Monday, January 31, 2011

Bruce and I drove down to see Mom and Dad. They were SO much better. Mom was sitting in her chair and just laughing and doing that little thing with her head like she's dancing. She was WIDE awake. The girl told me that she and Dad had gotten up today in the best mood! YEA! Mom is still coughing, but it doesn't sound as deep. I asked about the breathing treatments and they're going fine. She ate about 25% of her lunch, but she ATE---it wasn't like you had to keep begging her to open up and eat some. She was more than willing to eat! Dad was asleep in his chair when we got there, but he called Bruce by name and woke up. He ate about 35% of his total lunch. He is still some confused, but it's nothing compared to last week's confusion! Debbie told me the same thing about the speech therapy. I told her he was 'saving' the food because he couldn't chew it up! He dropped 4 chunks out before he started to eat lunch. They looked like sausage! Gross! I asked about his teeth. He did go to the dentist, but I'm saying they did nothing. I called them this morning and of course they wouldn't talk to me because of the Hipa code. I talked to Michael Smith about them, and he said IF Dad was approved for Medicaid that Medicaid would off-set the cost for the teeth. Since he's NOT approved (now or yet!) then it becomes a grayer area. IF we go on and pay for the teeth and he is approved for Medicaid, then Medicaid will off-set the nursing home payment to make up for the money spent on the teeth. If he's not approved, that amount will still be in his favor because it would be money spent on his care. Whatever! I'm going to talk to Pat when she gets out of school and find out exactly what she did as far as Keith Hendrix went. IF I need to take his broken teeth to him for him to repair/make some more/whatever, then I'll do that. We'll just pay for them out of the money we have. Done and Dad will have teeth. I'll take the estimate to Michael Smith and he'll go on and file it with DHS. I just don't want Dad without them any longer than need be. Macie is still running a temp. In fact it was back up some this morning. Bless her heart. Love you all, Jeanie

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