Thursday, August 11, 2011

Leisa and Katilyn drove to LNC today to see Mom and Dad.  She said that Mom was in the new chair and was clean with the blue sweatsuit I had bought her on.  She said that her mouth was moving a lot but no words really came out. She tried talking to Mom some but she said it was almost like she was agitated and really just wanted to be left alone.  She couldn't get over how much weight Mom had gained and said she was definitely not the grandmother she grew up knowing because she is SO chubby now!lol  I told her that she wasn't the mother I grew up with either because Mom was so "fat conscience". I told her that  they had taken her off the stimulant and she would probably lose some now. Dad she thought recognized her and Katilyn both and she understood maybe 75% of what he said because of the mumbling but that he didn't say anything weird or inappropriate.  She understood when he said that Katilyn was tall and to be careful out there because there are a lot of bad drivers.  I told her that my heart breaks for Mom especially because she really has no life that we know of at least.  Maybe she understands a lot more than we think though--guess we'll never know.  Love to all, Judy

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