Wednesday, January 12, 2011

So what's the deal with LNC and the nasty letter from Michael Smith? What did Chad say about their "threats" to kick Mom and Dad out? That can't happen right? What a great big pile of giant smelly mess!! I mean's so frustrating...I know you're sick of dealing with it all Jeanie...I guess I'm having a hard time understanding why you have to deal with it so much...can't Chad/his office do this calling and checking and following up since you've done all the exchange of personal info with these companies? What are people doing out there that don't have a lawyer? I guess for me, I just want to be sure that Mom and Dad cannot be removed from LNC...can you imagine how horrible that would be? OMG.....Jeanie please let me know if there's anything I can do from my end! Glad you all liked the photos...I've been going through some of my old pics and finding some really good ones...yes I have super memories of Grandmother Shelton's house as well...tangerines on the sleeping porch..breakfast in her kitchen with all the glassware and things on the shelves in the window and her standing at the stove cooking in her apron. She always laughed and rubbed my back. I wish I'd absorbed more from those a kid you don't think about that stuff being important. I remember Uncle Roy too...honestly, he scared me...his hacking cough and living in the dark room at the top of the stairs...I remember seeing him once in his undershirt smoking a cigarette while he shaved in the downstairs bathroom with a straight razor. Wow, hadn't thought about that in a while!! Ok, back to krud has turned to crap and I ache all eyes, ears, head...even the hairs on my unshaved legs hurt....that's bad!! Round one of negotiations is over and round 2 is in play...hopefully a decision can be made real soon on Murray...I wish I could pack up tomorrow!! I'll keep you posted!! Love you all and if it works out, I'd love to road trip to see Ona too...Jamie

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