Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Ok, it is SO nice to get on here and read something funny---even if it wasn't meant necessarily (sp?) that way! LOL! Mom does have a 'wild' look about her and it's for real! I really will try to post some pics fairly often just so you can see them. I'm going to go down there tomorrow to check on them. Mom is officially broke! I paid her AARP premium today and Humana will come out tomorrow. Her social security won't come until the 3rd. Right now before the social security is added, she has like $145-- then Humana has to be taken out---and a $3750 bill due from LNC! YIKES! I don't think her $307 social security will pay her bills this month! I called Chad today and the earliest I can get in is next Wed at 4. I asked if this wouldn't be too late to file for Medicaid, and his secretary said she didn't think so. Dad still has enough to pay this month (which I have done) and next month. So we won't file for anything for Dad until probably Nov at the earliest. Anyway, time definitely moves at a faster pace the older we get. I think we just want to hang on to it more because we realize how precious it is! Ona was having a hard time today when I called to check on her and tell her about Leisa. I hate it so badly that she's alone for a lot of the time now---Denita's in school again and Howie works and Randy's in Louisiana. She has people drop by, but it's not like having the fam there with you. Howie was taking her to Walmart today. It's just a really hard situation for them all. Ok, goodnight sisters. I love you all, Jeanie
Jamie you are so retarded and I LOVE it! It's great to get on her and have a good laugh. You crack me up! Leisa is doing better I think even though she had 3 units of blood, still has an NG tube in her nose, still has a foley catheter, still has those leg compression things that go up and then down on both legs, IVs, etc. Ok maybe she's not better!lol She looks better though since she had the blood and she stood today, sat up for 30 minutes and her stomach is rumbling which is a good thing because her bowel is evidently waking up so she can get the NG out. She's more than ready! Tomorrow will be the test for that though because tonight her doc didn't sound convinced it would come out tomorrow. He said normally 72 hours. She also will do the shower tomorrow and IF the NG comes out, so will the foley cathether. Let's cross those fingers and say a prayer. Keep the posts coming! Love to all, Judy
I love the pictures of Mom and Dad! I think Dad looks really good and pretty much the same! Mom looks a little wild..her hair kind of has that fly away look...but her face looks full and I can tell she's put on weight!! Thanks for posting them...I really miss not seeing them and this at least helps some. I hate seeing them in the wheelchairs,but Dad sitting on the swing outside is awesome...I know that does him so good! I can't believe Addison is a year old...does she have her ears pierced? TJMaxx had the cutest baby jewelry last Sunday when I ran in there! Time is flying by for sure...have you ever noticed that time seems to go by faster the older you get? What's up with that? I just find it unfair...of course there's much unfairness in the world I guess...like men don't get cellulite..not even super fat men..or stretch marks and really not varicose veins either like women. There's got to be something men get that women don't that would kind of balance out the scales...well, prostate trouble would be one, erectile dysfunction would be one, anything not related to the penis region??? I'll have to think on it some more...until then, I'm making cookies and watching a movie that will give me a good cry...The Way We Were...something about this movie, I hear the music at the beginning and I start to tear up...I know Babs and Robert Redford are both Obama/Clinton lovin' libs, but for this moment in cinematic history, I choose to ignore that fact and have a good therapeutic cry!! Keep those posts coming..Love you all.....Jamie
Monday, August 30, 2010
Sorry I'm just now posting, but Jerry and I went to LNC Sunday around 11:00. When we got there, Mom was sitting in the big room in her wheelchair. I talked to her, but she had no idea about anything. Dad was asleep. They got him up before we left and he went sound asleep in his wheelchair. Nikki said he had had really bad diarhea (sp.) that morning. We had quite a show while we were there. These 2 new women decided that they were going home and it was quite funny! Nikki said that one of them had kicked the doors and the windows and tried climbing over the fence outside. Hey, at least Mother and Dad haven't done those things! One of the ladies yelled really loud, "This is bulls**t!" Oh, my gosh, I enjoyed the show! hee hee! Okay, off to bed! love you, pat
I went to see Mom and Dad today--Monday. They were putting Mom to bed---she was fighting them. They wanted to change her shirt---she was like no way! The one girl told me that Mom looked so cute this morning, but that now she had food all down her shirt. I told her that that was ok since Mom was hitting at her! Dad was laying down, too, but he looked stressed today. He told me to go over and see if I could calm Mom down. He said she embarrassed him with the yelling, etc. I told him that Mom couldn't help it and would HATE it so much if she knew. He said she would, too. Anyway, we talked along and he kind of drifted in and out of sleep. After a while he sat up and said his back was killing him. He said I'm getting old and stiff! LOL! I cracked up! I thought you're not GETTING old......!!!!!!!!!! LOL! Anyway, I told Debbie he wanted up, and she sent in two really sweet girls to help him. I laughed because we went out into the hall and after about 2 minutes he said he was tired and wanted to go to bed! LOL! I tried to get him to talk to Mr. DeMent, but he didn't want to go down there to talk to him! Anyway, they were ok. Nothing really new and nothing really different! Love you all, Jeanie
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Good job, Patsy! Dad is the one who needs the visits. Bless her heart, Mom, just doesn't know. She's not unhappy---she just doesn't know. Dad knows that Mom isn't right. I think he's finally admitted that to himself. I'm glad you went. I really think the more we go the better care they'll get and the more tolerant the workers will be of Mom. k, I'm off to get ready for bed. Love you all, Jeanie
I went to see Mom and Dad yesterday at noon. Dad was great! He looked and acted so good! Mother, on the other hand, was not good. She just sat there mumbling and not responsive to me at all. She is really pitiful! It's hard for me to see her like she is. Anyway, I talked to Debbie and she said they were both doing fine. They had given Mother a shower and she doesn't like that. All in all, not a bad visit. love you, pat
Friday, August 27, 2010
Good job Mrs. M! Good pics too considering the subject matter you had to work with!lol I know Mom wasn't too cooperative! Dad's glasses are NOT attractive!lol At least they look happy, clean and well fed (Mother is getting the chunks in the middle area! Comes by them naturally I guess with our gene pool!). I love pictures! I should have been a photographer!lol Love to all, Judy
OMG! You can teach an old dog new tricks!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEA! I figured out how to add these photos! Now that I have (well I might have just lucked out this time, I'll try to add a pic every now and then----at least once every other week! That would be cool! Mom was asleep and would NOT wake up when I took the ones of them by themselves. Hence--shut eyes! LOL! Ok, I'm off to fold clothes before Little Billy and his daughter come back to help me finish off the soffit removal and repair! I like it! Love you all, Jeanie
Hey, I know how he can sleep through all that! Been there and done that! LOL! He got the 'sleeping gene' from the Shelton side of the family! LOL! The one thing our kids and grandkids teach us is that nothing stays the same and time is definitely marching on! Where did it all go!?! I mean, really! Some days I look at myself and think nearly 64 years old!?! You've got to be kidding! It all goes way to fast when you look at the big picture and sometimes way to slow when you look at a particular scene/event! Love you all, Jeanie
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Thanks Pat. I know we all can relate to something wrong with one of our kids--it's the worst thing of all unless of course you count husband and parents in there too!lol Yes it's hard to believe Addison is a year old and Logan is two. Brittney texted me a picture tonight of Logan riding on Frank's 4 wheeler and sleeping with his little helmet on! It was adorable! How the child could sleep going through mud, hills, water, etc is beyond me! I guess when he's tired, he's tired. LOL Thanks for the prayers! Love to all, Judy
Not happy to hear about Leisa's problems - bless her heart, she's had her share of the female problems for sure. I'll be praying for her!! Good luck to both of you! I know how it is when you're worried about your kids! I will be going to see Mom and Dad tomorrow (Fri.) after I get off work at 12:00 and Jerry & I will go again on Sunday. I'm not babysitting this weekend - Jennifer's off because she's having Addison's birthday party Saturday. Can't believe she's a year old - my precious baby! Molli's coming in the next weekend (Labor Day) so we're having Addison a party that Saturday. Of course, I haven't gotten her a thing for her birthday - you don't believe that do you? ha! Everytime I go to town I find something else to get! Unfortunately she'll probably like the paper and boxes best of all! Okay, I'll report tomorrow about Mom and Dad. love you, pat
p.s. By the way, I definitely don't need an appetite stimulant - now an appetite suppressment I could sure use! ha!
p.s. By the way, I definitely don't need an appetite stimulant - now an appetite suppressment I could sure use! ha!
I told Jeanie that I bet she thought the white rag was a pile of potatoes and she was out to eat them!lol Good report Ms. M! Get that place in shape before I come back up!lol Leisa's doctor called today and her surgery is scheduled for Monday at 9. She has to be there at 7. 2 of her best friends are both working in the Observation beds which is generally where they put someone only in for a night but they are going to let her be in there with them. I'll feel much better about them taking care of her since she/I know them. Say a prayer! Love to all, Judy
Get post because I have GOT to get this soffit down one way or the other. I look like I'm living in a shack right now! LOL! Anyway, I went to see Mom and Dad today and they were ok. Mom looked good and never stopped talking. Dad new enough to know that Mom wasn't right with all the talking. He'd look at me and say she does this all the time. It was sweet though because he'd reach out to her in her chair when he said it. The only thing Dad said that was wrong was that 'this place just doesn't let their machines pay off at all'! I cracked up. He said he'd built his credits up to $300,000 and then let it all go back into the machine! LOL! He knew the Pirates beat St Louis last night and was good in general. I asked Debbie about his weight and she looked back to Feb when they came into LNC. At that time, Dad weighed 145 and Mom 118! One of us has been pigging out while there! I laughed when I told Judy that I had taken a wet rag to wipe Mom's eyes---they have so much matter in them. She swatted at me and told me to STOP THAT! Well, a little later I tried again, and this time she grabbed my hand and tried to bite the rag! I was sure she was going to bite me, and I'm thinking thank goodness for that tetanus shot I had! LOL! Anyway, they were fine. Anyway, they were fine. Love you all, Jeanie
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Gosh I'm with Jeanie in that I needed a good laugh tonight and got on her and laughed out loud! You are all crazy! I need to ask for all your prayers for Leisa. She went to the doctor today just for her ob/gyn checkup, thought it would be a 15 minute ordeal and they found she has a huge cyst on one ovary, fluid around the other and a capsule of fluid in her abdomen. Her ob/gyn, plus the radiologist, all 3 of her doctors and herself think it's only a benign cyst. She didn't have it 2 years ago when she had her hysterectomy and he didn't feel it at all last year on her exam. It's too large to take out with an arthroscope so she'll have an open incision on Monday. She should be in the hospital for 3 to 5 days and off work 4 weeks. She didn't even tell me about it until later tonight when she and Bryan just showed up. When they walked in I thought she was going to tell me they were engaged or something and had no clue it would be this. She said she couldn't call me because she has been a basket case. They did a CT scan (was scheduled for Friday but of course her doctors insisted she have it today and she did) and everything including her lab work is fine. I don't leave for Alaska until 9/14 so she should be up and about good by then. If I have to cancel my trip, I can certainly do that. I bought insurance again like I did before my car wreck and before the back and forth trips to Alaska 2 years ago. Let's just all pray that this is a simple, in and out and no complications and only benign. Keep up the funny notes cause I'll need them till after Monday for sure! Love to all, Judy
Ok, all this is too funny! It's so nice to get on here and see that someone else is reading/writing/thinking about all this! Puts a HUGE smile on my face---today for sure! Jamie you are nuts! I just read your post to Bruce and we were both cracking up. Last night we'd both had it when I started to read the posts to him. He's like---you've got to stop---you're killing me! LOL! I'll check with Nikki or Debbie tomorrow about the issues with Dad's weight and insulin and appetite, etc. I'll see what they have to say. It may be that the insulin will need adjusting because it is based on weight and calories eaten---if both are down then I'd think the insulin would also be adjusted down. I'll check. Pam, I haven't heard from Pat as to when she is going to be able to go---she's babysitting with Addison on weekends part of the time for sure. If you want to pick a weekend day, then maybe she can go the other or vice versa---If we kind of know when someone is going it makes it easier to plan when to go. I'd rather one person went on a day than to have two go on one day and then several days be skipped. I'll definitely plan to go at least twice a week. If you go one and Pat goes one or two and I go two---that covers most of the week. I just think they get better attention and care when people go to visit. Ok, I love all of you so much. Hang in there all my sisters. It's nice to have you all on my side and as a part of my family. It makes me so proud. Love you all, Jeanie
I totally agree that Dad's teeth could use a good scouring and whatever they think needs done to them to make them fit/stay better, I say go for it...especially if the max would only be $500!! I don't think that's that bad a price really...the last crown I had put on was like $478 and that's WITH insurance! At least now we know about the dental situation!! Next situation, Dad's weight...so 143 is pretty low for him I think...high for Mom, normal for me and what for a Sister with one leg? :) Have they/Nikki ever said anything about the fact that his weight is going down? Is insulin suppose to get changed based on weight as well or is that strictly based on calories eaten? (I thought it was a combo) I don't guess they would consider putting him on a higher calorie diet or giving him the appetite stimulant would they? Especially if he's considered a good eater. Speaking of eating, I've got to grab something and head out the door!! Keep those posts and info coming!! Love you all regardless of weight, hair color, body parts that are missing or have migrated north,south,east or west or changed shape due to age, childbirth or other circumstances beyond your control!! :) Jamie
My house is finally quiet. Jim, Jody & Peyton are all in school and if feels wonderful. Matthew is still asleep, so it's me and the cats, and it's great! I'm trying to get back to reading the blog every day, and you all make me laugh. Thanks! I need it.Jeanie and Pat, thank you for handling all this financial stuff for Mom and Dad. It's all crazy, isn't it? Jeanie, I think the weekends will be better for me to go visit Mom & Dad. If I go during the week, I couldn't get over there until around 5. Just let me know after you talk with Pat. I think that will help me if I have a certain day to go on. I love you all and hope you have a great day. Love, Pam
This is so fun posting and see that it's been read!lol I like it a lot. Thanks Jeanie for me "winning" the contest with my leg comment but didn't realize it was a contest!lol I needed a good laugh and this was good! I'm glad that all that dental stuff is going to work out ok and knew it was basically a Medicaid scam to get money. 99% of those people in there besides Mom and Dad have it and you know the dental grop will milk it as long/much as they can. Who could blame then when the government gives them the license to steal?? Ok, off my band wagon. I won $5 at bingo last night (spent $35 and won $40) so I'm taking it to TJMaxx and see what beautiful item I can buy to put somewhere--might be house, might be body. Any excuse to shop is good for me. Love to all, Judy
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Ok, all you 143 pounders will have to ride on different ends of this boat if we're going in the water! LOL! That is the funniest thing I've heard in a while! LOL! You are all too funny! I've got to admit though that Judy wins with the 'having to lose a leg' comment! LOL! My gosh, you're all nuts! Anyway, Dad's weight is lower than it's been. I think the last time I checked on his weight, I think it was like 147 or so. I'll ask when I go back on Thurs what it was last month. Dad doesn't look like he's lost though just looking at him. Bruce said that it's listening to Mom all day that's taking the weight off! LOL! He used to say he weighed 159---had for years. He didn't weigh that much when he went into LNC though. On a different note, the dental group that will go to LNC called me today. I was like--Good! I need to talk to you. She was really nice and so straight forward (is that suppose to be one word? surely not!). I asked about prices and procedures. For Dad it would be an exam, cleaning his dentures (they are beyond filthy), checking his gums and mouth for any problems, labeling his dentures in case they are lost or misplaced (gross!)--anyway all of it is $139. IF he needs his dentures adjusted (don't ask because I don't know!) there would be a charge of $42 for the uppers and $45 for the lowers. IF the dentures needed relining then it would be $175 each plate. In other words, the max should be around $500. I don't figure they'd do both adjusting and relining his dentures. I figure that's an either/or. Dad probably needs this done. His dentures don't always seem to fit him well and they are nasty. I can live with this for him. They won't do anything to/for Dad without calling and getting permission. Ok! Mom---I told her that in my opinion I didn't think there was ANY way she'd let them look at/work on her teeth. I can't imagine that she would. Anyway, the lady said to write on Mom's form that 'we would call for their assistance in the event of an emergency'. I asked about the fed guidelines. She said that the nursing home has to OFFER the dental services. IF they were on Medicaid then it would be totally paid by Medicaid! Anyway, I can live with that. Dad probably does need his teeth cleaned, his mouth checked, etc. Ok, I'm off to eat some watermelon myself! I've already had the ice cream and choc syrup, so I'll aim for a little bit of healthy! LOL! Love you all, Jeanie
Okay, lots of blogging going on here! Sorry, I'm like Pam and have been a little out of the loop lately! I plan on going to see Mom and Dad on Friday after I get off work at 12:00. I started back to school full-time, Addison's been sick, and Jennifer's been having to work week-ends! Anyway, makes me tired ( and old) to think about it! Speaking of old! Jennifer told Jerrod that she thought Addison was going to have my hair color and his response was "GRAY?" Not funny!!! Okay, all of you young and old hang in there! love you, pat
Okay this is scary...I think I weigh 143 as well!! No joke and I'm definitely NOT pregnant! That's pretty low for Dad though. He always weighed around 165 he use to say. When we took them to see Dr Mulligan not long before they went in to LNC I think Dad weighed around 157 or so. What was his weight when they first got to LNC? 143 just sounds really low for Dad, especially if he's eating like they say he is and he really doesn't "burn" much of it off I wouldn't think! I should have this problem..eating 100%, napping and relaxing all day and still loosing weight!! I wonder if it has something to do with the diabetes and the insulin...body burning the sugars differently or something...Okay, I'm off to make me a botox appointment and eat a popsicle!! Love you, Jamie
Wow Mom and I are getting closer and closer to being twins if she weighs 143!LOL Of course she'd have to lose a leg and let's hope that doesn't happen!lol Hard to imagine they are within a pound of weighing the same! Was that much of a lose for Dad? I think not. You two are a HOOT! Jeanie you and Jamie are BOTH inspirations to me because Jamie's young and hip and you're older than me and can do a lot more than I ever could! You know I've always felt faint when my hands get in hot water!lol I'm so glad that they get to get outside some because they use to sit for hours on their porch. I hate that they can't do all the things they use to but we all do the best we can! Good job Jeanie! I can't wait to see the pictures! Love to all, Judy
Well let me say to start,Jamie, that if we're an inspiration to you on how to age then you are a reminder to us on how to be young and with it! LOL! For real! You make me feel younger when you're around!
On the Mom and Dad and the dental thing, I didn't get to talk to Michael Smith this morning because they were doing rounds. I will try to see him on Thurs and will probably try to call the dental group that does the work, too. Hey, I will definitely wait until after the first of Sept to send the forms back because by then I can put that we've applied for Medicaid for Mom. That's what Chad told me to tell the pharmacy if I got a bill from them after we'd filed. He also said that Mom was allowed to keep $2000, so there's still some left on the loan balance. We'll see. I'm trying not to worry about it because I'm pretty powerless in this situation. I can question and complain, but there's a lot of things that are beyond anyones control.
On another note, Mom and Dad both looked good today. I took their pics and will TRY to post them here later tonight. I'm going to try to get up the nerve to tear down the soffit over my countertop in the kitchen today. I just can't quite bring myself to make that first hole! LOL! Anyway, I took them both outside---it was SOOOOO nice. Mom fell sound asleep, but she GRITTED her teeth nearly the whole time! It was SO loud and SO annoying! I couldn't concentrate! LOL! One of the workers was out there, too, and she asked if Mom was asleep. I told her yes, but she's grinding her teeth! She goes I KNOW!!!! Dad was confused about several things, but he got so sleepy sitting out there, too. He has gotten to where he gets out of his wheelchair and sits in the swing. It was the kind of morning that just made you so relaxed and calm sitting there. Anyway, he told he me didn't know what he was going to do about the med. I asked what was the problem. He said one doctor told him to take 120 pills and the other told him to take 300 pills. He didn't know what to do! I told him that they wouldn't give him more than he needed and just take what they gave him! LOL! I took him some more tobacco, and Debbie said good because he was nearly out. Anyway when I took the last pics of them sitting side by side, Dad reached out and held Mom's hand. It was just so sweet. Bless their hearts. Anyway, they were fine and seemed to be ok, really. I did ask about their weights: on the 18th Mom weighed 143 (no typo!) and on the first Dad weighed 143 (no typo!)! Isn't that hiliarious! I cracked up. When do you think was the last time Mom weighed 143---pregnant with Jamie, maybe!!!!!!!???????????? LOL! Anyway, love you all, Jeanie
On the Mom and Dad and the dental thing, I didn't get to talk to Michael Smith this morning because they were doing rounds. I will try to see him on Thurs and will probably try to call the dental group that does the work, too. Hey, I will definitely wait until after the first of Sept to send the forms back because by then I can put that we've applied for Medicaid for Mom. That's what Chad told me to tell the pharmacy if I got a bill from them after we'd filed. He also said that Mom was allowed to keep $2000, so there's still some left on the loan balance. We'll see. I'm trying not to worry about it because I'm pretty powerless in this situation. I can question and complain, but there's a lot of things that are beyond anyones control.
On another note, Mom and Dad both looked good today. I took their pics and will TRY to post them here later tonight. I'm going to try to get up the nerve to tear down the soffit over my countertop in the kitchen today. I just can't quite bring myself to make that first hole! LOL! Anyway, I took them both outside---it was SOOOOO nice. Mom fell sound asleep, but she GRITTED her teeth nearly the whole time! It was SO loud and SO annoying! I couldn't concentrate! LOL! One of the workers was out there, too, and she asked if Mom was asleep. I told her yes, but she's grinding her teeth! She goes I KNOW!!!! Dad was confused about several things, but he got so sleepy sitting out there, too. He has gotten to where he gets out of his wheelchair and sits in the swing. It was the kind of morning that just made you so relaxed and calm sitting there. Anyway, he told he me didn't know what he was going to do about the med. I asked what was the problem. He said one doctor told him to take 120 pills and the other told him to take 300 pills. He didn't know what to do! I told him that they wouldn't give him more than he needed and just take what they gave him! LOL! I took him some more tobacco, and Debbie said good because he was nearly out. Anyway when I took the last pics of them sitting side by side, Dad reached out and held Mom's hand. It was just so sweet. Bless their hearts. Anyway, they were fine and seemed to be ok, really. I did ask about their weights: on the 18th Mom weighed 143 (no typo!) and on the first Dad weighed 143 (no typo!)! Isn't that hiliarious! I cracked up. When do you think was the last time Mom weighed 143---pregnant with Jamie, maybe!!!!!!!???????????? LOL! Anyway, love you all, Jeanie
Here are my thoughts about the dental visit...YIKES!! Can you imagine Mom even letting a dentist get near her mouth? And if for some reason he was able to and he sees whats going on in there, she would never let him do any work unless she was BEYOND sedated! Cleaning...not going to happen..unless sedated. A fluoride treatment..yea, that could happen!! I'd like to have a video camera running as the dentist is trying to explain rinse and spit or let's put this tray of goo in your mouth and sit for 5 minutes!! I mean, it all sounds great and important on paper, but it's not practical for Mom. Are they saying that Mom and Dad must carry a dental insurance or actually be seen by the traveling dentist and then pay per visit/treatment? OMG OMG!! Judy your recommendation of waiting until Feb 2011 sounds good to me...I wish Mom and Dad were able to see the dentist like "regular" people, but they're at a point where seeing the dentist might cause them more harm (major anxiety/distress) than good. What a mess!!! I hope Chad can figure it out and just tell us what to do...Love you all, Jamie
WOW if a girl can't get any sympathy from her sisters, there's is just no hope!! hahahahahahaha I guess I feel like I'm still pretty young..I still have zits, I still like junk food, I still stay up too late sometimes,but then I look in the mirror and it's like, OMG what happened? I have to say to you my sisters, you are my inspiration and role models on getting older and life-happens stuff and just getting the job done with grace,tenacity and poise every day and, for that, I am thankful and blessed!!:) Of course, this doesn't change the fact that I'm getting old and it sucks!!...I'm just saying!:) Love you, Jamie
My suggestion/solution about the dental stuff is that they haven't been there a year and if they have to be seen annually, they can come back in Feb 2011 and THEN see them. By then they will surely have Medicaid which will be responsible. NO WONDER the welfare and government is broke because of the crap rules and regs they have! Good luck getting in Mom's mouth! It seems it would certainly have been easier on everyone if we had just let nature take it's course with their money but we didn't. If we need the 60K, so be it! It's AFTER the 60K that I hope we're done! Ok Jamie, your SON started his senior year and my GRANDDAUGHTER started her freshman year of college! NO whining! You're preaching to the choir!lol Besides Jeanie is right--47 is young by my standards!! Maybe not Jason and Jerome's but do they count???LOL Love to all!Judy
Monday, August 23, 2010
Good job, Pamela. Is there any certain day that you can go? I'm trying to set up my schedule to go along with yours and Pat's. I can go most any day during the week. If any day is harder for me, it would be on the weekend. Let me know what's the best day for you. I'm so glad you had a great visit.
OH! I'll ask tomorrow about Mom and Dad's weights! I was going to do that the other day and didn't! Love you all, Jeanie
OH! I'll ask tomorrow about Mom and Dad's weights! I was going to do that the other day and didn't! Love you all, Jeanie
Jamie, my understanding of the whole thing with Chad and Mom and Dad is that when DHS (Department of Human Services) made their ruling---then that's it. I asked him the same thing about it starting like in Jan of '11--something to give you some time. He said no. He said that they KNOW that there are a lot of people who use it with the rules as they are---but there's no forewarning from them. He said that we could redo the thing---it might cost them another 30k of the 60k we passed around. He just didn't know. That's why I told him he made my head hurt. It's just SO confusing! Add this to it! Today I got two letters from a dental group that will visit LNC on Sept 16 for dental services to residents! It said that residents had to be seen/offered services at least once a year according to federal guidelines! I've got to talk to Michael Smith tomorrow about that. I mean, do you know HOW MUCH they could stick Mom and Dad for dental services!?! I told Judy today, it could be 2 grand if they wanted to do that! Anyway, it will eventually come to an end on the money trail--when it's all gone---it's just all gone. I will be glad to KNOW something specific. I hate the limbo stuff! As for the nearing 47 and your last child entering his senior year in high school----don't even go there! LOL! Remember I have a GRANDCHILD older than that! Now exactly WHERE does that put me!?! LOL! It will be fine. You are still young and adorable with no spider veins and not much gray hair---although you SURELY have earned some of the gray! LOL! Your life can't be THAT easy! Love you, Jeanie
hello sisters, I know, long time, no post, but my life is soooo crazy right now. It's been a long, crazy summer. I'm the bad sister, and don't get to see mom and dad like I should, but I really try. I try to get over there once a week, but sometimes it's two weeks before I can go. Usually when I go they're asleep, so I don't post about that, but this Sunday I went and they were just getting Dad up and when I walked in, he said,"Well hello Pamela" and it made my day. He seemed like his old self. He said a couple of weird things, but most of what he said was just as normal as can be. Mom was asleep and never did wake up. She looked good, looked clean and everything. I saw Nikki and talked with her and she said they were fine. That Mom had been eating like a horse.I noticed there were several new people working there that I hadn't seen before. But it was a great visit and I was so glad I went. Love, Pam
Jeanie what does DHS stand for? When Chad talks about them changing rules without warning does that mean that things that have already been done have to be redone and changed? There's no "grandfather" clause where if you did something before the law change it stays as is? I mean, that just doesn't sound like to me that that makes sense...people might not ever get their affairs all worked out...about the time you think you have them straight, the law changes again. Is this an Arkansas thing and federal thing or what? Jeez Louise...aggravating!! You're right though...eventually, a turnip will not bleed!! Has Dad lost any weight? It seems like he's not eating like he was? Have they ever talked about starting him on the appetite stimulant? Has Mom gained weight? I wish I could see them...anyway you could take a photo or two the next time you go? I know you have nothing else on your plate!! ha ha Just a thought!! Ok, I'm out the door..got to get Jason registered for school today..can't believe my baby is a senior this year and I'm knocking on the door of 47..crap! My head just hit the sand....Love you all, Jamie
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Jeanie and I went to the nursing home this morning along with Bruce and Maggie. It was really a good visit~ They were sitting in the dining room when we got there and they were in the big room today instead of the little one where they usually are. Mom had eaten literally everything on her plate! She was even trying to eat the napkin~lol At one point she picked up some bacon off the plate beside her. Not sure if it was Dad's or not but whatever~lol Dad said had eaten and there wasn't biscuits or eggs on his plate but the whole bowl of gravy was still there. Not sure if he had seen it or not. He said something about they didn't cook as good as someone else. NO clue what that was about but Nikki later told us that he had eaten everything. She gave him some tobacco too which he loves!~ Mom was laughing some and talking about how cute jeanie's little girl was!~lol She never said our names or anything but she did say Precious to us. I'm so glad she always knows Dad though because when he comes into her view she'll say "There's my precious". I asked Dad if Mom talks a lot since she was constantly talking to herself, us, the wall, etc. Dad said "Oh Lord, she talks all the time~~" He even called her MotorMouth once!~lol
One of the weirdest things was that we were all just sitting around talking and Mom all of a sudden said "Hot Springs" which she was reading off my shirt! She said something about loving it there" She said too to Jeanie and I later that she and Dad got to do "funner"(fun plus er)lol things now. She always looks not good to me when she has that matted stuff in her eyes but Jeanie washed it out and it makes a huge difference in her appearance. She told us to come back soon when we left. Jeanie said it was the best she had seen Mom in a while. Dad made a few statements that were weird but not all of them for sure. He told Bruce and I about some woman who had a long full beard and was laughing about it. LOL Bruce told Daddy that she was who he was looking for and Dad laughed. We told Dad about Katilyn coming to college today and he seemed to understand that. He did tell Bruce that "Bruce had fallen 30 feet" which was half right at least. When I said no that it was Randall, he just kinda looked at me weird. All in all I'm counting this as a good visit. Love from the two of us! Jeanie and Judy
One of the weirdest things was that we were all just sitting around talking and Mom all of a sudden said "Hot Springs" which she was reading off my shirt! She said something about loving it there" She said too to Jeanie and I later that she and Dad got to do "funner"(fun plus er)lol things now. She always looks not good to me when she has that matted stuff in her eyes but Jeanie washed it out and it makes a huge difference in her appearance. She told us to come back soon when we left. Jeanie said it was the best she had seen Mom in a while. Dad made a few statements that were weird but not all of them for sure. He told Bruce and I about some woman who had a long full beard and was laughing about it. LOL Bruce told Daddy that she was who he was looking for and Dad laughed. We told Dad about Katilyn coming to college today and he seemed to understand that. He did tell Bruce that "Bruce had fallen 30 feet" which was half right at least. When I said no that it was Randall, he just kinda looked at me weird. All in all I'm counting this as a good visit. Love from the two of us! Jeanie and Judy
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Today is Wed the 18 of Aug. I went to see Mom and Dad today. I'm back to ok with LNC. There were two people sitting with Mom, Dad and two others today at their table helping to feed/encouraging them to eat. This is twice in a row their beds have been made, their rooms straight and a lot of people spoke to them! It was good. Mom was eating when I got there----eating like she was starving! I asked Nikki if they were still giving her the appetite stimulus and they are---it shows! Dad had not eaten but about half of his two pieces of meat and a few bites of cake. He had left all the green beans and mashed potatoes. Mom on the other hand had and was eating all of hers. I cracked up because when she'd eaten nearly every crumb on her plate she reached across and grabbed Dad's mashed potatoes. They were cold and in the shape of a ball. Mom picked them up and ate all of them like you'd eat an apple! LOL! She drank both of her glasses of liquids, and then Dad's when I gave it to her and then another one the worker brought to her! Feeding in NOT her problem! I don't think she knew me at all. She told me once to leave that alone it was hers---I was trying to feed her! LOL! I got her a wet rag at the end and she actually looked at me then. She smiled and just thanked me and said how sweet that was, etc. When we got Mom back to their room, she said she was freezing. I TRIED to get a hoodie on her, but she wouldn't straighten out her arm! She was making so much noise that one of the guys who works there came in to see if we were ok! LOL! I wound up putting that throw over her, too. She fell sound asleep. Dad on the other hand was not himself. I asked him if he was tired---he's not too good when he is. He kept saying he'd lost 5 wallets and 4 credit cards while he was there. He said he wasn't coming back to this place any more! LOL! while I'm trying to put on Mom's jacket, Dad hands me the pic off the wall saying she made this. I'm like, I know Dad, we hung it there for you. He then goes by their door and asks if I want the sign! (Meaning their name!) I took him outside for about 45 min thinking that might help. When I pushed him back inside he was like gosh it's cold in here. I pushed him all the way to their room and right up to Mom. Dad goes: where's mother? I'm like right there. He's like where? I said that's her sitting in the chair. Oh! He just wasn't with it, but I really think he was so tired. I asked if he'd slept all night, and they said yes. In fact they said after breakfast he'd taken a long nap! Who knows. The one guy wanted to know if they could maybe give Mom something in the morning when they first wake her up because she fights them so badly. I told him that they gave her seruquol (sp?). He said yes but it didn't do anything for her. I told him that I did NOT want her zombied out and I'd talk to all of you about it. He said he was worried she'd hurt herself---not them. Anyway, that's it Snit! I did mail off the letter back to the State of Missouri for unclaimed property in Mom's name. I had already sent one set in, but this time they wanted another paper notarized saying I did have current POA and that Mom was not deceased! Good grief! LOL! This had better be a TON of money or goods! LOL! We'll see! Love you all, Jeanie
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Chad is the expert, but he said that DHS just issued a new opinion on this whole thing of loaning money to a sibling and then paying it back, etc. He said that that is what they do: change their opinion and that's it---no forewarning, nothing + it starts right then---not 6 months from now, next year, anything like that. He said that it had been the way it is now for years. We're not the only ones in this position. He said something about the fact that the money was gone in '09 before they went in in '10 that that might help. He didn't know either. His friend who had the case they issued this opinion on was going before a judge to see about it---bunch of lawyer talk. I thought the exact same thing---if it plays out that every nickel is used---we could have done this without paying Chad 4 grand! We'll see. I'm now wondering that even IF he says that it will go such and such way if we can continue to count on that for Mom and Dad. Hey, my opinion is is that when ALL the money is gone---ALL the money is gone! Period! No new developments can occur! LOL! Hey, there is some comfort in being broke---the ole you can't get blood out of a turnip rule! At least then we wouldn't have to worry about what's next in that train of thought! LOL! Love you all, Jeanie
Jamie you're so right in the fact that all we wanted to do was hide some of their money so we could use it for things they needed. If we give it back, no big deal because it was and always will be theirs in my eyes. I just wish it were settled and this is the way it is. Put a period at the end and move on! lol It just seems to me right now our family has more crisis than we want with Mom,Dad and Randall. I go from worrying about one to worrying about two then back to one and then to three! I NEED a vacation! I am going to Alaska actually on 9/14 till 10/2 which will be great to see the babies, Brittney and Frank. Maybe I can bury my head in the sand there better than here! Right now here is too hot to bury your head cause it will melt!lol Katilyn goes to college on Saturday and we're all struggling with letting her spread her wings. It's tough! I'll miss her! Ok, no more sads! This is the day that the Lord has made, I'm trying to rejoice and be glad in it!lol Love to all! Judy
I look at the money situation this way...it's Mom and Dad's...we tried to do the right in hiding 60 grand for them..no good deed goes unpunished..so if we have to spend all 60 grand and the yard sale money too, then that's that and we did what we'd set out to do all along..make sure they had money so we could take care of them. It was just a long frustrating road to get to the same end!! I guess my biggest issue is, is Chad not the expert in this area? Legislation/Government rules have already changed that much since all this started? Heck, it almost sounds like he's just winging it...which is what we were doing..except his winging cost Mom and Dad $4000!! I hope he can agree to a definitive answer to all this and then assure us of a plan. I wish I was there to be a bigger help in everything. I know you'll let me know if there's something I can do from here. I love and miss you all...Jamie
Don't get me started on the sad and depressing! We all can identify with that with Mom and Dad and Randall. I can identify with that about the photos! I NEARLY did the same thing. I was a few photos from the end of the scanning when I hit the finish and end button! I thought I'd lost them all, but one of the workers came over and was able to retrieve (sp?) them! I cannot imagine just losing them! Yucky-poo! Don't worry about the pics. I did mine the Sat. after you went home---still too numb to let anything make a huge dent in my brain. That was my saving grace on them. I have mine ready to mail---finally! Little Bill was going to make me copies of the DVD's when he had to go for chemo because his cancer's returned! Another Yucky-poo! He got them back to me about a week or two ago. I've just got to distribute them now! Hang in there Jamie. I know that life with two boys still at home + all your duties + the stress of having a husband in the military in Jerry's capacity + life itself is tough. I've said many times: getting older is NOT for the weak! You better be pretty dern strong to take it! As for the money, there's a new opinion from DHS that may affect us. He said that you have to wait until you are broke and then apply---as in we can't pay her bill when it comes due in Sept. I asked, too, about her other bills! It's all just red-tape and back-talking stuff. I finally told him (Chad) that he made my head hurt. He does because it's never the same thing twice + he's thinking on his feet and keeps changing what we need to do. I want ONE answer and I'm sticking to it stuff! We'll see. He said for none of us to spend any of the money because we may have to give it back and redo it, etc. I'm thinking this will never be straightened out. We'll see. It will have to be eventually because there's only so much money that could be used---then that will be it! I'm just not going to try to worry about it. When it's all gone, it's all gone. That will be the bottom line. I HOPE to know more after Sept 1---I doubt it, but a girl can hope! LOL! Love you Jamie. Love you all, Jeanie
Monday, August 16, 2010
I go from reading about Randall to reading about Mom and Dad...I've got to get some happier reading material I think!! Sounds like there has been a change of personnel out at LNC. Wasn't it Jody that said nursing homes have a hard time keeping good people because they just don't pay enough? That really blows, because I was pretty pleased with the staff that I had met before...they knew Mom and Dad and really seemed genuine. Jeanie, why does Chad have to wait until 1 September to file paperwork? If Mom is broke and the 7 months has passed, does that not meet the guidelines he talked about at the beginning? I get so frustrated with the whole government thing..on so many levels over so many issues...don't get me started!!! On a happier note, I'm so glad Jeanie that you had a "normal" visit with Dad on the swing outside...something he would have loved to do 20 years ago even...nice memory..and those are getting hard to come by. On a sad, but true note..I finally set a day and a time to go down to Wal Mart and get all those pictures copied to a disc today. It had been bothering me that it wasn't done and at the same time, I was kind of dreading it...looking at them makes me a little sad and depressed..just thinking about what was and what isn't anymore..but I had a totally free day and said ok today is the day. After 2 1/2 hours I got 169 photos scanned with just 4 pictures left in this first bunch and the scanner shut down...all copied photos gone. The photo lady felt so sorry for me. She said, if you leave them I'll scan them for you and there'll be no charge and I'll call you when there're done. I didn't feel comfortable leaving them, but she said if I come back before Friday, she works this whole week, I can redo them and they'll still be no charge. A small runner up prize I guess!! I'm going to try to get back down there before Friday, but this week, like every week for me, is crazy. Just wanted to let you know I haven't forgotten about this...we are going through some really crazy potentially major life changing stuff here in my house and that along with all my volunteer duties, kid stuff, regular life stuff, it's just hard to carve out 3 hours to get down there. Anyway, thanks for keep those posts on Mom and Dad coming and I miss and love you all.....Jamie
Ok, today is Mon the 16th of Aug. I went to check on Mom and Dad today. When I got there Mom and Dad were still in the dining room. Mom was asleep in her chair, but she had eaten nearly every bite on her plate! Debbie (an another 2 ladies told me this same thing ) said that Mom had eaten a ton at breakfast. She'd had two biscuits, 6 pieces of bacon and a whole honey bun! Hey, that's good. They took her back to their room and put Mom in bed, so I didn't get to talk to her today. Dad, Debbie and I sat in the dining room and talked for a little while. I then took Dad back to the commons area and asked if he wanted to go outside. He did. We went outside and it was SOOOOO nice today. First day in a couple of months that it felt human outside. Anyway, Dad and I and a few of the workers (they'd drift in and out) sat out there on the patio for over an hour. He really enjoyed it. It made him so sleepy! LOL! Me too! He sat on the swing with me the whole time and it was just so calm and pleasant and nice. He really enjoyed it, and so did I. I finally told him I had to go. I had to go by the grocery and go get Annie's medicine at the vet's office. I took him back inside and he asked where I was going to sleep. I said at home. He said well where am I going to sleep. I told him in the room with Mom. I asked him if he wanted me to take him there and he did. He said he was lost. Bless his heart. I was so glad to let him have a pretty normal afternoon. I took him a newspaper, and he read some of the articles about Elvis! LOL! Anyway, it was a much better visit for me. I saw several of the regular workers that had been there for a while + they were all really nice to Dad today, too. Their beds were made (well Mom was in hers with the pads up on the sides!) and their room looked straight! Hey, all +'s for me! LOL! Love you all, Jeanie
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Just wanted to drop a post here so everyone would know that I still read this!lol I'm going back up there this coming weekend and will see them on Sat. Leisa, Austin, Katilyn and Bryan will go over on Sunday she said to see them after they get Katilyn all settled in the dorm on Sat. I'm going to miss that girl~! She is a mess but in a good way! I'll post next weekend. I had talked to Jeanie after each of her visits and already knew about the mess with the money and Jeanie's dissatisfaction with LNC right now. It seems to me that they've had a big turnover in personnel. The young aides use to be so good and loved Mom and Dad and now it's right everyone is so busy there that they hardly have time to visit. Hopefully it will turn around. I told Jeanie she may have to go back to Michael Smith if it doesn't. Love to all, Judy
Friday, August 13, 2010
Ok, I'm going to try this again. IF it disappears this time---there'll be no new post today! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Today is Fri and I went to see Mom and Dad this morning. I guess it's just me, but I have not been just really satisfied with LNC the last couple of times. It may be that I'm worried about other things (Ona and Randall for ex!) and I'm just attacking LNC because they're there! Who knohos! Anyway, when I got there this morning Mom was in the dining room---Dad was not. I'm like: where's Dad? You could hear the echo: where's James, where's Mr shelton, etc. I went out into the hall and he was out there rolling along. Another aide had gone out at the same time to look for him. Anyway, I'm like Dad you haven't finished your breakfast---he'd eaten maybe 1/3 of his food. He said he had had a whole lot and wasn't that hungry. He said he'd been up sick all night. I'm like: throwing up sick? He's like yes. I asked one of the workers and they didn't know anything about it. I asked him again, and this time he said his stomach hurt all night like with gas. Anyway, it wasn't hurting this morning. Mom's menu read 2 biscuits, extra bacon, hi-cal juice, milk, coffee and ice crea.m. No ice cream was there though. We go down to the big commons area and Dad is looking around for 'something'. What do you need Dad? A spit cut. Ok, except he had NO tobacco! He did have SOMETHING he was chewing---I couldn't look because it was white and fair sized---gross! Anyway, the young guy got him a cup. Well, I looked down and MOM was wearing a pair of Dad's new socks! I'm like OMG! I went to ask Debbie if Mom needed some new socks, too, and she said it wouldn't hurt! So I went into their room to check their clothes and Mom has NO socks! Of the 4 new pairs I took on Tues--Mom had on one pair, Dad had on one pair, there was another pair in the drawer + ONE sock! One of the new socks had already gotten lost!!!!!!!!!!!!! YUCK! Anyway, I turned around to go back to the commons area and there were Dad's teeth on his bedside table balanced on a cud of tobacco! They were nasty! I went out in the commons area and asked Dad about his teeth. He kind of laughed. I said is that why you didn't eat breakfast because you had only half of your teeth!?! He said yes--which doesn't necessarily mean yes. I got a kleenex and picked them up to take them to him. He took them and was trying to put them in his mouth over the ones that were already in the top of his mouth! I'm like: ok, this is about all the fun I can take this morning! LOL! I gave them a hug and left. Dad was talking something about moving stuff to St Louis and it getting confused if he did that, and he'd be better off to leave it as is, and that he'd been gone all day yesterday to Cleveland---Cleveland? Why Cleveland!?! No idea. They both looked good, but that's about it. I did tell Dad how Randall was doing and he recited the 30 foot fall onto concrete thing for me again. That was good. Mom said that she loved him more than anything in the whole world and then went off onto her Mom and how she loved her Mom, etc. It's just hard right now. On the money thing, we're still a ways from having that straightened out,too. Pat and I went to talk to Chad today and have to go back after Sept 1 to see him again. THEN he'll file for Mom's medicaid. We may still have to give back the other money----they've changed the way things can be handled in DHS. It's still a mess! Anyway, I'm off to give myself a pedi and a mani---I NEED some pampering! The weather is SO oppressive here! Miserable! Love you all, Jeanie
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Today is Tues. I went to see Mom and Dad today at lunchtime! Today a few things just hit me wrong. Nothing major---several minor things. I told Judy that if today had been the first and only time I'd visited, I'd have left there thinking ok they've got to go somewhere else! They were in the dining room having lunch when I got there. Dad was finished----he hadn't eaten much----and was just sitting and rolling back and forth. Mom had a container of yogurt trying to eat it! Literally she had yogurt on her nose where she had squeezed the container and was trying to 'drink' it! I immediately grabbed her spoon and fed her all the ice cream and then the yogurt. The lady on duty (I think it's Rose---but not sure) came in there after a while and made some half-a statement about 'your beautiful daughter coming to visit'. One of those compliments that's not meant to do anything but smooth---if you know what I mean. I said something about Mom shaking---she was---still don't know why! I also said something about her eating. She (Rose) says something to the effect of she won't let us do that. I'm like she acts hungry. Well, I continued to feed her everything---literally---on her plate + her cake. I said something to Dad about his cake and he said he'd eaten it. The third time I mentioned it, I stabbed it with a fork and showed it to him. He was like--Oh---and proceeded to eat it all. The guy next to Mom was in bad shape---he couldn't help it. He dumped his ice cream and dumped his strawberry milk-looking something and was reaching over grabbing Mom's food off her plate!!!!!!!! I'm like, sir, you can't do that. I moved Mom's plate and continued to feed her. He then tries to wipe his hands on Mom's pants! Dad makes a remark about him grabbing Mom's leg---like it was not right! LOL! Anyway, through all of this, Rose (or whoever she was) never came back to feed the man, pick up his mess, move him --- nothing. She came back later and Dad said something about not having breakfast. She made some move that made me look and she winked at me! I'm like--are you for real!?! I just got the impression from her that she was ONLY concerned about me --- not Mom and Dad. While I was finishing up feeding Mom----no one came over to our table the whole time except for her visits----this young male attendant came and asked Dad if he could take him back, check his briefs, etc. I finally told Dad it was ok, that I'd be there when Mom finished to change the battery in his watch for him. Well, when we got to the room, Dad was in bed!!!!!!! I went out in the hall to get a sharpie to write his name on his new socks and when I went back in the room, Mom was in bed, too!!!!!!!!!! I'm like --- well, I guess I'm finished here for today! In defense of this, Dad was asleep when I went back into the room---so I guess he WAS tired! Then when I'm leaving this same lady (rose or whoever she was) was in the front hall. She made some remark about Dad being too full to eat from the breakfast he didn't get this morning. Anyway, it just hit me wrong. I just really didn't get a good impression today at all. First time really. I'll go back at a meal time again to see how this plays out the next time. The bad thing is Mom is broke! Pat and I are going on Thurs to talk to Chad about this. This would NOT be a good time to try to move them. We'll see---if it happens again, I'll definitely say something to Michael. Maybe I just caught them at a bad time today. Ok, Love you all, Jeanie
Sunday, August 8, 2010
I know what you mean Pat but can you imagine that the mother and dad of today were living at home by themselves less than a few months ago? I do NOT know how they did it then or else they've changed so rapidly since then. Mother isn't anywhere close to the mother she was even back in Feb! You could talk to her and she understood and responded at least 50% of the time then but not now. Doesn't seem to matter what you say to her, she doesn't respond either at all or it's just a response to a simple" do you want coffee". I hate it too but at least today Dad seemed to be at a ballgame! lol Have to laugh to keep from crying. Love to all, Judy
Jerry and I went to LNC today. Dad was in the big sitting room in his wheelchair just sitting there chewing tobacco. He seemed not to recognize me at first, but he did talk on and on about "the shot clock stopped" and "now there would probably be a lawsuit" and etc. I'm assuming he was talking about a ballgame. Mother was in bed asleep with her eyes open. I wheeled Dad down to lunch and they got Mother up and brought her down and she was horrible. It was really upsetting to me to see her like that. She was just sitting and staring her blank stare and saying "I didn't do it" and "I don't know" on and on. Dad's sugar was 77 when Nikki checked it and that's way too low for him. Nikki said they had both been eating really well - especially Mother. Anyway, not a good visit for me - I cried on the way home because it's just so sad to see them like they are and to know there's nothing we can do. Sometimes it all just bothers me a lot more than at other times. Love you all, pat
So if Jeanie says her post is late then mine is called REALLY late! By the time I drove home from there yesterday, I had "stick a fork in me done"!lol Ditto to Jeanie's note. Dad and Mom both did look good physically, it just kills me that Mom is in there and lost. She doesn't really know who we are or say our name and things which is so sad to me. I am happy that she doesn't realize the state she is in though, so that is my saving grace in this whole thing. Dad said something about they had been there so long now that everyone knew them, which is totally true!~ Love to all, Judy
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Ok, better late than never! Judy and I went to see Mom and Dad yesterday (Friday). We have been hip deep in a yard sale! Good grief! Anyway, they both looked good. Judy thought Dad REALLY looked good, but so did Mom. Mom is happy---she's just in her own little world. She seemed glad to see us and wanted coffee and took the jacket when we asked if she was cold, etc. She would say 'that's my precious' when Dad was there, etc. She's about like she's been. Dad is kind of back and forth. Yesterday he was so concerned about moving 'something' here and there and afraid that he'd miss a check if he did. I kept telling him that even if he missed one, they'd eventually catch up with it for him. Then he said something a little later about taking part of the stuff to Henderson and not knowing exactly what to do. I never figured out exactly what the something was but think it had to do with like S.S. or cd's or something like that. He did say his watch had stopped and he needed a new battery. I'll take one Mon. Anyway, they were ok. Mom did say several times that they were having so much fun there! LOL! Ok, I'm off to haul stuff to the basement and then the grocery. I need a full-time aid! LOL! Love you all, Jeanie
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
I, went to see Mom and Dad this morning!They both looked good. Mom was so calm, and Dad was so agitated! Go figure! Dad was like all in a tither over ?????! I kept asking him what he was wanting, what he needed, etc.. He just kept saying something about these college kids, and people talking in groups of three, and he'd been waiting for an hour and a half---and so on! No idea! He went to the door that goes to the patio and tried opening it, so I went over and we went outside. I thought that that might help. It did for a few minutes, and then he'd like lifting his shirt open like he was looking for an inside pocket. I asked what he was looking for and he said his communication device! I'm like WHAT!?! Why? He said because he had to communicate with everyone. No idea there either. He finally said something about tobacco, and I asked if he wanted some. Yes. So we went back in and got him some. By now Mom was at the opposite end of that hall asleep in her wheelchair. I pushed Dad down there and he said something about this was like Mom to sleep in her chair. I'm like yes it is, she does it all the time. I nearly said she did it on the couch everyday, but I caught myself. Anyway, I stood there and talked to him for a while and he kind of calmed down some. I told him not to worry about what ever it was. He had a good place to stay, it was cool and there was plenty to eat! Anyway, they were ok. Mom really looked good. Dad did, too, but there are times Mom DOESN'T look good! LOL! Love you all, Jeanie
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Well good grief was I totally shocked today when I sign on and see all these notes! WAY to go girls!!! Booyah!!lol Anyway, I knew what you were referring to Jamie even though I have to admit I did think it was a little "out of place" at first! Hey, I'm just sayin---, lol I love all good reports on here!~ Good post Jeanie! I'll take asking a couple of pertinent questions and remembering a couple of details by Dad as AWESOME!! Mom's skin tears origin, we'll never know. Jamie as to who does Macie look like, I can't say since I have yet to see the child (lol, my own fault) but her picture that Fara sent was a spitting image of Jeremy with a bow in the hair! Oh and Little Jamie you are entitled to a "crappy day" cause we all have them. Love to all, Judy
Monday, August 2, 2010
Ok, Jamie, I got dizzy just reading your posts! Good grief! Hopefully your day went better than this sounded! LOL! As for the skin tear---who knows. I'm thinking that maybe she scratched at her arm and possibly did some of it, but 6 inches!?! That's HUGE! I wonder if she ran into the railing in the hall and didn't realize it. That would explain the length of the tear. As for Macie, right now I don't think she looks like Maggie at all. She has Maggie's great lips, but Macie is going to be the closet thing to a red-headed grandchild I'll have! She has the look of a redhead---white eyebrows, white skin (not porcelain like Dylan's)with a tinge---her doctor told Fara she has 'white girl' syndrone---everything shows up on her white skin! LOL! She's darling and will look at you now and try to talk to you and just smile! It's precious! As for pics---no. I need to get my camera out and take some of her and Maggie and Mom and Dad to post on here. Ryan has so many cute ones of Dylan and Pepper on Judy's facebook page. I miss you, too, and wish we all lived closer. Not right now anyway is it going to happen! Judy and I were talking about a sister weekend or couple of weekdays before all this happened to Randall. Maybe much later when he's out of the hospital and doing much better we can think of something. Love to all, Jeanie
Note: My post below that starts "This is priceless" is actually the comment to your post Pat about finding a box of stuff in the attic. I didn't think it attached to the post so I just copied and pasted it as a new post and then naturally I look and there is 1 comment attached to your original post...oh well!!
Thank you Jeanie and Judy for making me feel so much better...I realized this morning that I hadn't even checked the blog in several days..I get up and check caring bridge before heading out and then check it again when I get back. This new skin tear on Mom..could she've done some of it to herself...you know scratching or picking at it? She's never really had one on her upper arm has she? Way to go Dad...he remembered some details of Randall falling and asked a related question...that's awesome. Good report Jean!! Do you have pics of Macie? Does she look like Maggie? Have fun Ma! I miss you guys...Love, Jamie
That IS priceless! I'm so glad you found that! Life gets so crazy and we tend to forget the moments from our past that we "survived"...now you have some of that written down forever. I have a big box of my past as well...yearbooks, pics,a diary, etc and there's a box full of letters from high school and college. I have several from you Patsy...I remember when I would go to the mailbox at Gideon or Murray and there'd be a letter, it made me feel so special!! People don't really write real letters much anymore and it's a shame. I have a box of letters from Jerry in college as well...plus I printed out every email he sent me from both times he was in Iraq...I thought someday the boys and I will love rereading all of them. I'm really happy for you Pat. Love you, Little Jamie
Quick note, Macie is on the way for me to watch her for 4 or 5 hours! She's darling! I went to see Mom and Dad this morning. Mom was 'talking' and I could hear her long before I could see her! LOL! She looked good and wasn't unhappy. Just talking. Debbie asked me if Mom was allergic to any bug bite, food, etc that I knew of. I told her that I couldn't think of any. The reason was Mom appeared to have had an allergic reaction to something on both knees and above the right knee it was splotchy (is this a word?). Anyway, she left Mom's pant legs pulled up and by the time I left, the reddness was pretty much all gone. Mom then crossed her legs, and I asked Debbie if maybe that had caused them to get red. No idea. Dad was in the shower. He looked good and talked good. I told him Randall was still in the hospital, and he said well falling 30 feet onto a concrete floor was quite a fall. I was like, that's right. A little later he asked if he was in a hospital there in Canadian, I told him no Amarillo. He did say there was so much going on that he couldn't keep up with it. I told him to just roll with it! He said that's about all he could do! Anyway, when I left I told him I had to go because I was keeping Macie, and he said to come back whenever I could. He was good. I really don't think Mom ever knew I was there, but she did have a smile on her face and looked good! LOL! Hey, that's awesome! Love you all, Jeanie
Sunday, August 1, 2010
It's weird that I was thinking the same thing tonight Jeanie when I realized that I hadn't checked on here in 2 days to see if there were notes! You are certainly right too about Ona and family needing our attention at the moment because I know how sick they all are over this! As sick as we are, it can't compare to them. My heart goes out to them. As for the skin tear--does Nikki think it will get better? It can't be sutured I'm thinking but then I think why??? Geez, I'm sure she won't leave it alone! Keep me posted and I'll try to get on here everyday again as I have been since the start. Love to all, Judy
Well, all the worry about/for Ona and Randall has kind of taken the fore as far as the blog on Mom and Dad goes. That's fine because Ona's family is in such need at this time! Prayers for them! On the Mom and Dad note, Nikki called me tonight to tell me Mom has one of the worst skin tears she's ever seen. She said it was about 6 inches long!! It's on her upper arm. When they went to get her up and ready for supper, they noticed a couple of drops of blood on her sleeve. When they took off her top they found the tear. She had no idea how Mom had gotten it. She said Mom had been sleeping and was not restless or trying to get out of the bed---nothing that would have indicated this. She was able to roll down a lot of the skin, but there was a lot of the skin missing. The tears are 'v' shaped and this one was ragged on the edges. She said it was bad. Anyway, she did reroll the skin, doctored it and covered it with pads then wrapped the whole thing with guaze and taped the gauze. She wasn't real hopeful that Mom would leave it alone. LOL! Me either! Love you all, Jeanie
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