Thursday, January 20, 2011

As Judy said, I didn't make it to the care-team meeting today. I called and told them I'd talk to Paulette when I'm down there---no problem! I also called Beth at Chad's office today to see if she needed any clarification or info on any of the stuff I turned in to her yesterday. While she was on the phone, I asked if they'd heard anything about Mom's application---no. I don't know if I put this on the blog yesterday or not--if so, pardon my repeating myself---I'm getting old. When I took the info in yesterday, the lady at the desk got a phone call while I was standing there. Rather than just stand there and stare at her, I just stood there and looked around. LOL! On top of the counter was the mail---it had been opened already. On the very top of the pile was a letter from DHS addressed to Chad. Handwritten over his address was the word 'Shelton'. I figured it was about Mom because they always send me a letter and a copy of it to Chad. Well, when I got home---no letter in my mailbox from DHS. That's why I asked today. How weird is that!?! I also asked if Chad had called Michael Smith to tell him to leave me alone. LOL! Beth said yes she had talked to him and so had Chad. He said he didn't have a copy of the applications and that he could put them in 'pending' if he had a copy. WHATEVER! I told her that that was good because I'd never been hounded for bills my whole life until the last few months. Now I feel like I have a target on my back! LOL! Anyway, IF the roads are ok, and IF Ryan doesn't continue to get major snowfall, we're headed to Louisville tomorrow because I broke another tooth! Can we say tooth number plenty! I have no idea how I do this. I wish I could figure it out. Ok, love you all, Jeanie

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