Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Ok, Judith, you can't be using auto-correct on your computer-----unless the ipad has it! LOL! foe and karolyn? Weird! LOL! Anyway, the wedding will be awesome! You'll all have worked so hard on it and put so much thought into it by Dec! Good job! I DID have a good visit with Mom and Dad today! Thank goodness! Dad looked SO much better---his color and general appearance were just so good! He smiled and talked to me both today! Good! He did get his haircut + other hairs trimmed today, too! Mom looked good, too. Nikki said they were going to start Mom back on the appetite stimulant----not because she's losing weight, but she's eating less and less and they don't want her to lose the weight. I'm going to buy her some moisturizer with her money before I head back down on Fri---that and some more pants. The girl told me today that one of her pairs has a hole in the crotch---uh, NO! Ok, I'm off to straighten my kitchen. I did talk to Faith again, and she said she'd just leave it for the offset for Sept for Dad's Humana. I'm to send her the paperwork when it arrives. I tried to ask Michael Smith about the payments by Medicaid, but he'd left for lunch. I should have called him back, but I got busy and forgot it! OH, they did get a urine sample and Nikki said the preliminary results could be back by tomorrow afternoon. The culture should take about 3 days. Hey, he was much better---that's what I was worried about! Ok, Love you all, Jeanie
Well great progress ladies! As for theme foe wedding or reception that's a NO!! it started out very low key but is gradually spiraling upward though so by December there may be a theme!! LOL The rehearsal dinner is going to be catered and it's a Mexican theme since Mexican food! Cake,punch and finger foods will be the reception. As for dress, yes she got a really cute knee length white dress that has a little sparkle but really isn't a wedding dress or anything like that but very appropriate foe a second marriage. Karolyn, Brittney and Sarah will wear different style pewter dresses and the guys black suits. Me?? I'm wearing what I've worn to church lots of times last winter which is black denim, black boots,black top and dark green sweater!! It looks dressy though and I like it!! Lol Jeanie had a really good visit with Mom and Dad both compared to the last one but she'll post eventually cause she was having an electronic issue!! Lol. I am having Leisa,Bryan and Austin over for beans and ham tonight and I even made homemade chocolate pie and oatmeal butterscotch cookies!! Go me!! Lol Love to all, Judy
That's what I mean about climbing mountains! I swear it seems like you just get something under control when BAM! it's another freaking mess! Hey, it IS progress and one more to check off the list! That part is awesome!!!!!! Good for you! As to when on the UTI info---I'll ask about that when I go down today. I did call Chad and said no to the appeal. I also called Faith to ask about co-pay on the new drug plans I have to choose from for Dad! Does it end?! Surely! Anyway, called Medicare and the girl was SO nice and SO efficient! What a NICE thing to happen! I did get him switched to WellCare Classic--there's $0 premium and Medicare/Medicaid will pick up the co-pays! That's all good! I have to call Faith back and let her know about the new plan and that will be that (I hope) for a drug plan for Dad. I'm also going to check with Michael Smith to see if Medicaid actually began paying Dad's bill on the 21st of Aug. If yes, we're good! I also told Beth today when I call Chad's office, that if Chad wanted to negotiate our payment down with Michael, that would be good. We'll see if there's anything that can be done about that. Ok, Love you all, Jeanie
Another project getting done today...another huge mess being made!! The guys are installing the air/heat unit this morning....up and down the stairs in work boots.. grass, insulation, saw dust and dirt up and down the stairs. Oh well...:( I guess I'll be cleaning before I leave tonight!! When will they have a result on the week? Lord watch over them and keep them safe. I know Leisa is getting excited about the wedding! Has she found a dress to wear? Is she doing like a theme reception? So many great ideas out there for sure!! I know it will be awesome!! Can't wait! Ok, just checking in...I've got to get back to packing and doing my "chores"!! Love you, Jamie
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
I too hope dad does have a uti and they can treat it with medication and he gets better! I hate hum so confused but it once again confirms the fact that they are where they need to be! Mom is thriving but of course it's because she has no idea of the situation which is truly a blessing!Good job Jamie on project finished! I've bee doing major projects for a wedding that is still months away! Can we say my daughter has OCD?? Wonder where that came from?? Lol Love to all, Judy
I'm so excited..a project got done today..the fence has been moved and set up on our other property line! It looks so good and makes a huge difference!! YEA DONE PROJECT!!!! Now if some of the others would head that direction that would be grand!! The heating/ air unit goes in tomorrow and if all goes well with that, then they can start laying tiles and painting walls and putting in crown molding!! Fingers crossed!! Jeanie I totally agree about the appeal...a decision has been made and it's over...the whole thing still sucks but at least it's over. File it and put it away. Dad worries me...I felt so sorry for him last week as I was leaving...he was so confused about what to do and looked so sad. Mom I thought did look so much better on Thursday than when I'd seen her before and she was responding!! Her eyes are so matted and yucky. I cracked up at her when she said no after I asked her if I could wipe her eyes. But she did good and let me and when I asked her if that was better she said sweet! We leave for Louisville on Wednesday and will be back on Sunday late afternoon. Jerry has Monday off as do the boys so we're going to do something family oriented and then I'll probably come back over to see Mom and Dad on Tuesday or Wednesday. Pat, I love Molli's blog...she's too cute and so sweet!! Ok, back to vacuuming and then to get ready for a farewell dinner for a woman who's been with the United Way forever. Love you all, Jamie
Sorry, but I never got around to posting yesterday. I DID go check on Mom and Dad Monday around lunch. Mom was really eating! Margaret (one of the girls there) said that Mom hadn't eaten much at breakfast, but that she was doing good then! She wound up getting a second yogurt and Mom ate that, too! Mom looked good---she'd had a shower, too. Her eyes are the only thing. Bless her heart, those eyes are sad! Anyway, when I asked her if it was good, she said good. Mom was ok. While Margaret was feeding Mom, I went to sit with Dad at a different table. He was eating away---cleaned his plate totally!!!!!!!---but when I said something to him and sat down beside him, there was no response really. That sounds weird, but it's like he glanced at me and then went right back to eating as if I nor anyone else was anywhere around. I tried to make conversation with him and told him several things about people and asked him some questions, etc. He was just kind of 'whatever'. After he ate, he rolled himself out into the hall. I followed him and was going to push him toward their commons area. He grabbed the wooden rail and was pulling himself back toward the dining room. I wheeled him around and let him go back in there. He went to the cabinets and yelled he wanted a cigarette. He was just kind of out of it again yesterday. I asked Margaret about Dad and she said he'd been wound up but not as bad as Sun. She said Sat he didn't want to get up at all. They'd let him sleep until about lunch and then when they got him up he put himself back to bed. (I'm assuming after lunch) Anyway, I asked Debbie about a possible UTI and that I'd mentioned it to Paula on Sun. Margaret said she thought that they'd left orders to check it, but Debbie said she didn't know anything about it at all. She wrote it down and was going to see about it. She said she thought they'd checked for one recently, but I told her I didn't think so. Anyway, they gave Dad a shower and then put him straight into his bed. When I went in to say something to him, he was OUT! Anyway, I don't know if this is the new Dad or if something is going on. I also got a call at 2:00 THIS MORNING from Ron (at the nursing home) telling me that Dad was on the floor between his bed and the bathroom and had a small skin tear which they'd treated! I told him that they were going to cause me to have a heart attack by calling me at that hour. I asked if it wasn't anything more than a skin tear could they not wait and call me the next morning! He said that was policy, but that he would check into it to see if that was possible! It took me an hour to go back to sleep! Good grief! Ok, I think that catches me up. I plan on calling Chad today to tell him that we don't want to file an appeal with Circuit Court. The longer I think about it, the more sure I am that this is how I feel. I'm ready for the period to be placed on that whole section of this adventure! I'll let you know what he says. Love you all, Jeanie
Sunday, August 28, 2011
LNC called me this afternoon about 1:30 because she said Dad was 'looking' for me and she thought talking to me might help. He was yelling like crazy at that point. He got on the phone but made no sense. I told him everyone was ok. I could not understand what he was saying. When she got back on the phone I told her he needed to be checked for a UTI. He does this whenever he's getting/got one. I'm going down tomorrow to see them and will ask about that again. I have no idea. I asked about his sleeping and she said she didn't know if he'd slept good or not, but that he had been really wound up all day. Bless their hearts. Ughhhhhhhhhhh! I hate all this. Love you all, Jeanie PS, Pat, I read Molli's blog and still can't get on it to leave a comment. Will try AGAIN another time. She's precious and they are so sweet it makes me want to cry. Bless their hearts, too.
We went to see Mom and Dad at noon today. They were in the cafeteria when we got there. I could hear Dad before we got in the room. He was hyped up for some reason. Nikki said he was up all night wanting to work security guard! He kept yelling all kinds of stuff, mostly that I couldn't understand. I tried talking to him, but he was just talking randomly. He said something about basketball and football. He also said he couldn't find anybody - not even Jon, Nancy or Brittney. He also said he was looking for Gladys and Tom. Sad! Anyway, they were okay. Mother was asleep and her eyes looked so matted. She's so pitiful to me.
Molli put a picture on her blog so check it out. love you, pat
Molli put a picture on her blog so check it out. love you, pat
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Yes Pat that blog of Molli's is adorable!!! I got on there and tried to leave a comment but then it asked if I had an account to use and I have only this gmail account for our blog here. I can read it but not sure about posting a comment!lol I'm electronically challenged though so it could be me!lol Love to all, Judy
Friday, August 26, 2011
Ok, Pat, that blog is ADORABLE!!!!!!! She is precious and that whole thing will be darling! I am a 'follower'----is that how you do it? I was going to post her a note, but I'm thinking that she and Marty will do all the posting, right!?! I'll definitely keep up with them through this whole thing! How VERY exciting!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love you all, Jeanie
Hey, Molli has a "baby" blog! Go to It just started this week so she hasn't had time to put a lot on it yet, but it's very cute. love you, pat
Thursday, August 25, 2011
This will be short since I'm using my iPad but we went to see Mom and Dad and Mom was talking some and said I love you too when I told her and she said the same to Jamie. She looked good and ate good too. Dad looked good color wise but he still doesn't make a lot of sense about things. One thing he did say was "where's Jody?" We said she was working. It was good to see you Jamie! I plan on coming over soon! I'll be back in a couple of weeks and will post again then! SO happy Pat for Molli and Marty! I congratulated her on Facebook! Love to all, Judy
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
I'm kinda scared to come up there tomorrow with that big black cloud looming over your head but I guess I'll chance it!lol Jamie will be there tomorrow too and I'm anxious to see her again! Pat hope school is going smoothly for you but know it's hard to get back in the swing of it! Pam, how are the family members? Casey comes home in October doesn't he? How is Cary and the chaplain? Jody seems to be doing good because I read funny things she writes on Facebook daily! She's a mess!!! But a good mess!lol Love to all, Judy
My vote is let it die and be done!!! It could absolutely be worse! I still think Chad trying to negotiate us a settlement with LNC is a better option for a possible reduction of our debt! He and Michael Smith are suppose to be friends and maybe he'd "settle" for less than the full amount. Good grief is right Jeanie about your porch! Is that ever going to be easy??? I'm thinking NO and you may have to put a check by it and move on to another project! As for projects, I'm on my way to Dillard's to look around since I get an extra 30% off clearance today with my Dillard's card! I specifically got one for that reason and haven't gotten to use it but a couple of times. I put it on my card and then walk to the back and pay it! Surely I'm not the only one who gets into the early sale!lol I'm looking for Brittney a pewter dress for Leisa's wedding since that's the color. The 3 ( Brittney, Sarah and Katilyn) will all have on different dresses but hopefully the color will be close! It's kinda hard when they don't live close to each other!lol Love to all, Judy
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
I'm glad, Patsy, that the dishes look so cute. You've got to love them + the little chairs are perfect with little kids. I'm not sure when I'll get to use mine again! I touched up some spots on my porch this afternoon and now those spots stand out! I guess I'm going to repaint the entire porch floor tomorrow! Good grief! I hope that it looks smooth tomorrow, but I know it won't! It didn't 4 hours after I touched it up! GRRRR! My vacuum also isn't working! I'm on a roll! Anyway, I went to see Mom and Dad today. They were ok. Dad was just acting so tired. He didn't really eat much of anything for lunch----a few pieces of fried squash + most of his ice cream! He tried drinking the ice cream and got a little testy with me the second time I told him he could use his spoon to eat it. They did come and take him (I pushed Mom) to listen to music at 2:00. A man was there with 2 guitars and a half dozen harmonicas to play live. Mom was more awake today---she ate good at lunch. She told me to quit it right now when I wiped her face! I also went to talk to Chad today about the failed appeal. He wants to have the verdict revisited by the court + wants us to file a thing in circuit court about the case. He said it would cost about $500 to file that (circuit court) and that he wouldn't charge us any attorney fees unless we won. I'm not sure at all that this is what we need to do. I told Chad that Medicaid was now paying for Mom and were suppose to start paying Dad's as of Sun. I told him I didn't want to screw up what we had going---that's what I'm afraid of with the case filed in circuit court. Do I like the outcome as it stands now? NO! Could it be worse? Absolutely!! That's what worries me. IF we file it they could go back and revisit the entire case of both Mom's and Dad's application for Medicaid---COULD not WILL. Do we want to risk the chance that they could alter it as it is on the chance we could save a few hundred dollars each? I really don't think so. I'm going to check into it some more, but I'm really leaning toward letting it die down as is and us just pay our parts and move on. Anyway, I'm off to bed. Jeremy's bringing the girls by early (before 6:30) because Fara has to be in Blytheville by 9:00 and they have someone coming to look at their house (it's up for sale)! Good job Judy on Leisa and Bryan! I'm love happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love you all, Jeanie
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Thanks Pat! They are both SO happy which in turns makes me happy! They went to church this morning and Bryan called me Mom!lol They talked to the preacher and he is going to marry them at our church. They are talking to the accountant tomorrow to see if it's going to help or hurt them to marry before 1/1/2012 and if it helps (which a friend of them told her that she married on 12/27 last year because it gave them an extra $5,000 to do that which seems CRAZY to me!!) and then it will be 1/1 or 12/30 either way it will be that weekend. Bryan told her today that he couldn't wait to introduce her as his wife to everyone. He's just super!!! They got his ring yesterday and her's should be ready this coming week. He's going out to pick hers up without her knowing it when the lady calls him and he told her to act surprised when he started up to West Mountain!lol Adorable~~~ They've already made out the wedding invitation list, gone through her house to arrange furniture and stuff and he's called his daughter to ask her to get whatever she wants out of his house. He and Austin are going to build a fence in Leisa's backyard for the dog since they are going to live there till Austin graduates and then they're going to build a house in the country. They want to get a boat and go fishing which Leisa is so excited about ! Sounds like Dean and I when we dated since we went every weekend. They're taking me with them too which I'm excited about!!! Brittney and Frank are taking their boys to DisneyWorld in November but they'll be here for Christmas and through the first of the year. She's going to be Leisa's bridesmaid along with Katilyn and Bryan's daughter Sarah. Bryan asked Austin to stand up with him and his son Josh. Pat so glad Molli is doing so good and maybe this time it will show a girl!lol Not that it matters!!! Pam, you said Casey would be home around the end of October didn't you? I know you're ready and so is he!!!Jeanie and Jamie carry on with getting things done--you both make me tired!!!lol Love to all, Judy
I went to see Mom and Dad today. They were in the cafeteria and both were sound asleep. I tried to get Dad to wake up, but he was so sleepy. I asked the nurse (didn't know who she was) if they had been okay and she said yes. She checked Dad's sugar and it was 147 which was good. I got him some coffee which always helps! Anyway, they were just okay.
Judy, I knew that was not going to be your last post about Leisa and Bryan! I'm so happy for them! Sometimes it just takes time for things to work out! Congratulations to them!
Jeanie, thank you for getting my children's fiesta ware. It looks absolutely adorable on Mom's kitchen cabinet! Now, if I can just keep Addison to leave it alone! Oh, and I went to Lowe's and got 2 of those little chairs and they look so cute with my other furniture.
Jamie, sounds like you've got tons going on! When it rains it pours! Good luck with all your projects and hope your boys enjoy school!
Pam, hope everything's great with you. When does Casey get finished with training?
Molli and Marty will be here Labor Day weekend so I'm looking forward to that. Addison turns 2 next Sunday, so we're going to have her party when Molli's here. She's so precious! Molli goes back for another ultrasound Thurs. morning so keep those prayers coming!
love you, pat
Judy, I knew that was not going to be your last post about Leisa and Bryan! I'm so happy for them! Sometimes it just takes time for things to work out! Congratulations to them!
Jeanie, thank you for getting my children's fiesta ware. It looks absolutely adorable on Mom's kitchen cabinet! Now, if I can just keep Addison to leave it alone! Oh, and I went to Lowe's and got 2 of those little chairs and they look so cute with my other furniture.
Jamie, sounds like you've got tons going on! When it rains it pours! Good luck with all your projects and hope your boys enjoy school!
Pam, hope everything's great with you. When does Casey get finished with training?
Molli and Marty will be here Labor Day weekend so I'm looking forward to that. Addison turns 2 next Sunday, so we're going to have her party when Molli's here. She's so precious! Molli goes back for another ultrasound Thurs. morning so keep those prayers coming!
love you, pat
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Can our kids make us eat crow or what!?! I swear, you'd think that once they were grown, the worry would be gone---NOT! It's always there and always around to keep us on our toes! LOL! I'm SO happy it's worked out the way Leisa wanted! That is AWESOME! Good for Bryan for coming to his senses in the nick of time! YEA! I've been WANTING wedding cake so badly! I guess I knew it was in someone's future! LOL! Better her than Aaron Moore right now! LOL! Although I love Shelby to pieces, I'm thinking this would probably not be a good time for them to marry! LOL! Love you all, Jeanie
Ok I'm starting this blog off by saying I LIED!!!LOL I said I wasn't talking about Leisa and Bryan anymore but WRONG!! Yes they are OFFICIALLY engaged now! She could NOT be happier!! She broke up with him for the 2nd time on this past Monday and he was blindsided and absolutely sick to the point of not eating or sleeping all week. She just wasn't sure that he was ever going to be on the "same page as her" and be able to actually ever go through with a proposal, marriage, etc. He tried to get her back all week but she wasn't answering text or phone calls because she said it was too hard to rehash it over and over. So yesterday he sent her a dozen gorgeous roses to work and asked that she just talk to him that afternoon. Yesterday morning when she took Austin to school Bryan was in the parking lot greeting kids and she said when she saw him she was sick because he had lost about 10 pounds and you could see he was a wreck. As she drove away, she saw him call Austin back from the sidewalk and was talking to him. Austin said he told him that he missed him and that he loved him like a son. They talked yesterday afternoon and worked everything out but he wanted to come talk to me. Good thing I didn't have my jams on yet!lol He told me how much he loved Leisa and that he was empty without her. He wanted my blessing for them to get married and that he would spend everyday for the rest of his life trying to do everything he could to make her happy. He had already gotten down on his knee and proposed and the whole bit to Leisa and she was so thrilled!!! They have gone to the jewelry store and ordered all the rings including her diamond and his band. He was planning all along to propose to her on their Anniversary of meeting which is September 14 but that didn't happen!lol His plan all along was to take her to West Mountain here in Hot Springs and propose so he's going to propose again with the ring as soon as it is sized which should be this coming week. It is funny because Leisa had told me a long time ago that she dreamed of someday being proposed to on West Mountain (it's beautiful and overlooks Hot Springs) and she just knew the man would know that was the place. She had never told Bryan and of course when he told her his plan, she cried and cried cause she knew it was the sign. He is so excited too and can't wait to go to school on Monday and tell everyone he has a fiancee!lol They are going to get married in our church here and they are asking my pastor Scott that we all love to marry them on 1/1/2012. Bryan asked Austin to stand up with him along with his brother and Leisa is going to have Katilyn and Brittney. Bryan has a granddaughter that is going to be a flower girl! Brittney will be glad it's NOT her as the flower girl in Leisa's first wedding about did her in!LOL Bryan called his Mom and Dad (stepdad) and she said "well it's about time"!!!lol They called Katilyn and she's thrilled for them too and Bryan told her that he loved her like a daughter. I am so thrilled for Leisa and Bryan because this past 3 years have had highs and lows but they've made it together! It makes me miss Dean more since he's not here to share in this with us but I know he's watching over us all. Mark your calendars for that date and come sit with me!lol Love to all, Judy
Just left mom & dad. They had just finished lunch. They said mom ate ok except her meatloaf. Dad was confused. He talked ok & only mumbled a little. Thought I was Judy. Mom did respond to my questions. I asked her what was she doing & she said nothing. Asked her if she was sleepy & she said no. Never opened her eyes. They were really matted today. All in all, they were ok & seemed fine. Love, Pam
Friday, August 19, 2011
Ok Smartie Jeanie I see the post about the visit now but I swear it was NOT there when I posted about you hadn't posted!lol Good job on the porch and yes we can go look for a table or whatever! I'm definitely going to HomeGoods after church Sunday and will let you know how it is! WootWoot!!!! I'm excited! Love to all, Judy
Uh, I DID write about my visit today, weirdo! LOL! It's the post before Jamie's! LOL! Too much tv has gotten to you! LOL! I did get the second coat of primer on the porch---it looks more even for sure! Hopefully it will NOT rain tonight and it will be ready for paint paint tomorrow night about 7:30! LOL! I really think I'm going to paint it back the same color as before. I thought about a color color, but I don't really want to floor to stand out. I want you to 'see' the woods behind the house and not the floor, if that makes any sense---thus a tan/brown will be it. Hey, it will be clean and HOPEFULLY not have paint pits where the paint is pealing off! YIKES! Jamie, that all sounds like a great plan/plans! The celebration trip + a trip to the Cardinals---sounds like fun! I'm SO glad that the bricks got put up today---that is progress! How fun to be near the end of that project! Love it! I can't wait to see it! Hey, Judy, when you come up, we'll go look again for me a bench/table! You've got to love searching for home things. Speaking of which, I can't wait to hear about the new HomeGoods store that opens in Hot Springs Sun! WOW! THAT will be awesome! Keep up the good works, sisters! Love you all, Jeanie
Wow Jamie that's a LOT of celebrations for 4 days!lol So you didn't say where the reservations were for but I'm thinking St. Louis?? I know you'll have a great time! How long of a drive will it be? Good job on the construction issues too! You and I both know Jeanie's porch will not be tacky-she's NOT that kind of girl! It will be awesome! I'm going up this next Thurs and spending the night and going to LNC on Friday if that fits into your plans maybe I can see you Jamie! Awesome again! I know Jeanie went to LNC today and it was an okay visit cause she called me and I'm sure she'll write on here later. Carry on you hard working sisters while I play with my ipad and catch up on 99% full DVR from my trip out West! Yikes that's a LOT of tv watching! Love to all, Judy
Bricking done and it looks awesome!! It will cure over the weekend and then trim and some other stuff gets done on Monday!! I'm getting excited about what to buy to put in there!!! haha Jerry and I are going away for my birthday/25th anniversary/kids off to college for 4 days...he kind of just mentioned something about it and I didn't figure he was really serious, but he's made reservations and bought theatre tickets!! I've been scouting out a couple of antique malls on the web for us to visit (I know he'll be thrilled)...maybe I'll find some treasures there for the sunroom!! Some company gave Jerry 4 box seat tickets to a Cardinals game this month as's like meet and greet night at the ballpark!! Maybe we can meet Pujols and Molina! Wouldn't that be a hoot?!! On Monday Jerry is having a showing of the documentary Baghdad ER about the 86th CSH(his unit he deployed with to Iraq). It was going to be just his VPs, but there's been so much interest he's expanding it out! I can't wait to see it's been like 6 years since I watched's part of his "caring, compassion,going the extra mile, giving it all" thing. He's sneaking those military values in there!! haha Depending on construction schedule I'm going to try to swing over on Wed or Thursday...we leave for St Louis on Friday and won't be back until Sunday...with the boys gone, I'm it for being here if they have to work inside. Jeanie, glad your porch is progressing...and you're right, I have to feel like I'm moving forward..backward or stagnant is plain aggravating in the worse way...and I'm sure it's not tacky...I know you too well!! :) Ok, off to check another couple of items off the to do list, before I have to start supper!! Love you, Jamie
It is so funny, Jamie, how much happier you sound when things are moving and shaking! LOL! Unfortunately, I UNDERSTAND that feeling all too well! I LOVE progress of any kind, type or whatever! Love crossing things off a list (that I always have going by the way!)! Yea for you! I went to see Mom and Dad today. Mom had both eyes open and was eating good when I got there. I mentioned to the girl that she didn't eat that well for me Wed---just barely opening her mouth---and the girl said that that's the way Mom was at breakfast this morning. She was opening wide at lunch. Dad had eaten and had the sounds of a UTI when I got there---he looked at me for a few minutes before it 'clicked' who I was. He settled down and wasn't as irritated as when I first got there. He kept asking for a cigarette! Anyway, Mom had had a bath and they gave Dad one right after lunch. He was cold, so I got his jacket. He said a couple of times he'd be glad when he could go home so he could do what he wanted. Bless his heart. All in all not a bad visit. Ok, I'm dodging rain showers and need to put a second coat of primer on my porch. I just stepped out on it and naturally it is still in the tacky stage---as in tacky to the touch AND tacky in the way the paint looks! LOL! Love you all, Jeanie
Boooyah on the house getting done Jamie and YES it's definitely only money. Spend it now or the government will spend it for you later is my latest motto! I use to tell my girls that I was spending THEIR inheritance when I bought something and now it's that I'm spending it so the government won't get it! Sad!! Keep those reports coming! Love to all, Judy
AAWWWWW the sound of workers!! I love it, because it means my sunporch is one more step closer to finished!! The door people were here already, the builder here already and now the brickers are here! YEA!!! Now if it doesn't rain today, we'll be good!! I've been up in my attic space this morning..gotta do that before it gets too hot! Way too many boxes..and totes...and extra furniture!! Who collected all this stuff that's what I want to know!!! I'm touch up painting again today...I think I finish with that and then I find another spot!! It's like just finish and then walk through the room and there's stuff on the floor! I've made a list of to dos and slowly making my way through feels so good to cross an item off, but it's short lived because I'm usually adding 2 more to the bottom of the list!! That's home ownership I guess!! House is getting there...Jerry REALLY needs a desk...this kitchen table thing is not cutting it!! We've got an estimate on moving the fence to the other property line...a semesters worth of college..YIKES!! The decretive drainage "ditch" from the pond, around the barn and under the road is set to get fixed here in a week or so...that's half a semesters worth of college...but needed cause I don't want anything happening to my barn!!:) Oh's only money right???? Ok, back to painting and I'm going to try and get my KY drivers license today as well!! WHOOHOO!! Love you all, Jamie
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
The thing about DHS and Mom is they can do whatever they want. I'm so tired of dealing with it, it isn't even funny. I still have to call Medicare and get Dad on another Part D plan that has no extra fee. Supposedly Dad's will start on time and we can at least put a period after if finally. It isn't fair, but they hold all the cards. I guess we should just be glad that they are paying at all! Seriously! As for the one step forward and two back----we all hate that kind of thing. I get real frustrated with that so easily! It's a control thing----WE know how it's suppose to go---it just won't always cooperate! LOL! We, on the other hand, are in the process of stripping our porch! Good grief! I worked this afternoon on 'cleaning' about 2/3 of the floor---aka on my hands and knees with mineral spirits and steel wool! I had to restrip parts of the other 1/3 and hope to finish 'cleaning' that and putting down the primer tomorrow. IF we get that done tomorrow, then we can paint on Friday afternoon! That will be nice to get it ready to put back together. I'm not sure of the color for the floor. That's another story. Jamie, your boys sound like typical college boys! They're close enough that that experience with the cooking will repeat itself often! LOL! They will probably bring others though! LOL! I know what you mean about the cleaning and recleaning. I swear sometimes I feel like I climb a mountain continually! It's like no matter how much I clean, it just keeps coming! Anyway, don't get down----sounds like a good time to just go shopping/antiquing/something besides working on your house! Ok, I'm fixing to hit it! OH, Mom and Dad were fine today. Dad was actually pretty calm today. Mom was not happy with the eating today. I had another lady---not sure if she's a nurse or what----trying to help me feed her. I told her that gravy would help with the potatoes. I also told another lady that Mom did NOT like greens---she was asking me survey questions about they and LNC----and that it said that it even said that on her card. She looked and it di---she said she'd DEFINITELY take care of that. They also did not have yogurt nor ice cream on Mom's tray. I asked for it. Anyway, not a bad visit really. I did take Mom her new shoes--they fit fine; and took Dad his tobacco, razors and socks. Ok, NOW I'm off to bed! LOL! Love you all, Jeanie
All I got for you Jamie is --"Oh my"!!LOL Your life is way too fun!!! NOT! I hate "CRAP" of that one step forward and 2 backward variety! Leisa will be fine--no doubt! He's already called her 3 times wanting to come back and start over but she's sticking to NO. I hope she continues and give him some space to figure out who/what he is and where/when he wants to go to get there! Meanwhile she's starting her moving on process full steam ahead!lol Frank is still doing awesome with his diet and has lost over 30 pounds now! He's going to school starting 9/6 and then will be promoted to staff sgt?? Not sure! They are taking a family vacation to DisneyWorld in Florida from 11/1 to 11/9 which will include their anniversary. They are all so stoked about it! They plan on coming here for Christmas this year and will be here the whole time Skyler is out for Christmas from school. Jamie I'm glad your boys are liking college so far and the social aspect is HUGE for sure! They are both so smart and will be fine in and of the social stuff!lol I just drove to Jonesboro for the day on Monday and will start the trek there every other Thurs/Fri starting next weekend. I plan on coming home on Friday afternoons but if there is a sale or I just decide to stay in Jboro, it won't be a problem to stay till Saturday. I'll be home for Church on Sunday mornings either way. Will check in tomorrow! Love to all, Judy
Jeanie...I'm speechless...I got crazy, so unfair, such a statement of the condition of the world in which we live! Lesson here, spend spend spend...give it away, give it away...go broke or choke!! Wow! Sorry I've been out of the loop..this has been one of those weeks. We got the boys all moved in on Saturday morning...oh my! Then there was a party that night for parents, students and Murrayians. Awesome!! Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning I stripped beds, cleaned, moved furniture etc...and then Sunday around noon, the boys came in and destroyed my kitchen making pancakes, bacon, eggs and drinking all the juice and milk in the house. Sunday afternoon Jerry and I went grocery shopping and I continued to clean...laundry...major amounts of bedding laundry!! We've had the fence people here, the security people here, the barn people here, but no brick people. The sand for the mortar is now suppose to come tomorrow...we're still in a holding pattern until the brick gets put on...limbo is killing me!! Yesterday I felt like for every step forward I took 2 backward. I'd made a list of new bedding that I wanted to get...Penneys was having a big a bunch of stuff, tried it out and nothing was working..frustrating! Then Jason called...he needed stuff from WalMart...$200 later I was out of WalMart, return most everything I'd gotten at Penneys and started 10pm last night, I think I finally "finished"! This morning, I've been cleaning again, touch up painting, removing screws from the window trim and filling in holes....I'm pooped. I'm getting ready to shower, return some more stuff I bought at WalMart, buy some new stuff from Walmart and then come back to continue working. Tomorrow night, we have a fundraising dinner of some sort to attend, Friday I hope to have the brickers here, I'm still waiting on my new living room furniture that I ordered to get here so I can buy my rug and get my living room done....I'm just stuck in a rut that I can't control and it's making me not happy right now!! I want to come to see Mom and Dad but it may be the weekend or next long are you staying Judy? til Friday or Saturday? Sorry about Leisa and Bryan...I know she'll be ok...she's strong! Ok, gotta hit it before it gets any later in the day...last night Jerry came home at like 6:30 for dinner and I was knee deep in the upstairs bedrooms...he emptied the dishwasher, made his own dinner and helped me with a couple of projects...I probably ought to cook tonight!! ha ha ps..boys seem to love college life so far...the social part anyway...Love you all, Jamie
Sorry, but I should have posted about DHS yesterday. DHS called to tell me that we had LOST the appeal and would receive the paperwork probably today. She said we both won because she'd moved Mom's date back to April 21st instead of April 29th---I told her not really because it was an $8000 swing for us. Her reply: Oh, my! Yeah, well, don't get me started. She actually called to ask me some questions about Dad's application---he's due to be on vendor payment starting Aug 21st. I thought she was going to say NO to that and I was going to lose it. I told her we'd paid for 19 months now at the tune of nearly $8000 a month---that's insane! Anyway, I'll have a figure for you all probably sometime before the end of Aug. I want to see exactly how much Medicaid will pay on Dad's before I give you a final figure! Fun, fun, fun! NOT! Love you all, Jeanie
Monday, August 15, 2011
Ok sisters this is the LAST blog about Leisa and Bryan because she broke up with him again tonight for the final time. It was a matter of trust for her and she couldn't get past the fact he had lied about some things to her. She didn't want to be married to someone she had to worry about what was he doing EVER. She's in a really good place with it all and Austin is getting there. He was the one who hated it but then when Leisa told him some things that had happened over the last 3 years, he was better with it all. Bryan told her that he totally understood and that he had screwed up and accepted responsibility for it. I think he sensed something wasn't quite right with Leisa over the last few days and when he confronted her about it tonight at 10, she said that she just wasn't sure. She KNEW she had to not marry him in her head for a while but her heart couldn't quite get there until the last few days. Anyway, she's a MUCH better person than she was back when they started dating 3 years ago. She said that he was exactly what she and Austin needed then and she was thankful that God had put him in their life but things had changed. She's going to be fine! I'm excited for what her life holds in the future! Love to all, Judy
Jeanie and I went to LNC today to visit and I had an AWESOME visit with Mom because she was better than she's been in a while. She opened her eyes several times, said I love you too when I told her that I loved her. When I was leaving I told her that I'd be back and she said "Oh good because I'd be sick if you weren't going to". She told Dad his hands were cold. She said "that stinks" when I gave her tea. There were several other things she said too. I was so happy because I was thinking she'd be in a coma-like state! Dad on the other hand was good but doesn't say a lot of things I understand! He was talking about Walmart and he needed to do something and I told her that I'd take care of it and not to worry and he said OK. I asked if he'd seen Pat and he said yes he had. I asked if he'd seen Judy and he said No!lol I told him "uhhhhh, I'm right here Dad". lol I asked if he'd seen Jeanie and he said he'd seen her somewhere and she was sitting right beside him. He said he hadn't seen Pam or Jamie and I told him that I knew Jamie was there this past week and he said "sure nuf?"lol They both ate good--Mom had half her mashed potatoes, all her applesauce, all her pink milkshake, all her tea, all her water, half her meat stuff, all her orange juice and all her ice cream!lol I tricked her several times by putting on meat and then applesauce or ice cream and she ate it good. Oh and she ate all her yogurt! She does look so much more comfortable in the new chair. She had her shower today and was clean and clean clothes that were actually hers!lol I plan on going to Jeanie's late on Thursday and going to LNC every other Friday. I won't go this Friday but will the next and then every other after that. Jamie do you have a day planned or are you adlibbing? I know they are working on your house a lot and your boys are at college and can't help. If you get a chance to come on Thursday night then I could see you! Same for you Pat and Pam!! I'm up for a roadtrip too whenever now that I'm home and slowly getting my stuff organized back in it's rightful place! Love to all, Judy
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Jerry and I went to LNC this morning. They were both in the big room. Mother was sound asleep of course. Dad looked good and was glad to see us. I got him some coffee. He was reading the newspaper when I got there. I wonder how much he actually reads. I had a diet coke in a "flash market" cup and he said, "flash, where did you get that?" Anyway, they were okay. The nurse said they had been fine. I don't know what the nurse's name is, but she looks and talks just like Molli's friend Amanda. She's young and seems really nice. Okay, it's back to work for me in the morning! love you, pat
Hello sisters!! I'm home!! WHOOP WHOOP!!Going away is awesome but coming home is even better! Lol!! I'm heading to Jboro in the morning to spend the day and then back home because I have several errands to do this week as you would imagine! I have nothing here to eat! will post after my visit! Love to all, Judy
Friday, August 12, 2011
Just a quick note to say I went to see Mom and Dad today. Dad ate really well----Mom wound up eating pretty good. I thought while I was feeding her that she doesn't really get fruit anymore. Mom always loved fruit. I also thought that she needs food that's easier to eat. Today she had a bowl of pinto beans---not mashed or anything. Mom doesn't open her mouth that well anymore. I thought that I wish they'd give her yogurt, ice cream, a smoothie, pureed fruit---some things that actually taste really good. I mentioned it to Judy today and she said we could mention it on Monday when we go down. Dad kept asking about 'Patsy' today. I told him that she'd be there Sat or Sun. Mom was more with it today. She told me to QUIT when I tried to wipe her face and to Wipe That when I didn't! LOL! Anyway, not a bad visit. Dad stood up 3 times and set off his alarm. Scares me to pieces. Why he hasn't fallen and broken a hip is beyond me! Ok, Love you all, Jeanie
Hey, YEA, Patsy, that everything was good! I could care less if it's boy or girl---give me GOOD for the child! Yea! It's funny, but I thought it would be a girl, too. LOL! There've just been so many of them! LOL! Whatever is the word here---just a healthy baby---PERIOD! I'm so happy for them. They'll be GREAT parents! Ok, I'm off to shower and down to see Mom and Dad. Duke went home last night about 7:30, so I've cleaned the porch this morning. He's a sweet little dog, but oh, my gosh, he SHEDS big time! That's not good. If I had him all the time I'd lose some weight though. That dog WALKS! He's hyper and it shows in his walking. LOL! Ok, Love you all, Jeanie
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Pat so glad about Molli and Baby Boy Bishop!lol Just healthy is good enough! I just pictured her with a girl for some reason! Why?? No clue! Jamie I'll be glad to get there to see them too. I talked to Jeanie today and I plan to go Sunday afternoon and then to LNC with Jeanie Monday morning. Dad is so precious and I worry about him because he knows just enough to make it sad. Love to all, Judy
I didn't post about my visit...really things were status quo barring a few small things. I asked about weight...Dad had held stable at 143 for June and July, but August's weight was 141. They had just weighed them either yesterday or the day before. Mom was 129 for June and July and 131 for August. I asked Debbie about adding the appetite stimulant or something and they were going to start putting ice cream or a shake on his tray with his meal. That day they added ice cream and he ate every bite. Mom is so drawn up although I do think she looks/seems so much more comfortable in her new chair. She doesn't really move..Jeanie and I both commented on this and for me her hair seemed so different. Normally, Mom's hair is like pure white spun silk, that day it seemed really flat and dull and it felt different. Daddy was so sweet, he kept patting on Mom and touching her face. He was pulling at her feet and she made a mad face and mumbled stop James...I could have been stop that, but I like to believe it was stop James. :) Daddy made a comment like "this nursing home has sure been a long thing" something like that. I was kind of taken aback, but then said, I know Daddy, but isn't it nice to have all this help for Mom? He said, "Yes, they're always telling me they're going to do it, but I've been taking care of her." I told him " You have been Daddy and you've done such a good job." He got kind of upset after lunch and started yelling and rubbing his head...really scared me, but once they gave him his tobacco and put it in his mouth, he calmed down. By the time I left at 2:30 or so, he was fine. Come to find out, they'd given him tobacco earlier, but he'd put it in his jacket pocket and I guess when he couldn't find it, he'd gotten a little anxious. Debbie said he does this hollering most every day around this time...kind of a sundowners thing she told me. Mom seems to have changed just since I've been back to Murray...just small, downward changes...a sad sad part of being 91 and having this type of disease. I really want to try and go every week if I can. Judy, I know you'll be glad to see them. Love you all, Jamie
Jamie did I miss it or did you not post about your visit? I KNOW you went cause Jeanie said she met you there. How did you think they were? Did they look different that your previous visit a week or so ago? I'm so anxious to get home and go see them. I'm scared to death something will happen and I won't be around! I know we all think this at times but some times it's harder! Love to all, Judy
Molli's appt. was great! Baby Bishop now weighs 7 oz. and is doing great! They couldn't tell for sure, but the Dr. is leaning towards boy. So until we find out differently, we are going to think "he". They will do another ultrasound in 2 weeks, so maybe they'll know for sure then. They are SO excited and so am I. It makes me nervous when she has an appt. Anyway, all's well and thanks for the prayers! love you, pat
Leisa and Katilyn drove to LNC today to see Mom and Dad. She said that Mom was in the new chair and was clean with the blue sweatsuit I had bought her on. She said that her mouth was moving a lot but no words really came out. She tried talking to Mom some but she said it was almost like she was agitated and really just wanted to be left alone. She couldn't get over how much weight Mom had gained and said she was definitely not the grandmother she grew up knowing because she is SO chubby now!lol I told her that she wasn't the mother I grew up with either because Mom was so "fat conscience". I told her that they had taken her off the stimulant and she would probably lose some now. Dad she thought recognized her and Katilyn both and she understood maybe 75% of what he said because of the mumbling but that he didn't say anything weird or inappropriate. She understood when he said that Katilyn was tall and to be careful out there because there are a lot of bad drivers. I told her that my heart breaks for Mom especially because she really has no life that we know of at least. Maybe she understands a lot more than we think though--guess we'll never know. Love to all, Judy
Jamie you're definitely right about home ownership not being cheap!lol What "living room furniture isn't here" are you talking about? Did you order something new? I knew you mentioned selling your white sofas at one time and guess that's not there to fill one of the living areas?? As for excitment about moving--maybe because they haven't done it yet! Jason acted excited about Brandon getting there today! Glad you got all the Fort Campbell people to straighten out the moving expenses! Good job! Move that money to another project is always the way it goes! Katilyn on the other hand moved back to the college today in an apartment that is kinda/sorta owned by the college. It's super nice! I saw pics of the swimming pool and the lobby and then her room (each of the 3 living there have their own bedrooms within the apartment they have plus their own bath, shared kitchen, shared living area). She's so excited! They got most of the stuff in her room (her car filled to the brim along with Leisa's plus stuff at Jeanie's and a car load for me to haul there when I drive up next). Austin got home from his Dad's today and has been gone most all summer with camp, his grandparents and his Dad's. Frank has been on the HCG diet and has lost almost 30 pounds! He passed his "tape" today with 2% under! He's stoked! He goes to school (here in El Paso at least) starting 9/6. Brittney has a root canal tomorrow (yikes) and I'll stay with the boys. I'll leave here at 11 something Saturday morning and arrive home at 4 pm I think. Yeaaaaaa~ Love to come but love to go home too! Love to all, Judy
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
It's almost midnight and it's one of those rare occasions when I can't sleep...too many things dancing around in my head I guess! Thinking about the boys moving into the dorms on Saturday... they don't really seem that excited..they've been through so much, I guess this is just another "move" for them. I hope they perk up once they move in and make new friends. My sunroom progress came to a halt sand for the brick mortar is not bricking outside, no starting on the finishing work on the inside..probably next week before the sand gets here...CRAP! My living room furniture isn't here yet either..CRAP! Limbo is killing me! We did have a contractor come out today to survey the dry creek bed and drainage system that runs from the pond, pass the barn and into the big culvert under the road. The floods in late Spring took out the road and flooded the yard where the barn is...don't want that again, so that will all get fixed in 3 weeks. Then the barn needs some TLC next...home ownership is exhausting and expensive!! ha ha Good news today, the transportation people at Ft Campbell got everything straightened out with our all of Jerry's Army gear taken off, plus the packing material and downsized our load to 12,500 pounds...we'll get reimbursed/paid for all the stuff Jerry and Jerome hauled cross country plus travel money! Just in time to put it in the bank to pay for college books...whoohoo!! Did some looking on line for antiques in Ohio...several good malls around Cincinnati...something not too far away, but definitely new! Might be a nice road trip later on in September when the weather starts to cool a little. Ok, I guess I'll make myself go lay down and try to sleep...morning will be here before I know it...or want it!! Love you all, Jamie Pat, let us know how Molli's appointment went...I know they are so excited!!
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
I'm glad the visit was better and that Jamie got to see that. You're right in she has had a great life and continues to have lots of love from all of us. That's the important thing!! She and Dad have had lots and lots of years together and take it from one who didn't get that with her husband, that's a blessing!!! As for you Jeanie--you got a SLOT MACHINE???? When did THAT happen?? I think that's awesome! Shopping is always good especially if you were in Kentucky with Jamie or back in the Northeast and you felt better!lol Love to all, Judy
You know, Mom seemed better today than yesterday. She ate better and actually opened her eyes some even. She is just not 'Mom' as we knew her to be. She has had a good life---that's what I told her on Mon. She's had 6 great kids with grandkids, she's had a husband who has loved and continues to love her to pieces, and she's had a great home and some money to do as she wanted. I mean, come on, is that a good life or what!?! She's just one of the people who have been dealt a slow demise---it's sad, but that's the truth. I really don't know how we'll explain all this to Dad when something happens to Mom. That is definitely another day, Scarlett! On today's note, I met Jamie at LNC and visited with her and Mom and Dad. Dad was a little out of it today, but still said some things that made good sense. He looked good. Jamie said they'd weighed Dad and he'd lost 2 pounds while Mom has gained 2 or 3! It definitely needs to go the other way. Jamie asked Debbie about some extra something for Dad---she said the dietary meeting on weight was tomorrow and they'd probably do something then to add some calories, etc. Anyway, it wasn't a bad visit at all. Ok, I'm fixing supper and plotting out my tomorrow. I'm determined to go shop at some point for ?????! I need a bench/table to put the slot machine on, another table of some type to put Bruce's new showcase on----several other things I'm sure! LOL! THEN I have to tackle my basement! GIANT mess! Hey, the good news is I did get the upstairs inside cleaned---not any porches or anything outside, but the basic inside upstairs is back! Yea! Love you all, Jeanie
Monday, August 8, 2011
Today was a hard for me too about Mom and Dad too. I cried several times on the phone to Leisa and then to Brittney out of the blue! I know they probably think I'm nuts but I told Brittney today that as hard as it would be to lose me and how sad it makes me that they would have to go through that, that I would rather that for myself and them than what we have with Mom. We just all want her to be "here" and in the moment with us where we can tell her that we love her and know she understands but I think those times have passed and any of those should have been said by now! Mom knew we all loved her though and we all know she loved us dearly. Some more at one time than another maybe but still love!! I know I disappointed her several times but she always loved me and was proud of me and I never doubted that! She told me lots of times how proud she was of me and what all I had gone through. I feel the same about her and Dad too. Dad will be right behind her when she leaves this earth I think. It kills me! I'll be home Saturday and then there asap! Love to you all! I can't imagine going through what lies ahead without you all to share it with! Love to all, Judy
Sorry, but my visit on Sat was AWESOME!!! Dad was TERRIFIC!!!!!!!! He talked to Bruce and I about 45 minutes and for the most part was really with it. Unfortunately, today was not as good! He still looked good, but he was a little more confused and just not as 'with it' as on Sat. He still said several things that made really good sense---like the greens were too tough, and Mom was having a hard time, and she used to do everything for him and now he had to do it all. Those were all good. Mom---well, Mom was not good to me today---even more so than usual. I don't know what it was exactly, she just didn't seem as good. She tried really hard to say something---I'd love to know what she wanted to say. She didn't eat well at lunch (they said she had at breakfast though) and just in general looked really pitiful to me today. Today was one of those hard days when it all seems to really hit. I truly don't expect Mom to be with us for much longer. Margaret said she wants to sleep all the time now, too. I don't like that. I don't know---just several signs it seems. I did go by Chad's and sent off the papers DHS needed for Dad. Hopefully this will work for him. I did tell DHS that I was going to keep AARP for a couple of months to make sure the transition went smoothly---you never know about this mess. I asked Chad about the verdict on the appeal and said this was day 45---his response was that a judge can take as long as he likes---there's no day amount. This again is NOT what he told me that day! That day it was 30 to 45 days before we'd hear anything. This is just how the whole thing goes---yes, no, yes, no! WHATEVER!!!!!!!!! In the meantime, I called Humana to ask them to pay the pharmacy bill ( DHS called me back and told me that Humana would owe it----again, yes, no, yes, not!) Humana said NO! I called DHS back and she's just going to go on and send the paperwork for me to pay the bill with an offset in Sept---again, yes, no, yes, no! Good grief! Ok, I'm off to fix supper. I just came from the grocery and shopping there is NOT a good idea when you're HUNGRY!!!!!!!! Yikes! LOL! Love you all, Jeanie
Jeanie you didn't post about your visit and maybe my note about it was good was all you wanted to add? Or did you forget you went?lol I KNOW how fun coming home is--not! I have done laundry once here but will go home with a suitcase full on Saturday. We're headed back to the outlet mall today to try to find a coach purse! Why?? Just cause!!!lol Love to all, Judy
Sorry I didn't post Sat or Sun. I'm not moving, but it kind of feels like it. I need to just clean everything + put away and clear out. I worked on my desk alone for over 5 hours last night! Anyway, I figure it will take me all week to get everything cleaned and organized like I like and the errands run and groceries bought and etc and etc! I'm going back to see Mom and Dad today. I'm fixing to hit the showers. I did talk to Faith Elrod today and she's still working on Mom's pharmacy bill---she's going to finally allow it in the month of Sept and that will be gone! YIPPEE! I asked her about writing checks for haircuts for Mom and Dad at LNC---fine. I asked her about did she need any paperwork for Dad since his penalty period ends on Aug 20th----sure! I'm going to try to gather all that and send it out by tomorrow. Hopefully that will be the beginning and end of the Medicaid stuff----well, other than we owe for Mom and I haven't heard from the appeal court yet! Closer for sure to a solution for all! Ok, Love you all, jeanie OH, did I add to my list that I'm dog-sitting Duke for Jon and fam for the WHOLE week!?! He's on my porch! LOL!
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Jamie I haven't been to that thrift store since I just started feeling like shopping the last couple of days! I do remember it was off I10 and by some big factory. Maybe I could find it but I doubt I'll have the chance since Frank and Brittney only have one vehicle right now and he takes it to work on the days he has to go in. He was off today and I think again on Monday. Brittney and I are going back to the Coach outlet and the Fossil outlet both to see if I can find a purse for her or/and me. We'll see. Good job on those purses Pat! 5 huh??lol I do have a thing for purses and it must run in our family! Although neither of my girls care a lot about them. Jeanie called me today after her visit with Mom and Dad and it was good! She said Dad was better than he had been in a while and Mom did look comfortable in the new chair. She'll post later I'm sure. Jamie I know what a nightmare you're dealing with in trying to get the paperwork lined out from transportation. Brittney and Frank are still dealing with their move here too. Fun!!! NOT! Love to all, Judy
Jeanie, glad you're home safe and sound and with treasures!! Vacations are nice, but homecomings are nicer!! Judy glad you're finally feeling so much better!! Speaking of shopping in ElPaso..have you been back to the thrift store we went to when I lived there? I bought so many great things my gigantic braided rug for $9.99, a drop leaf table from the 50s for $20 and my iron yard furniture for $100. Can't remember the name, but it was just a couple of exits off of I5 from the post. I've been working on my house again today! Trying to locate stuff for the boys for next Saturday..sheets and the like and trying to get my clocks working. No luck on the clocks yet! We've also been going through boxes looking for Pro Gear markings...this is my transportation stuff I'm trying to get done...don't even get me started!! Ok, back to the grind...took a break to cool off for a second... I'll probably head to see Mom and Dad on Tuesday if my construction schedule is what it's suppose to be....they're suppose to be here all day bricking the outside and working on the heating/air. Wednesday, I think they're inside, so I'd like to be here for that...I'll keep you posted! Love you all, Jamie
Well, I was going to check on mom and dad yesterday. I headed that way about 12:30 (running late!) and I sat at the railroad tracks for 30 minutes and finally just decided to forget it! I don't know what the problem was. The train was off the right of way, but not far enough to raise the barriers. Anyway, I did not do well yesterday! Judy, everytime we go see Molli we always go to the Coach outlet. Sometimes I find one I love and sometimes I don't. When Jerry and I went to Branson a couple of weeks ago, they had a Coach outlet and I found one I really liked and got it. This makes 5 now! Oops! That's what I treat myself to every few months or so! I have really liked all the ones I've bought. Oh, and I've never been that they didn't have the 30% off, so I think it must be all the time.
Jeanie, glad you're home! I can't imagine how nice it would be to be back home after being gone that long. I'm like you, though, in the fact that I hate unpacking and washing all the dirty clothes!
I go back to work Monday. boo hoo! Looking at my checking account, I need to have gone a long time ago! hee hee! I'll just be glad when this stupid heat is over. It has been a miserable summer.
I did have my mammogram, but they send the results in the mail. Dr. Curry let me skip the pap smear last year. She said if you're low risk it's not necessary to have one every year. She still does the exam though, which is not fun either. I also had them run a complete cholesterol test and I kind of dread getting that back. I take my medicine every day, but I don't eat right! After I got out of the dentist Wed. I went straight to Shipley's donuts! hmmm, probably not the best choice, but it sure was delicious!
love you, pat
Jeanie, glad you're home! I can't imagine how nice it would be to be back home after being gone that long. I'm like you, though, in the fact that I hate unpacking and washing all the dirty clothes!
I go back to work Monday. boo hoo! Looking at my checking account, I need to have gone a long time ago! hee hee! I'll just be glad when this stupid heat is over. It has been a miserable summer.
I did have my mammogram, but they send the results in the mail. Dr. Curry let me skip the pap smear last year. She said if you're low risk it's not necessary to have one every year. She still does the exam though, which is not fun either. I also had them run a complete cholesterol test and I kind of dread getting that back. I take my medicine every day, but I don't eat right! After I got out of the dentist Wed. I went straight to Shipley's donuts! hmmm, probably not the best choice, but it sure was delicious!
love you, pat
WOOOOHOOOOO on your homecoming Jeanie! We all missed you!!! I know the fun of coming home with a pile of crap, but the good news is "it's home!!!" I finally felt good enough to go shopping yesterday and we took off for the El Paso Outlet mall. It's GIGANTIC to say the least! Katilyn wanted this particular Coach purse and I found it for her. They had an extra 30% off everything in their store too, I tried to buy Brittney one for her upcoming birthday (well September IS upcoming!) but she couldn't find one she loved. I tried to find myself one too but no luck. They had LOTS but most have double straps and she and I neither one like 2 straps. I did find 2 Fossil ones though and both had an extra 50% off which made it $20 and the other $25. Deal!!! She bought Skyler jeans from The Children's Place for $10 for school and several tops too. It was a productive shopping trip! We're going to try to go back again today and finally figure out a Coach purse or 2!!lol Great reports sisters on Mom and Dad and I'm like Jeanie in that I'm anxious to see them when I get home! Love to all, Judy
Well, HELLO, SISTERS!!!!! I'm not sure I REALLY want on here----it's kind of depressing! LOL! I've had a great vacation---probably a little too long for all the responsibilities I have, but WHATEVER! It was really fun in Florida! We literally went to the beach, napped, ate and went to the beach/pool each day. Pretty sad schedule, huh!?! NOT! Anyway, no news from DHS on Mom. I DID have a missed call from Faith Elrod (the DHS lady). No message, just a 'call me' message. Dad's due to begin Medicaid payments on Aug 21st, so I'm thinking it's about that. She's probably wanting bank statements for the last few months to make sure there's no hidden money, etc. Good grief! I'm going to pay LNC JUST for 20 days and then see if I owe the rest for Dad. Still can't tell you all about how much we'll owe for Mom because I don't have the final ruling on her appeal! Today is day 45, so that should come any day now. Bruce and I are going to go visit at lunch today. I'm anxious to see them. I always feel like a mother who's left her children and been away when I'm gone. Bless their hearts. I am glad Dad has had a couple of good visits with some of you. He's sad, too. Anyway, Pat, hope all is well with the mammo. I NEED to have mine---it's 2 years now---I vowed never to do that and just have let it get away from me this time. Jamie, don't worry about the trips here for now. Trust me, I know how much is on that plate with 2 kids heading off to college, a house reno and problems with cars/travel expenses and all---it's a little overwhelming! LOL! I'm back and can pick up the slack! Good job, girls, on the visits. We need to have a definite presents, but I don't think it has to be every day. They know we're watching and aware and concerned---that's the thing they need to keep in the back of their heads! It doesn't have to be daily for it to stick---just a constant coming and going at different times and days. Ok, off to try to straighten up my stuff! Good grief! I've missed Jeremy's birthday and today is Chris's! I have something for Jeremy, but nothing at the moment for Chris! All the stuff Bruce and I took is in a pile in my room, the stuff we bought is in a pile in the dining room and the stuff I brought home yesterday is everywhere! LOL! Oh, well, you have to pay the piper in every case! Love you all, Jeanie
Friday, August 5, 2011
And they wonder why it's hard to keep men in the military?? Maybe it's all the BS paperwork!lol Brittney and Frank have been there and done that WAY too many times~~ ugggg is right~ Pat I hope your Mammo turned out good! Let us know! We'll be back to "normal" soon since Jeanie arrives home today and I get home next Saturday! Yeaaaaaa~~~ Love to all, Judy
Hello Sisters...sorry I didn't post yesterday, spent my day at Fort Campbell getting absolutely nothing accomplished! I hate when I feel like my time is wasted! Spent 3 hours at the transportation office before I was finally seen...only to find out that I have to go back again next week to get to the next step...not get things finished, just the next step in the fighting process!! UGHHHH!! It's making me so mad, but if we want to try and recoup some of our move expenses, this is all we can do. Anyway, that's a Monday or Tuesday trip for next least I have a person now who's helping me directly and those are her only days to work next week before she goes on vacation. Again, UGHHHHH! After that horrible ordeal, I was going to treat myself to a trip to the big flea market in Guthrie..right outside Clarksville...naturally, it was close on Thursdays! So we went to TJMaxx...I did find a pair of pants..and a new sauce pan for Jerry! We then hit the mall and Jason got new shoes, new underwear and new socks. Jerome, new underwear, new socks and a StLouis Cards towel!! Not exactly the shopping trip I was hoping for, but they were happy!! Today, it's storming, so the yard is not going to get mowed or weedeated, my french door is probably not going to get installed, my car is in the shop and I owe the boys college money today....seems like another BANNER day here folks!! Whatever!!! Glad the reports on all the boob smashing, snot swimming heads and overall health of you was good for today!!! Keep up the good work!!:) Pat and Pam, good job on Mom and Dad visits...I will let you know when I'm heading that way again...Love you all, Jamie
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Talked to Jeanie this afternoon and she's "knock on wood" doing good. She's been swimming without putting her head in the water for the last 3 days and no medicine and doing ok. She DOES fly into tunica tomorrow afternoon around 4 I think she said. Bruce and jeremy are picking her up. She's anxious to be home after being gone for 3 weeks!!! I'm sure she'll post herself in the next couple of days when internet is available. Brittney and the boys and myself are heading to El Paso Outlet Mall tomorrow since Frank has to go to Tombstone Arizona for some Army thing and he's leaving us the truck. Katilyn wants a Coach purse from the Coach Outlet there and she said during the month of August you get an extra 30% off at the Outlet Stores. We'll see!!!lol Love to all, Judy
Oh gosh Pam your note made me cry because Dad does love Mom so much and even though she loves him too, she can't express that to him. Sad!!! So glad Dad was good today and carried on a good conversation with you. He's so precious! I'm MUCH improved today and thankfully so!!! Even though I'm down to almost 1 week only left, I'm going to make the most of it! Love to you all, Judy
Stopped to see Mom & Dad. They were @ the table, waiting on lunch. Dad was patting on her & trying to get her to wake up. He said "it's your husband". True love! Dad was really with it today. No mumbling. We actually carried on a conversation. He wanted me to stay & eat but I had Jim & Matthew with me. I talked to Debbie & nothing new to report. All in all, good day. Love, Pam
Mammy, Mammo or Mamma either way is NO fun! I had to have the 2nd look, extra pics and ultrasound last year too but it turned out fine. I do go yearly though! I haven't talked to Jeanie but will call and check in with her today and then post her note. I think she flys into Tunica on Saturday?? I know she told me tunica because it's a hop maybe? Geez, I've been sick and this all might be a lie!lol Keep up the good work on visits sisters! Love to all, Judy
Judy, bless your heart! What a nightmare! Pat, fun times @ the mammy! Not! I hate them. To me, they really hurt. I had the diagnostic kind done this year because I was having pain in my right breast, but it was fine but they were concerned about what they saw on my left! I had to go back for more pics & ultrasound but it was fine. It really made me realize that I have to go yearly. I think it had been like 7 years! Ok, I'll see Mom & Dad today then. Hope you all have a great day. Love, Pam
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
You're right Pam in we do the best we can with the visits! They don't have to be seen everyday so if a day or so is missed, it's fine. I finally gave in and went back to the doctor who gave me round 2 of antibiodics. I'm better but still floaty headed! I have lots of drainage too. He said I needed to drink lots of water because I was kind of dehydrated. I had a low grade temp too~! Yuck! What an awesome visit to El Paso~!~~NOT~Brittney and I went shopping tonight after the doctor though and I took her to the Olive Garden for supper. It was nice to sit and visit. Hope all are well!!! Love to all, Judy
Jody was going to check on mom & dad today but overslept.Pat had said she thought she could go tomorrow but I can because I won't be able to go fri or sat because Jim is going out of town. I could go Sunday if I need to. Just text Pat & I if it works out for you to come jamie, so we all don't go on the same day. We do the best we can & that's all we can do. Love, Pam
Pam, I'm so glad Jody has been checking on Mom and Dad!! I thought I was going to be able to come over one day this week, but I'm running out of days. Tomorrow I go to Ft Campbell to fight transportation...dreading this big time!! Friday, the car goes into the shop...tried to get it in on Tuesday, but there was a death in the family that left them down 2 mechanics. I may still try to come over on Saturday or Sunday...I'm so sorry to not be much help this week... again, glad Jody went by. Judy, I hope you're feeling almost 100% by now... Ok, sorry this is quick, we're getting ready to have a storm I think and I need to get supper on the table. Love you all, Jamie
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Jody stopped by on her way to work & checked on Mom & Dad. She said they were fine. Dad was eating & looked like he was going to clean his plate. Someone was feeding Mom. She was running late but @ least she did check on them & talked to Dad. She's working tomorrow, too, so she'll check on them again. Love, Pam
Monday, August 1, 2011
Good job Jamie on the house renovating! You go girl! It was gorgeous before but know it will be even MORE gorgeous when you finish. So glad everyone is pitching in to get Mom and Dad seen. Wonder if the hearing decision has been made? Jeanie didn't mention it on the phone yesterday and I doubt she knows anyway since she's in Florida. She hoped Beth would call if they did and evidently that hasn't happened either! Love to all, Judy
Yes, I did see Mom & Dad. They were both asleep in their chairs. Dad did wake up but was so confused. He only had his upper teeth in, so I told them & one of the aids went & found the lowers. He didn't seem to mumble as much today. He said he told the doctor he was ready to go home but the dr. said he had to wait until his numbers went up. He also said he was to start back to school tomorrow.Bless his heart. Debbie also mentioned to me that they wanted to change Dad's diet to a mechanical diet. Basically just his food will be chopped, esp. his meat. I told her he seemed to be doing fine but she insisted that he should have been on this diet since the beginning. I'll ask Jody to stop by tomorrow & Wed. & Pat said she thought she could go Thurs. Love,Pam
Hey Sisters! I've been reading the blog, but tonight is my first night to post. I was in pajamas all day Sunday and literally did nothing...last week was a killer!! Today, I got much accomplished which always makes me feel good! I'm not sure what day I'll be able to go see Mom and Dad. My car has an emissions leak that I need to get addressed...gas is too expensive to be letting it evaporate into the air. Teresa called today and she thinks Wednesday the heat and air guy will be in my house installing duct work through my upstairs closet and into the sunroom. The french door is suppose to be installed as well this week...I hope so because the stupid birds get into that room and then freak out, slamming into the windows and making me scream! I've got to make a trip to Fort Campbell this week and get all the move stuff finalized. Unfortunately, I can't make an's sign in and wait. I might be able to drive over on Friday...but that depends if I can get my car in tomorrow or wednesday and then go to Campbell on Thursday and if Teresa is on time with the heat/air guy..I'll keep you posted. Glad things are kind of settling down for everyone...with a big family comes lots of drama! :) Prayers all around for Molli, Cary and Leisa...and Mom and Dad and all of you too!!:) Hey, I figure everyone can use a prayer now and then! Love you all, Jamie
Pam went to see Mom and Dad today because she texted me earlier that they were good and she's going to post tonight. I hope no one else is sick! My 2 grandsons are both sick now! I've still got a LOT of fluid in my head because I still feel "floaty" when I move much. My time with this is getting REALLY old! Love to all, Judy
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