Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Gosh I'm with Jeanie in that I needed a good laugh tonight and got on her and laughed out loud! You are all crazy! I need to ask for all your prayers for Leisa. She went to the doctor today just for her ob/gyn checkup, thought it would be a 15 minute ordeal and they found she has a huge cyst on one ovary, fluid around the other and a capsule of fluid in her abdomen. Her ob/gyn, plus the radiologist, all 3 of her doctors and herself think it's only a benign cyst. She didn't have it 2 years ago when she had her hysterectomy and he didn't feel it at all last year on her exam. It's too large to take out with an arthroscope so she'll have an open incision on Monday. She should be in the hospital for 3 to 5 days and off work 4 weeks. She didn't even tell me about it until later tonight when she and Bryan just showed up. When they walked in I thought she was going to tell me they were engaged or something and had no clue it would be this. She said she couldn't call me because she has been a basket case. They did a CT scan (was scheduled for Friday but of course her doctors insisted she have it today and she did) and everything including her lab work is fine. I don't leave for Alaska until 9/14 so she should be up and about good by then. If I have to cancel my trip, I can certainly do that. I bought insurance again like I did before my car wreck and before the back and forth trips to Alaska 2 years ago. Let's just all pray that this is a simple, in and out and no complications and only benign. Keep up the funny notes cause I'll need them till after Monday for sure! Love to all, Judy

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