Monday, August 1, 2011

Yes, I did see Mom & Dad. They were both asleep in their chairs. Dad did wake up but was so confused. He only had his upper teeth in, so I told them & one of the aids went & found the lowers. He didn't seem to mumble as much today. He said he told the doctor he was ready to go home but the dr. said he had to wait until his numbers went up. He also said he was to start back to school tomorrow.Bless his heart. Debbie also mentioned to me that they wanted to change Dad's diet to a mechanical diet. Basically just his food will be chopped, esp. his meat. I told her he seemed to be doing fine but she insisted that he should have been on this diet since the beginning. I'll ask Jody to stop by tomorrow & Wed. & Pat said she thought she could go Thurs. Love,Pam

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