Sunday, January 30, 2011

Jerry and I went to LNC about 10:00 this morning. What Nikki told Judy was what she told me. Mother had only eaten like 25%, but Dad had eaten better. When we first got there, Mother was in her wheelchair in their room watching television. Well, she was sitting in front of it anyway. Dad was out in the big room. They both looked better than I was expecting. Daddy had that blank look, though and was not real with it. He had no teeth in and was chewing some tobacco. He kept making weird sounds like moaning and throat-clearing put together. I asked about that and they said he was probably trying to cough up stuff. Anyway, it was weird. He also kept shuffling his feet on the floor as if he were running. Thought that was weird too. I think he knew who I was, but I couldn't communicate very well with him. Mother looked okay, but you could tell she didn't feel well. She coughed a couple of times and it was pretty deep sounding. Nikki said she figured they'd put mother on some antibiotic, and she figured Dad was getting the same stuff that Mother had. Anyway, life goes on! love you, pat

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