sure. I don't want to make life harder for them by confusing them about the whole thing. ANYWAY, I'm fixing to shower, work on my house, finish Maggie's turkey, EAT, go pick up Annie at the vet and talk to Chad!!! WHOO-OOOO! FUN, FUN, FUN! LOL! Actually---yes it is!!!! Happy HAWAII to you Jamie! There was a lady on the radio talking about going to NYC for the first time and how much she loved it and would go back today if she had the money, etc. I thought---adventures are SOOOOO important and SOOOOO much fun! You go have one for all of us right now and try not to worry! Love you all so much, Jeanie
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Hey Sisters,
Sorry I've been out of the loop for awhile...Mother in Law here, now gone and trying to get ready for Hawaii...I must say reading the blog tonight was quite a downer...you guys have got to throw a joke on here now and then or I'm going to need Lexapril or Seraquil or whatever!!:) I think we all agree that Mom and Dad's situation is really sad and it's so much harder on us than them. I guess I get through each day holding on to the fact that they are 90+, they are clean, housed, well fed, cared for and safe... could we wish for more? sure...better mental capabilities and physical strength, but their basic needs in life are taken care of and that's a pretty good place to be. I miss them and think of them so much...I probably dream of them at least twice a week...good dreams and when I wake it seems like they were so real. I know it will be tough not to have them for Thanksgiving...I would be so scared to take Dad for fear he might say something...and Mom would be so scared I think....maybe taking the party to them might be an option....wish I was going to be there. I've worried about leaving for vacation....about something happening...I'm trying to not think about it when it creeps into my mind, but it's always there. I miss you all and love you all and hope to see you all soon under super happy circumstances.....Jamie
We all know that there isn't anything to do or we would have done it long before we put them in the home! It's horrible but I know it would be so much MORE horrible if they were living at home and there isn't any way that they could live with one of us because it would be a full time job for 3 people since you'd have to get some sleep at some point and you couldn't because you'd have to worry about what they might do if they woke up. It's just a horrible situation all around but just think of the thousands and thousands of families that go through this every day just like us. Unfortunately it's just a part of being/getting old. Ours kids will probably have the same things to deal with too. No win!! Love to all, Judy
Pam, they have cut Mom's med in half in the morning--she gets 1/2 dose in the morning and one dose at night. Supposedly, it's very little. That is so strange that she had that reaction today. That's more response than I've seen in a while. Hopefully cutting it is helping some! Usually she's not into what's being said. I am so sorry that this is the way it is. I know what you mean about the 'can't do a thing about it'! I feel the same way on some visits. I just don't know what the answer is. We'll see how it goes with the dose cut in half in the mornings. IF she's still more out of it than with it, we'll just ask that they cut it out in the morning period. I do think she gives them a hard time. I understand it on both ends---theirs and ours. I hate it for Dad more than for Mom. Dad does say some crazy things, but he's not out of it like Mom. I wish I knew a better answer. I just don't. UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love you all, Jeanie
Jim & I went to see Mom & Dad on Sat. around 2:30. Mom was in bed but talking and awake. Dad in his wheelchair, in the room, beside her bed. Mom doesn't know me. I kept patting on her and calling her Momma and she finally said, "Did you call me Momma?" and started crying. Then of course, I started crying. Jim came over and I said this is Jim and Mom acted like she knew him and kept saying, "Oh Jim, Jim". Dad talked with Jim about the ballgame and seemed good, but every now and then says something crazy. He said Mom wants to see Mrs. Keach but could never make the trip and then said something about Jamie being down the hall. When we got ready to leave, Dad followed us all the way down both halls, and it scared me that he would say he wanted to go with us, but he didn't. He just told us to be careful going home. It's just heartbreaking. Do they give Mom the meds to keep her from being violent? I just HATE the meds!!! I just think it's cruel to keep them sedated to make their job easier. I HATE the whole thing, and know there is not one thing I can do about it!
Saturday, November 13, 2010
You are both so right about all of this. It just kills me to think about where they were such a short time ago as far as ability to do things. Hard to imagine that they were living alone in that house on Poplar with just some help in the mornings! HOW did they do that? Were they really that much better? In a way yes, but we just don't realize how bad it probably was. Dad told me once that the only way he could get Mom to "settle down" when she lost it before they went to LNC, was just to hold her. She was obviously so in tune with Dad's touch that it was still familiar to her. Even after going to LNC, one of the aides (Jessica I believe) said that a lot of times she would put them to bed together but Mom wouldn't even comprehend that today. Jeanie you're right in "how would you take them back". I personally don't think I could do that again. Dad might fight it now if he went back there--just maybe and not likely. He would think it was home I guess but I personally couldn't/wouldn't want to for ME and not him. Pat you're right too in we are so blessed to have each other. Not that we talk that much at times but just knowing I CAN talk to one of you if I have the urge is great. I love you all! Love, Judy
I've thought about the holidays too. I was thinking about how much worse Mother is now than she was last Thanksgiving. Last year she was still walking and could communicate at least some and could totally feed herself. There's just no way we could handle Mother the way she is now. It was hard last year, but now it would be impossible. It's sad to think that the time has come that we'll celebrate without our parents - I guess I just never thought about that time arriving. I really don't want the time to arrive where none of us gather at all for the holidays, because that's not what Mother and Daddy would want us to do and I can't imagine my life without all of you. Even though we might not talk every day, it's nice to know I have all of you that I could call when I needed to . Not everyone has the support system that we do and I'm so thankful for all of you. Love you, Pat
Patsy, you are so right! Mom is so sad and would HATE how she is now! Her pride and her opinion of how she should live and all would be mortified to see herself right now. Some days it's just so much harder to see them now than others. I was telling Pat, my emotions seem to be so raw these days and things get to me easier. Bless their hearts and all of ours as we head into this holiday season. It's the first time Mom and Dad won't be at my house for Thanksgiving in so many years I can't even remember when it started. I've thought and thought about that and would love to have them---just can't figure out a way. Dad---we could handle. Mom---I'm doubtful. Plus how do I take them back? That's the part that would be so hard. I don't know, it's just hard! Love you all, Jeanie
Friday, November 12, 2010
Jerry and I went to see Mom and Dad today around lunch. They were still waiting on their food and it was 12:30! That's crazy! Anyway, Dad seemed pretty good and talked quite a bit. Mother is just pitiful and that's about all you can say. She never knew I was there . I fed her lunch to her and she'd open her eyes a little every now and then, but that's it. She is so "not good"! Her eyes were very watery and she looks as pititful as she acts. Jeanie and I talked today about how mortified she would be if she could see herself and that makes it even harder to deal with. I talked to Debbie about the Seroquel (sp?) and she said they did cut the morning dose in half, but that she was still very sleepy. Sorry, I haven't written in a while, but life takes some turns sometimes that just keeps you otherwise occupied. Hope to see lots of you Thanksgiving! love, pat
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
I called this morning to talk to Becky about the Sequerel and the Lexapro. She said she'd get back to me, and did! They're going to give credit for the Lexapro---YEA!---and she said she'd sent a thing over to Dr Parten (?) about cutting the morning dose of Sequerel to one-half the amount. She asked the problem, and I told her that when I was there at lunch Mom was still sleeping. Anyway, Nikki just called and said they'd gotten new orders for Mom---12.5 mg of Sequerel in the morning and then 25 at night! Double YEA! I also got Mom's papers from DHS today, too. She's been approved, and they asked for the same 500 items they did for Dad. Hey, at least part of the items are the same for both of them! That is good! I've got until the 19th of this month to get them submitted. I'll try to get them tomorrow or Fri for sure! Ok, Love you all, Jeanie
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Poor Dad. It breaks my heart but there isn't anything that can be done and we all know that. Mom's probably much better because she's clueless. The whole thing makes me sick but I am thankful that they do have someone looking out for them 24/7 at least. That's about all the joy there is in it! Dad hasn't been bad at all the last few times I've been there but maybe today was just a bad day for him. I'll say an extra prayer tonight for him! Love to you all, Judy Oh and Jeanie my granddaughter was 18 in May so I'm not too much behind you! Hard to believe!!
OK, today is Tues and I went to see Mom and Dad. Several bits and pieces of info. I got a bill yesterday from Central Pharmacy for the Lexapro that we told them Mom did NOT need, but the psychiatrist prescribed for depression! I talked to Debbie today and she knew nothing about it. She said she'd look on her cart, etc for it before I got there. When I got there, I saw Becky as I was going in. I asked her about it. She said she'd see about it and get back to me. I went on down to the dining room and talked to Debbie about it again. She said it was NOT on the cart and she figured they discarded it! She said there's a short window where they can return med's, but she wasn't sure how long the window was open. I went back to talk to Becky as I was leaving, but she was in a meeting! I'll call in the morning and talk to her. The stupid prescription cost $109.31---Mom's copay part! This is twice that it's been ordered, not given, but we've paid for it! GRRRR!!!! On a different note, I don't know if everyone knew that Mom had hurt her toe a while back. It was like she'd banged it and had a blood blister, etc. Anyway, they've been doctoring it for several weeks now. Well, the foot doctor was making rounds at LNC today, and Debbie wanted to know if it was OK for him to look at Mom's toe---we'd have to pay since she doesn't have diabetes. I told her that if she thought Mom needed it, then have him check her toe. If Debbie thought it was doing ok, then no. She said she'd done everything she knew to do, and she thought that maybe he'd have another suggestion. So, I told her to have him look at Mom's toe. Well, the one girl that I like told me she was with the doc when he made his rounds. She said he clipped the old toenail off and it looked SOOOO much better. She said that you could see where the new toenail was growing in, etc. The doc also looked at a blister type place on the side of Mom's little toe and told them what to do for it. Total bill--$40. Well, spent! Mom is taking the two doses of Sequerel (sp?). Debbie told me again that she's going to see about halving the morning dose. I'll ask about that in the morning, too, when I talk to Becky. Mom has a new skin tear, also. Ok, that's it for the medical reports. Mom on the general report wasn't too hot. She basically slept while I fed her, but she did open up some when we left the dining room. She kept saying something about someone and something in a soft little voice. I could NOT make out what she was saying. She finally looked straight at me and said: I hope it's not you. I'm like, ME, TOO! LOL! Dad left the dining room before Mom and I, and they had Dad in bed by the time Mom and I got to the big commons room! I went in to talk to him and he smiled and held up his hand for me to hold it. He kept saying he was just so tired, so worn out. It was both so sweet and so pitiful at the same time. They brought Mom in the room to put her in bed, too. She has ground her teeth until there can't possibly be any left! It's crazy how loud and hard she grinds her teeth. Anyway, it was a sad visit for me today. Today was one of those days when I just couldn't get a grip on my emotions where they were concerned. Dad was trying SO hard to help another lady in the dining room and then tried to clean up in there, too. It's just a really hard sad situation for them. On another note---and then I'll stop for tonight----I got a letter from DHS on Sat concerning Dad. I thought it was one for Dad and one for Mom---that's how hysterical I was---both were about Dad. Dad has been approved---the second sheet was a post approval worksheet about his contribution to his care---moneywise. Anyway, before it could be final they requested all this HUGE pile of info AGAIN!!! Insane stuff about verifying deposits and withdrawals, pages 2-4 of Assured Peace (burial plan), a letter about the death benefit from his retirement, so many banking things it was unreal. I went to see Beth at Chad's office and took her what I could find that was on the list. I then went to Simmons Bank and got the balances for 11/1, and then I drove to the main branch to get the images of checks and deposits on Dad's trust account. I called PSRS (Dad's teacher's retirement) and the lady is faxing a letter about the $5000 death benefit to Beth at Chad's office. We'll see if this is enough info. I laughed because Beth said this is the first time DHS has EVER asked for this kind/amount of info on the accounts! Go figure! I still have gotten nothing concerning Mom's approval or denial---who knows! Ok, enough for this novel. Annie is FINALLY doing some better! THANK GOODNESS! She's gone two nights in a row without going to the bathroom on the porch! Let's hope for three after tonight! LOL! She's doing well with the shots---Bruce holds her while I give them. She's a good little dog. OH! Today Aaron is 20! Is that insane!?! I know, Jamie, you're thinking I'm fixing to have a 20 year old---well, yes, a son---this is my GRANDson! How old does that make me!?! LOL! Love you all, Jeanie
Monday, November 8, 2010
Friday, November 5, 2010
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Oh and one more thing is that I asked Debbie today about if she thought the doubling of Seraquil was making Mom more out of it and sleepy than normal and she said that they were just watching it for a little bit to see if it evened out and that if not, they were going to cut the one she gets in the morning in half and try that. Okay, haven't thought of anything else!lol Love to all, Judy
Ok Jeanie and I went to see Mom and Dad yesterday morning around 10 I believe it was and they were both in bed sound asleep. I asked Nikki if they had been up and had eaten, etc and she said yes they had been but were tired and they had put them down to take a nap only a short time earlier. She said that they were doing fine so Jeanie and I didn't want to wake them up. We were on our way to Memphis to pick out Jeanie's granite for her counters and planned on going back that afternoon as we told Nikki we would but it was drizzling raining almost all day, road construction had traffic in a dead stop and by the time we got home it was 5 or after and we didn't really want to go at supper time and just waited to go this morning. We got there today around 9 and Mom was sleeping but Dad was awake. Again they said Mom hadn't been asleep long and she looked totally peaceful and was in fact snoring some. Dad at first looked at Jeanie and didn't seem to register for a sec but then he did and was glad to see us. He called me Judith Ann so I know he knew me too which was nice. He oohed and ahhed over Maci and kept talking about her red hair. He said some weird things that didn't make any sense , for example something about Missy in the hospital. Well it turned out that the lady who rooms next to them actually had gone to the hospital so we think he was talking about her. Mom eventually got up and looked good I thought. When they rolled her out into the large area and in front of me she said "oh hi, when did you get here" or something like that==not my name of course but seemed to know I was familiar. Something about her eyes is weird most of the time though like she's blind. It's strange! She does see though cause she commented about "whose baby" concerning Maci. I fed her a whole pack of those big grandma cookies though and she drank 2 cups of apple juice and commented about how good it was. I told her that she looked so pretty and she said "awww no I don't" which made sense. Then she said something about those kids and James and I did something so she knew about James at least. She didn't acknowledge Dad really while we were there though. Dad had his bottom teeth in weird as if they were on the side of his mouth. We asked him about them and he said they were fine and not bothering him but we told him that he needed to rinse his mouth and put them back in again before he ate lunch. Hopefully they did that since the staff mentioned it too after we did. Mom had on Dad's socks and someone else's shoes which was weird! The shoes fit her but they weren't hers. Jeanie and I are going to try to weed out their clothes and throw stained ones, especially Mom's in the trash when I go back. We'll go through the community closet too and try to locate what we can't find and then restock with Mom some new shirts since hers are so stained. Bless her heart the outfit she had on was those pajama looking bottoms with pink and white something and that top that matches with a hood. It's really stained but I think clean. They said Mom had eaten breakfast which was a biscuit, jelly and bacon. Someone would have had to feed her though cause she could barely find her mouth with the cookie I had given her. I ended up feeding most of it to her. It wasn't a bad visit at all though overall but it's just sad to see our Mom not in that body that we always thought as her. Her teeth are so ground up and horrible that she would just die if she recognized her surroundings enough to notice her teeth. Okay, that's it from me. Jeanie may post what I missed!lol Love to all, Judy
Monday, November 1, 2010
You know, I may have to quit reading on here! We need to rename this the 'depressionshelton6sisters'! YUCK! YUCK to Jamie for her Mother-in-law---sorry Jerry! DOUBLE YUCK for Ona and Randall and family! I HATE all of that for them so badly! What Jerry Calder said is so true---you have to be so watchful because what he could get there could really do him in! YUCK, YUCK, YUCK! I'll just add to it! How's that for more fun!!!!! LOL! Bruce and I went to see Mom and Dad today. Mom was really not good, but after I fed her and wiped her eyes, she seemed to do better. I did go OMG! once! I was feeding her and she burped then said EXCUSE ME! Is that nuts or what!?! Dad was in the dining room, too, talking! Some sensible, some not. He wanted to go to the lobby, so Bruce took him around to the waiting room. When Mom and I got there, Bruce and Dad were sitting on one of the love seats talking. It was good. This other guy named 'James' who is 90 came up and started talking to them. Bruce wound up giving Dad and him both $1 because they were talking about being broke. Anyway, when we left, Dad goes: Thanks for the $1 Bruce! It was good! Anyway, I wasn't trying to talk like Mom and Dad were already gone. I'm trying to find the positive in this situation. They are fed, clean, and in a safe heated environment. How awesome is that for anyone!?! It is sad that life changes, but it changes for ALL of us everyday! Luckily we DON'T know what's around that corner. It's scary enough when we run into it without having to know it's coming at us! Ok, I'm off to clean on my house. Bruce and I just voted and tried to clean house there! LOL! We'll see how that goes, too! Love you all, Jeanie
No Jamie I didn't know your mother in law was coming! Great!!!NOT! Jerry 50 huh? Just a kid!lol I'm actually writing on here because I called to talk to Ona this morning because I know how much she hates Mondays. They are just a big letdown for her because everyone leaves, Howie works and she's all alone. Well today when I called making a joke about horrible Mondays and wanting to boost her spirits, she told me that it was a horrible one for sure because Randll has a temp of like 101 and is back in ICU in the acute hospital. She said he was fine at 6 this morning and about 9 started running the fever. They have decided that it's a urinary tract infection and have started yet another round of antibiodics on him and he will stay there for 2 or 3 days. He also has a bedsore on his tailbone and that's the reason for all the notes about "wound care" that Denita puts on the CaringBridge website. Jerry Caulder talked to Ona though and told her that she had to stay vigilant about fevers and handwashing because he felt he would get past the head injury but hospital/nursing home/rehab facilities infections are not good. I asked her about did she want to go home and check on her house since she hasn't been there since the accident and she said she didnt want to go there without Randall. I really worry about how she'll ever cope if something does happen to him and she has no choice but to go home alone. She said that the people who have the apartment told her that she is to stay there until they all return back to Canadian which is truly a blessing. Jerry Caulder also sent them a small apartment size refrigerator, a 32" flat screen tv and an Ipod with 1600 songs on it. He said he wanted them to be comfortable while they were there. He also said that he was researching about water beds and bedsores and he would send him a water bed if it turns out it's helping with those. What a friend! Another question is why are we talking like Mom and Dad's life is over? It's NOT. Dad is still in there some and Mom could outlive all of us. Will she know if she does, no but that doesn't change the fact that she might be alive. Let's get back to positive--I like it MUCH better. Love to all, Judy
You're right Jeanie, they have had a good life, I guess that's what makes their situation now so hard to deal with...my head knows nothing stays the same and time marches on, etc., but my heart wishes otherwise. I just sometimes have a pity party about the whole thing!! Yes, we leave for Hawaii on the 17th and will be back on the 26th...Thanksgiving dinner will be fish and pineapples? yum I'm looking forward to the warmth and the sunshine and just relaxing. The boys have several dives planned, I have some shopping planned and we're raising the flag at the Arizona on the 18th, but other than that, just vegetation!! Ok, I'm off to de Halloween my house, clean my house and then work a basket auction at the hospital...did I mention my Mother in Law comes tomorrow? Jerry turns 50 on Wednesday and she's coming in to surprise him (he knows)! Unfortunately, it's suppose to be cool and rainy for like the next 10 days....welcome to Fall in the Pacific Northwest!! Love, Jamie
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