Monday, January 31, 2011

I agree totally about the teeth---whatever the cost and worry about any and all of that later. That's how I feel. Whatever! Debbie told me that Dad had 3 or 4 days left on his antibiotic. As for the confusion, he does just get that way some of the time. He did when they were still living at home. He'd get mixed up and confused then, too. I always blamed that on lack of sleep, but he still does it. Of course sometimes he doesn't get enough sleep at LNC either. LOL! So there you go--could still be related to the amount of sleep he gets + the UTI + being sick. They've basically had an epidemic down there. I'm serious---staff and residents alike have been sick in huge numbers. I said something today about needing fresh air to air it out and a big bucket of Lysol for the walls, floors, everything. Debbie and another lady kind of chuckled. Ok, I'm off to bed. I'm going to keep Macie tomorrow afternoon. I'll be glad when she's better. I do NOT like sick and fever! YUCK! Love you all, Jeanie
Jamie he's not through with the medicine for his UTI because it was for 10 days and they started them a week ago tomorrow. Should be through on Friday I think because that first day he got only 1 dose instead of 2. Not sure about the confusion and what causes it because he gets this way off and on. Hard to believe that it's been right at a year since they went there. Seems in a way it was only a couple of months ago! Time sure marches on! It was a good decision on our part and even though that day was a nightmare since we didn't know exactly what they would say or react, it was all much much better than I had expected. I'm glad you'll be here in a couple of weeks Jamie too! I know you love it when you get to visit and it's good all the way around. Love to all, Judy
Dad obviously needs his teeth fixed...he's not really eating much or correctly without, I just hate that he doesn't have them. I say take them to whomever and get them fixed and just pay for them out of their money or I'll pay for them if it will keep any red flags from going up anywhere... I can just call the dental place and put it on my credit card, no problem. As far a Medicare/Caid is concerned, Dad didn't pay, a daughter did because there are no funds...they can choose to do whatever after that...if they reimburse or credit, fine, if not, that's fine too. Let me know, at least that way the teeth get fixed sooner rather than later. Glad to hear they were so much better today...glad Dad knew Bruce and Mom seemed happy...that's always a bonus!! Is Dad still taking antibiotics for his UTI? Wonder what the cause of the confusion is...just still kind of recovering from being sick I guess? Can't wait to see them in a couple of weeks!! Ok, back out the door for meeting. Love you, Jamie
Bruce and I drove down to see Mom and Dad. They were SO much better. Mom was sitting in her chair and just laughing and doing that little thing with her head like she's dancing. She was WIDE awake. The girl told me that she and Dad had gotten up today in the best mood! YEA! Mom is still coughing, but it doesn't sound as deep. I asked about the breathing treatments and they're going fine. She ate about 25% of her lunch, but she ATE---it wasn't like you had to keep begging her to open up and eat some. She was more than willing to eat! Dad was asleep in his chair when we got there, but he called Bruce by name and woke up. He ate about 35% of his total lunch. He is still some confused, but it's nothing compared to last week's confusion! Debbie told me the same thing about the speech therapy. I told her he was 'saving' the food because he couldn't chew it up! He dropped 4 chunks out before he started to eat lunch. They looked like sausage! Gross! I asked about his teeth. He did go to the dentist, but I'm saying they did nothing. I called them this morning and of course they wouldn't talk to me because of the Hipa code. I talked to Michael Smith about them, and he said IF Dad was approved for Medicaid that Medicaid would off-set the cost for the teeth. Since he's NOT approved (now or yet!) then it becomes a grayer area. IF we go on and pay for the teeth and he is approved for Medicaid, then Medicaid will off-set the nursing home payment to make up for the money spent on the teeth. If he's not approved, that amount will still be in his favor because it would be money spent on his care. Whatever! I'm going to talk to Pat when she gets out of school and find out exactly what she did as far as Keith Hendrix went. IF I need to take his broken teeth to him for him to repair/make some more/whatever, then I'll do that. We'll just pay for them out of the money we have. Done and Dad will have teeth. I'll take the estimate to Michael Smith and he'll go on and file it with DHS. I just don't want Dad without them any longer than need be. Macie is still running a temp. In fact it was back up some this morning. Bless her heart. Love you all, Jeanie
Just called and talked to Debbie-it's 9:45--and she said Dad had eaten 75% at breakfast and drank 50% while Mom did 25% of each. I asked if they would hear something back today on Mom's xray and medicine for it and she said they would. Of course that doesn't mean that they would start it till today cause we know how that works! She said Dad was still confused. She also said she was going to have speech work with Dad since he doesn't have his dentures, he's pooling his food. We knew he was cause Jeanie had him spit a wad out a couple of times that was food and not tobacco. Neither have temps anymore. I forgot to ask about Mom's breathing treatments or Dad's blood sugar! Well aren't I a failure!!lol I'll try to do better next time! Love to all, Judy

Sunday, January 30, 2011

You get a flu shot every year in Sept or Oct and I don't recall you mentioning it. They might not have mentioned it to you though, so don't know! I hope tomorrow is another "getting better" day for both of them. Hopefully Dad's teeth will be finished soon too! Love to all, Judy
I can't swear to this, but I'm almost positive that they DID have a flu shot. It seems like they had that AND a pneumonia shot. I remember asking Judy about the pneumonia shot because I thought one was good for life. Judy had said it wouldn't hurt them. That's why I'm thinking they gave them both right after they went to LNC. As for Dad's teeth---I'll call the dentist in the morning. I should have called Fri, but I just didn't get around to it. He needs them, but that's not the only issue with his talking---I don't think anyway. I'm thinking the better he gets as far as the UTI the clearer and better his talking will be. His confusion definitely affects his talking. I need to ask, too, when they'll check him again to be sure the UTI has cleared up. His antibiotics were for 10 days. That should be pretty close to up if not up. Ok, I'm off to do nothing. Macie is FINALLY some better. She has been SO sick since Thurs and is still not well. I'll be glad for some warmer weather to kill these germs and clean the air! Good grief! Love you all, Jeanie
Jerry and I went to LNC about 10:00 this morning. What Nikki told Judy was what she told me. Mother had only eaten like 25%, but Dad had eaten better. When we first got there, Mother was in her wheelchair in their room watching television. Well, she was sitting in front of it anyway. Dad was out in the big room. They both looked better than I was expecting. Daddy had that blank look, though and was not real with it. He had no teeth in and was chewing some tobacco. He kept making weird sounds like moaning and throat-clearing put together. I asked about that and they said he was probably trying to cough up stuff. Anyway, it was weird. He also kept shuffling his feet on the floor as if he were running. Thought that was weird too. I think he knew who I was, but I couldn't communicate very well with him. Mother looked okay, but you could tell she didn't feel well. She coughed a couple of times and it was pretty deep sounding. Nikki said she figured they'd put mother on some antibiotic, and she figured Dad was getting the same stuff that Mother had. Anyway, life goes on! love you, pat
The doctor should respond about the xray tomorrow. Yes coughing stuff up is definitely what they want and what the breathing treatments are made to do. I don't know about the flu shot but would think they would require it. I've had a flu shot for probably the last 25 years or so and I don't get the flu, just sinus infections periodically. Off to Leisa's to eat fish-yum, yum. Love to all, Judy
Did Mom and Dad have a flu shot this year? Is it required/recommended at LNC for their patients? I haven't taken a flu shot the last couple of years and have had the flu twice. I'm thinking maybe I should go back to getting one. I know it is highly recommended for college students because of the close living would seem the same for nursing homes. Glad to hear that they think Dad is doing so much better. When will they get the official results from the doctor about the congestion on the lungs? So she didn't use pneumonia, but said Mom is coughing stuff up...I guess that's good news?! Thanks for the posts...keep em coming!! Love you, Jamie
Called and talked to Nikki right before I left for church-about 10:30-and she said that they were both better. She said Dad's appetite was back and had eaten a good breakfast. She didn't have the total in front of her but Pat had been there she said and she heard the aide tell her that he had eaten good. She said that they neither one had temps. Mom's breathing treatments are going good and Nikki said she was actually coughing stuff up which is what they want of course. She said she was making sure that they and all the others that were sick were drinking plenty of fluid. She had gotten the chest xray results on Mom and it had shown some congestion she said (Not sure exactly what congestion on the lungs mean but whatever!) She said that she had sent it to the doctor to see if he wanted to add an antibiodic. She thought they would since he normally starts that and updraft like Mom is already doing for those who have gotten this crud! She said Mom was still "dragging" but she had eaten breakfast. She also said Dad wasn't as confused today. It will be interesting to see what Pat thought and was told to compare this to. I think they're on the road back to health though--especially Dad. Love to all, Judy

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Just called and talked to Donna--It's 9pm--and she said they were both in bed asleep. Dad had eaten about 25% and drank 25% at supper and Mom had eaten 50% and drank 25%. I told her that it sure didn't seem like they were getting much nourishment! She said that maybe Dad didn't like what they had tonight to eat. I should have asked if they gave him a snack but didn't-sorry! She said that Dad seemed much better and less confused. Mom she said was still pretty groggy. I asked about Dad's medicine and yes he had taken it. She said his blood sugar early tonight had been 200 but she would take it again later tonight. I told her that I would rather it be 200 than 100! She said that neither of them had any temperature--again not sure how it was taken. I'll call in the morning again before church. Pat if you're reading this and if you go tomorrow, please try to get a note posted since we're all a little skittish about them being sick! It makes me nervous! Love to all, Judy
Mom has had the x-ray---they did it yesterday afternoon. Everything there goes through Dr. Parten, and he's in Monette about 15 miles or so away. I figure they'll hear about the x-ray Mon, and if he sees anything on it then he'll send out some meds for Mom. I called about 2 and Donna was just coming on to work. She couldn't answer any of my questions, but I did ask her to take Mom's temp under her arm --- I explained about yesterday. I called back about 5, and she said they were both in the dining room getting ready to eat. Dad was more alert than Mom. Mom she said was still pretty lethargic. Neither had any temp (I didn't ask if she'd taken it under the arm---assuming yest)! Asked about the breathing treatments, and she said Mom did not like them. She's getting them 4 times a day. Ok, I think that's it. Judy is going to call and check around 9 or so on them again. Love you all, Jeanie
Can't believe they still take the temperature under the tongue...even I have an in the ear thermometer! My guess is that wasn't accurate!! So they are still waiting on the results of the chest x ray before they order antibiotics? Jerry and I were talking about this this morning..about the waiting for test results and the delay in drugs getting to the patients and how frustrating it all is...he was saying that this won't be the case at Spring Creek(the nursing home at Murray) because they are a part of Murray Calloway County Hospital and actually sit just a mile or so from the hospital. So the delay with LNC is because they have to go through St Bernards? Civilian healthcare is a new territory that's going to be very interesting to learn about...a real foreign subject for me for sure!! I need to learn about the Healthcare Bill too, I guess. I remember it came up at one of Jerry's interviews with Murray. Thanks for the posts...keep em coming. Mom's cough scares me...hopefully the breathing treatments will help loosen up junk and open up the lungs. Checked on rooms and we'll go with Days Inn...I'd written Comfort Inn earlier...they allow Annie and have free breakfast! Free is good! Love you, Jamie
Called and talked to Nikki about 9 and she said that Daddy was better. He didn't really eat much again at breakfast though (25%) but did drink his liquids. She said his confusion was better too than it had been when she was there on Wednesday. His blood sugar was still 117 she said and that he was sitting there at the desk beside her reaching for the crackers. It was time for the snack lady and she would make sure he got one and encourage him to eat it. Mom's cough she said was horrible. I asked about the chest xray and she said that she thought they would have received the results before starting the breathing treatments but that isn't right because they started them at the same time the xray was ordered. No xrary report was on the chart and no medicines ordered other than the breathing treatments. She said Mom ate about 25% at breakfast too but did drink her liquids. I don't think they'll get the xray results (and THAT is hoping that it was even done!) till Monday. Mom's fever she said was normal too but Jeanie said that they were taking it under the tongue and Mom was rolling it around to where it couldn't be accurate. I didn't know this part till after I hung up so not sure that it was an accurate read. Jeanie and I both will check in later to see how the day goes. Hopefully by Sunday they'll be better and maybe Pat/Jerry will go and eyeball them. Love to all, Judy Oh and Jamie it doesn't matter to be about where/room/beds etc. You and Jeanie work out the details and I'm following along!lol

Friday, January 28, 2011

Updraft breathing treatments? I guess this means with a nebulizer? Yuk!! I hope the meds come quick...colds/flu and the elderly are not a good mix!! Thanks for the posts and yes, Jeanie stay away for a few don't need to be sick again!! I will call Comfort Inn tomorrow and get us a room...2 double beds ok? Or we could make it a real party and get 1 king size!! :) For tonight,extra prayers and a motivational talk on letting go, a control freaks guide to you, Jamie
Wonder how long it takes to get the CBC back and then how long after that before they start her on meds if they do at all. Hopefully this will be short lived and I don't blame you Jeanie for trying NOT to get this. Although as much as you've been down there and still don't have it yet speaks good for your not getting it. I'll call tomorrow too and post. We'll probably cross each others calls!lol Love to all, Judy
I just called and talked to Rose. She said that they were doing 'ok'---nothing new. Dad ate about 50% at supper, Mom ate just a little. Both temps down. Both in bed. Breathing treatments for Mom start tomorrow. That's about it! Not too bad. I'll check tomorrow again. I'm sorry, but I hate to go back down there right now! I figure my three trips this week has exposed me to plenty! Good griefs and YIKES! LOL! If you want to call Days Inn at Murray, that would be great. Tell them about Annie---no idea if there's an extra charge or not. Some do, some don't. Doesn't matter. I'll pay the difference + my third of the room, too! I've been looking at houses in Murray. There's a couple that look really good. I LOVE looking! LOL! Ok, off to relax. Had two loses for ballgames + Grant walking in homecoming. Mak plays again tomorrow at 11. I'm thinking it's single elimination. If that's the case, she has one more game in the Westside Tournament! LOL! They're already out of the Nettleton one! Love you all, Jeanie
Judy pretty much nailed what I told her. Mom wouldn't really wake up to eat---that's like she was Wed. I figure it's because she feels so bad. Debbie called me this afternoon to tell me that they'd done the chest x-ray on Mom, ordered some updraft breathing treatments for her and a CBC. The doc thought she had the flu! GREAT! If something shows up on the bloodwork then they'll go from there. She just doesn't feel good, BUT neither do a lot of people there. Judy (the main housekeeper) had just gotten back to work, the young girl who loves Mom and Dad had just gotten back to work, the other girl that was working with them had just gotten back to work---I mean the whole place is sick with basically the same thing Mom/Dad has! Ok, I'm going to call about 9:30 or so to check on them again. Jamie, Judy is right---I know what you mean about controlling things---my problem, too!----but you can't! Prayers for them to get better. I like Dad eating again at least! I'll write later on Days Inn and the househunting---off to ballgames---2!
Thanks for the update on Mom and Dad! Can't believe Mom's temp was 101! That's not like a little fever...and you're right I definitely worry about pneumonia. Glad to hear Dad was at least showing some signs of bouncing back. So they are going to start Mom on an antibiotic as well? How long will Dad be on his meds...2 weeks? a month? I worry about them...of course I worry about everything...I'll just be glad when I'm there and can lay eyes upon anytime I want. Extra prayers! Ok, finishing the laundry and putting something on for the boys for dinner...Jerry and I are taking his secretary and her husband(a COL pilot who's getting ready to deploy again) out for dinner tonight. She's having a tough time with Jerry leaving and now Jeff deploying again...I told her once I get to Murray she'll have to come for a visit...they are both so sweet!! Thanks again for the update and post if there's any more news...I'll check the blog again before I go to bed. Love you, Jamie
I'll post a quick note since I just got off the phone with Jeanie and she can fill in the blanks but in case you're on here Jamie, wanted to get you a note ASAP. She said Dad was better--he had eaten all his lunch and therefore she assumed he had eaten breakfast too. Dad's fever is down or gone. He is still confused though but he's only been on the med for his UTI for 3 days now. Jeanie said she was going to call about what's the word on his dentures because she said he doesn't talk good and can't eat good without them. She said his color was better too and he ate a candybar Jeanie brought him. Mom wasn't so good. She drank some liquids but didn't really eat. Debbie had told Jeanie that Mom's fever was down or gone and Jeanie fed her a candybar and thought she felt warm. Debbie took it again and it was 101. something! I assume she gave her tylenol. Jeanie said that when they were wheeling Mom to her room she had major snot but it wasn't green. Debbie said that Mom was on her list for a chest xray and she thought it would be today. Mom does have a cough too. I hope they start her on an antibiodic and knock this out! She doesn't need pneumonia! Okay, that's my report and Jeanie will add to it. Geez, I hate it when they're sick. Jamie you can NOT worry about something happening and you moving here. It will just be what it is! Hopefully they'll be all well by the time you get here! Love to all, Judy
Crap...I hate it when I miss a couple of days getting on here and read Mom and Dad are sick!! I know the "flu" whatever is really bad all over...I think everyone I know here has been or is sick. I was with Jerry the other day at the hospital and it was literally full of coughing crying kids, snotty coughing adults young and old!! I'm with you Judy on the slowness of getting Dad his meds...once the test results come back positive, someone should jump through hoops to get that person the needed medication asap!! I worry so when Dad doesn't eat...Mom at least has a little reserve for a couple of days, Dad doesn't it. Have they ever talked about putting Dad on the weight gaining pill/drink supplement? I know he's a good eater, but he has definitely lost weight since entering LNC...that can be as unhealthy as anything else. It scares me more now that I'm heading back that way...I guess my warped mind worries that something will happen just as things are going to start to be so good....I know I can't control the master plan, but I want to!! I will say extra prayers for sure! Jeanie, Comfort Inn sounds great...I don't remember seeing it, but I'm sure it's fine...with so many out of town people coming in, I would think all the hotels maintain high standards! Do I need to call and get us a reservation or do we want to wing it? I'm getting excited about house hunting, but am a little worried about the prospects!! We'll see. Ok, keep posting on Mom and Dad...I'm off to do more moving/retirement stuff. Love you all, Jamie

Thursday, January 27, 2011

I called about 8:30 to check on Mom and Dad. Basically it was what they'd told Judy---temp down, not any eating really, SOME fluids---not much, scattered, asleep, Dad still confused although it didn't sound as bad as it was. Dad still has runny nose, she didn't notice Mom with that nor with the coughing. Anyway, they're still sick, but hopefully on the way back. She's right: the temp staying down is a good sign! Turned in the papers to Beth today. Now it's a waiting game on both Mom and Dad. Love you all, Jeanie
Called again tonight to see what they ate for supper and the lady who had tried to feed them said "Not much at all for either of them". I asked if they had at least taken the liquids and she said most of it. She said they had stew and Dad didn't want it at all. She said he did drink a glass of orange juice and so did Mom. I asked about Dad's blood sugar and she said it was 117 but to be honest, I'm not sure she had taken it because that's the same one Debbie gave us yesterday!~ I reminded her that Dad had that horrible round with the potassium because he was on Cipro and not eating and he HAD to eat. I asked about Mom's fever and she said it was down to 99 but that Mom just wasn't feeling very good. I'm not sure that I really learned anything other than they didn't eat! YUCK!!! Jeanie is going tomorrow and I'll feel better when she has eyeballed them! Love to all, Judy
Called and talked to Debbie this morning (right behind Jeanie I think!lol) and she said that Dad was a little better and he had even said he felt a little better. He ate maybe 25% at breakfast but had taken all his liquids. She had checked his blood sugar and it was 117. Mom didn't eat much but a couple of bites for breakfast but had taken all her liquids plus Debbie had given her a glass of orange juice with her medicines. Mom is still running a temp around 100. Dad has had 4 doses of his medicine now, so Jeanie and I are both thinking he should be better by tomorrow when she goes back down. Mom was a day behind Dad getting sick, so hopefully she'll be getting better by tomorrow. I'll call tonight again and I'm sure Jeanie will too. I'll post what they say. I just worry about Dad and his potassium from not eating and now that he's taking the antibiodic again because I thought that was what started the potassium mess the last time. Yuck! Love to all, Judy

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Just talked to Linda at LNC. She said Mom had eaten most of her potato soup---she seemed to really like it. Dad had eaten about 50% of his supper---hey, better than 0%! Both of their temps were down---like 98.???. She had gotten Dad to take his med---he didn't want it, but she kept telling him he had to take it--so he did. Both were asleep---maybe they'll both be better tomorrow. Dad's sugar was a little high---she said that's to be expected when he has fever. Sounds better! Love you all, Jeanie
I went to see Mom and Dad today and both are pretty sick. Mom was asleep in her wheelchair in the dining room when I got there and never opened her eyes through lunch, after lunch or when they were putting her to bed! I kept pushing on her to right her in the wheelchair and all the time trying to spoon ice cream into her mouth! Nikki had given her tylenol for her fever. She also has a cough and a runny nose!!!! Her temp was 100.7 the last time Nikki took it before lunch. Dad looked awful! He was so pale and had a runny nose and was SO disoriented! He finally ate a cup of ice cream and most of his cookie---that's it for lunch. NO BREAKFAST! I told them that that is the sign he's really not feeling good! They did give him his med last night and had given it to him this morning. He'll get another dose at 8 tonight. I told Nikki that she might want to check his sugar and consider not giving him his insulin shot tonight since he's basically eaten nothing today. I told her he does better when it's around 150 than he does if it's low! Anyway, when they finished what they'd eat at lunch, I asked that they be put to bed. Judy called tonight and they were up in the dining room and the lady told her Dad was picking up his sandwich as if to eat. Judy's going to call back down there again to check on how much he ate, and I'll call before bedtime to check on them again. I also talked to Michael Smith today, too. He was actually really nice. He said that I was to understand that removing them was not his intentions. That's the protocol (sp?) that LNC goes through. He said that we really did need to pay something on Mom's to show good faith because at the end of DHS's study, she would owe SOMETHING. You can not remove them with Medicaid pending, but you can for non payment. I'll check with Chad on that and see if I need to pay something. Won't be much because Mom has basically NO income. I got another letter from DHS today about Dad's application. They only wanted two pieces of info: proof of using the GenAm checks for Dad's care and an explanation of two deposits into his Miller's Trust acct! I'll give those to Beth tomorrow. I have both of those covered. If that's the last info they need, then they'll have 45 days AFTER they receive that to render a decision. Mom's should be coming anytime now, I'm thinking. Ok, I'm making chili for Bruce and eating cookies for me! LOL! Great trade-off if you ask me! LOL! Love you all, Jeanie Oh, Jamie, I checked on motels in Murray. Holiday Inn doesn't take pets. Days Inn does. It was nice when Ryan was at Murray----no idea now!!!!!!!!!! ramptime

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

It's things like the lack of getting things done NOW that drive me nuts about nursing homes in general! It's like they are never in a hurry to get something done or checked out unless it's to give Mom Seraquil and then they're Johnny on the spot! Geez!! I'm glad you're going back tomorrow Jeanie and Pam said she was going tomorrow last night too. I hope they're better!~Love, Judy
Debbie called me twice today. The first time to tell me Dad was running a fever and that they'd ordered his med and the second time to tell me Mom was running a fever! Geez Louise! I asked if they'd started his med---no----she thought they'd get it yesterday, but it wasn't coming in until 8 or 9 tonight! I asked if they'd start it then and she said she'd leave Nikki a note to give it to him when it came in. Well, I called at 9:29 to see if it had come---it had, and to see if they'd given him a dose---they hadn't! Nikki said she'd put it down to give it in the morning at 8! I'm like---no---he needs to go on and start it, so she said she'd go give it to him and he could still take the next dose at 8 in the morning! I don't like them sick---period! Dad had some coughing yesterday and when I asked Debbie about it today, she said several people there had some upper respiratory stuff going on! GREAT! She said Mom wasn't coughing or anything, but she was running a temp. She gave them both Tylenol. I'm going down there in the morning and will check on them. She said Dad wasn't any better today with all the confusion stuff. They're giving him Cipro (sp?) 500 mg twice a day. They've also changed the ointment that they're putting on Mom's bottom to keep her from digging on herself! Nice pic! LOL! NOT! Anyway, no word today from DHS. Ok, I'm off to bed. Love you all, Jeanie Jamie, usually the Holiday Inn's do NOT allow pets. Comfort Inn has in a lot of places and they usually have a continental breakfast, too.
I think UTIs in nursing home are common whether you're a man or a woman! I think Mom has just been lucky that she's avoided them for the most part at least!~ She was so good yesterday that it just totally makes my day when she's like that. Actually makes my 2 weeks since that's about all I manage to get there. Poor Dad was the saying of the day because he didn't make sense unless you count that he was consistent about the trip the whole time! He never stopped talking about it. I hope he had/has a good time because THAT would be awesome! lol Speaking of trips--lol---the two I'm about to partake of should be interesting for sure! Keeping Jeanie and Annie straight one week may put me to sleep for the 2nd~!lol Just kidding~ I love houses!~ I talked to Pam last night via text and told her that Mom and Dad were good. I know you read the blog Pat~!~lol She said she was going to try to go down tomorrow (Wed). I did tell her that Jeanie and I would be gone to Louisville the week of 2/7 and that maybe she could go down for sure that week. She said she would and to just remind her when it was closer, which I will. I figure since we'll go down to see Mom and Dad on 2/14 and then Jeanie and I will be back on 2/17 from Murray, we can stop in that day and that should cover that week. Maybe Pam will go again one day that week==I'll check with her. Good job on all the medicaid stuff and hopefully we'll know something soon on Mom, one way or another. I just want it behind us!! Love to all, Judy

Monday, January 24, 2011

Are UTI's in men in nursing homes common? This makes Dad's 3rd? Bless his heart...his teeth now another wonder he doesn't feel like eating. I hope they got his meds to him this afternoon and start getting this thing knocked out...I don't like it when he's not himself. Glad Mom was good...except her teeth are really bad Pat...makes me sad, Mom was always brushing her teeth and trying to take good care of them. Hey the good news is it hasn't stopped her from eating!! Yes I'm getting excited about house hunting sisters and yes it will be an adventure!! No problem on Annie dog...she's like one of the family...does the Holiday Inn take pets? They have free breakfast! You can ask about a military discount too...some hotels give government rates or senior citizen rates (sorry) hey, every little bit helps!! If all goes well we won't spend much time in the room anyway...we'll be looking at houses!! WOOHOO Talked to the realtor today and told her line 'em so's we can knock 'em down!! I'll send her a list of all the ones I want to see and then she'll add some as well...hopefully we'll find a keeper!! I'm coming in on Sunday the 13th at 6:10 pm and told Gale we'd be in Murray around 12:30-1:00 on Monday! I thought we could stop in and see Mom and Dad on Valentines Day...or should I say King and sweet would that be?!! I'm bringing my camera this time for sure!! Ok, putting Jerry and my boys to bed so I can have a few moments of peace before I go to bed! Love you all, Jamie
I called Beth this morning and she did get the fax -- finally---about 10 minutes after she left me the message. She's already packaged the info and mailed it off and everything. Waiting game begins again. I figure there'll be another letter requesting even more info on Dad before the LONG wait of final determination begins. Still no new word on Mom. Judy and I went to see them today. Dad---not good. While we were there Debbie got the news that Dad has a UTI! Actually, I'm glad because he was SO disoriented today. He really didn't make sense about anything. He was going on a train that had a two hour time difference, to Texas, to Tennessee, had to leave because they were going broke----on and on and on. He did ask Mom if she still had the keys and kept saying let's go! He hadn't eaten much for breakfast and didn't eat much for lunch. I asked Debbie about his teeth, and she was saying something about the facility and the dentist getting them. I don't know and didn't understand. I asked if they were already being made and she said she thought so. I'll check again about that. Mom was good again. She ate really well! She talked some and looked and acted much better than Dad. Judy was saying how good she was, and Debbie said she had good days and bad days----talking about behavior! LOL! The one woman who works there----she's a little short thing----told me today that she'd voted for Mom and Dad to be the Valentine King and Queen. She said they were her favorites and she hoped they won! How sweet was that!?! Anyway, Debbie said she felt like they'd send Dad's medicine over somewhere around 3:00 or so. The sooner the better! Love you all, Jeanie

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Well yuckypoo on the fax! Of course you shouldn't be surprised that someone on some end didn't do someone's job!! You've run into that numerous times! I'll be so thrilled when we KNOW something! I'll be up tomorrow to go see Mom and Dad if the Lord is willing and the creek don't rise(or snow don't fall!!lol) Love to all, Judy
Well, I swear, I miss a couple of days on this blog and there are several new posts! YOOHOO! Go figure! LOL! I like it! Jamie that is just SO sweet about Jerry and all the cudos! I mean, you just never know how many lives you touch until something like this happen. How awesome that he's even getting emails from people who knew him in college!!!!!!!! How amazing is that!?! Good for him! Give me those roses while I can appreciate them---that's how everything should be treated! I REALLY like it! I can't wait to help with the house hunt and for you to be closer! Talk about a wonderful thing---that will be it! LOL! You know of course that I'll have to bring Annie, right? She has to have two shots a day and it's a two person job. I'll check for pet friendly motels in Murray. She's great at motels! I'm serious. She's awesome. LOL! Hey, it's an adventure! When we got back today, I had a message on my answering machine from Beth. I had called the public school retirement system on Wed to ask for a fax about Dad's benefits for 2011. The lady told me that the forms were in the mail, but that she'd fax a letter out probably the next afternoon---that would have been Thurs. I told all this to Beth. Well, obviously, the lady never did that! GRRRR!!!!!!!!!!! Beth left me a message saying she STILL hadn't gotten the fax and so she'd asked for an extension! I HATE that! We didn't leave until about 1:30 Fri, so her call was after that. I'll call in the morning to see what's the matter on PSRS's end with the fax. Anyway, hope all of you are doing well. Randall's pics look SOOOOO good! I'm impressed with how much progress he's making daily now! That is an answered prayer for sure. Love you all, Jeanie
Jerry and I went to see Mom and Dad this morning. When we first got there, Dad was in bed asleep and Mother was sitting in her wheelchair in the big room. I sat and visited with her for a little while. She had no idea who we were, but she smiled a lot and chattered. Which reminds me, her teeth look absolutely horrible! I cringe inside every time she smiles. So sad! She asked Jerry if I was his girlfriend! They got Dad up and we visited with him for a little bit. He knew who we were, but he always is a little disoriented when he first gets up. I went to the kitchen and got him some coffee and that always helps! Mother also said "Jamie", but I had no idea what she was talking about. Anyway, they were both pretty good today. love you, pat

Friday, January 21, 2011

That is so awesome Jamie that Jerry has received all the recognition that he so rightly deserves! It's one thing to know how good he is but totally another when other people know it and tell you. Good job!!! I can't wait to help with the house hunt! Sounds like an adventure! Jeanie and I haven't been on one in a while and it's probably long overdue! We're going to Ryan's on Monday, Feb 7 (well I'm coming up that day at least and I think that's when jeanie said we'd leave) then over to Ryan's for Bryan to put her tooth back off since he will get it off the impression he's making tomorrow, then watching Ryan's girls for 3 days I think, then heading back on Saturday. Think we're picking up Jamie maybe back on our way home and then to Murray! Gee my house will miss me!lol Coming to J'boro on Sunday or Monday now since I can't wait 2 more weeks to see Mom and Dad. I'll post when I do! Love to all and welcome home Jamie!!whoopwhoop!!!lol
Wish I was there to call Michael Smith a four letter word and a couple of 5, 6 and 7 letter ones as well!! Jerk is right!! So I take it the dentist at Leachville fixed Dad's teeth. Can you "glue" dentures back together? Speaking of dentist and broken teeth...Yuk Jeanie...I know you love Brian, but I know you hate going to the dentist!! Are you clinching your teeth at night or did you break your tooth eating something? I have a nightguard that I wore for years because I was grinding/clenching my teeth, but then I started gnawing on it at night and I actually chipped my tooth, so I don't use it anymore. They do make soft ones as well. I absolutely hate teeth issues...which I have my fair share of for sure!! Thanks for the comments on Jerry's article...yes it was really good and yes I am so proud of him. He's gotten so many emails and phone calls from people all over...military and civilians. The hospital sent us this awesome gourmet fruit and cookie and chocolate basket with the sweetest note. His news made the Seattle paper, the Tacoma news on the radio and TV, news in Paducah and newspapers all around that area....even the Etown paper and they set up a phone interview with Jerry as's been amazing!! He's heard from the hospital folks and other Murray folks and today received an email from the woman who was the administrative assistant with the ROTC office back when Jerry was in made me cry...Jerry too I think. It's just been overwhelming and I can't wait to start heading that way. So glad Daddy was happy about our news...can't believe I'll just be able to get up in the morning and run over to see them anytime I want. I'm already working with a realtor so hopefully very soon I'll make a trip to Murray to actually look at houses!! Love you all,Jamie

Thursday, January 20, 2011

As Judy said, I didn't make it to the care-team meeting today. I called and told them I'd talk to Paulette when I'm down there---no problem! I also called Beth at Chad's office today to see if she needed any clarification or info on any of the stuff I turned in to her yesterday. While she was on the phone, I asked if they'd heard anything about Mom's application---no. I don't know if I put this on the blog yesterday or not--if so, pardon my repeating myself---I'm getting old. When I took the info in yesterday, the lady at the desk got a phone call while I was standing there. Rather than just stand there and stare at her, I just stood there and looked around. LOL! On top of the counter was the mail---it had been opened already. On the very top of the pile was a letter from DHS addressed to Chad. Handwritten over his address was the word 'Shelton'. I figured it was about Mom because they always send me a letter and a copy of it to Chad. Well, when I got home---no letter in my mailbox from DHS. That's why I asked today. How weird is that!?! I also asked if Chad had called Michael Smith to tell him to leave me alone. LOL! Beth said yes she had talked to him and so had Chad. He said he didn't have a copy of the applications and that he could put them in 'pending' if he had a copy. WHATEVER! I told her that that was good because I'd never been hounded for bills my whole life until the last few months. Now I feel like I have a target on my back! LOL! Anyway, IF the roads are ok, and IF Ryan doesn't continue to get major snowfall, we're headed to Louisville tomorrow because I broke another tooth! Can we say tooth number plenty! I have no idea how I do this. I wish I could figure it out. Ok, love you all, Jeanie
I love it when they have a good day at the nursing home and actually make some sense about things. It makes me feel that they are still here with us, unlike how I feel when they don't even know we're there. I know you didn't get to go the meeting today Jeanie, and I know you hate missing it!lol NOT!!! You can always refrain from calling someone a name, unlike me who probably would NOT refrain. I know you told me that Chad had talked to him too about hounding you for money and that they sent him a copy of the application form since Michael said he didn't have it. What a jerk! Okay, off to watch the snow that isn't falling!lol Love to all, Judy

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Jamie, first off, that article about Jerry was wonderful! WOW! It was great! I know you have to be so proud of him and for him! What a great tribute to him! I am so thrilled you're all moving closer. I told Dad today that Jerry had gotten a job at Murray. He was like---Murray?! He thought it was really good, too. He goes, 'Margaret, Jerry got a job in Murray, and he and Jamie are moving there. Did you know that?' It was good. They'd taken Dad to Leachville to the dentist since his bottom teeth were broken. Why Leachville? No idea! I was going to call today to talk to the dentist, but I ran out of time. I did get the info for Dad's Medicaid application to Chad today. He told me to keep the faith. I really like him and his straightforwardness---what a word! LOL! Anyway, Dad heard me in the hall talking to Mom while they were changing Dad and putting him down for a nap. The girls kept telling him I wasn't there. LOL! They were so surprised when they came out of his room and saw me. I went in to talk to him and they brought Mom in there. She had a meltdown when she saw Dad. We all kept telling her he was fine---just tired. She kind of lost it. I think she thought he was really sick or something. Anyway, after that she looks at me and says: who's that (while pointing at Dad)! I go: James. She says: MY James? I'm like: yes. She starts in about she couldn't do without him and how sweet he is, etc. She sounded at that point like she had when they were still at home. I'm guessing that they're not giving her much med anymore---she is just so much more alert and talkative. That's good. Anyway, they were fine. I have an appointment tomorrow at 1:30 to discuss their progress, etc. I'm wondering if Michael Smith will be there and say something about the money. If he does, I hope I can keep from calling him a 4 letter dirty word to his face!!!!!!! LOL! Ok, off to bed. Good night sisters, Love you all, Jeanie

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Jerry and I went to LNC today. Mother and Daddy were already sitting in the cafeteria in their wheelchairs - both sound asleep! I woke Daddy up and noticed he didn't have his teeth in. I asked Nickie and she said that one of the girls dropped his bottom teeth and they broke. She said he wouldn't let them put his top teeth in. I brought them home with me (they are yucky!) and I now have them soaking. I will take them by Dr. Hendrix's office tomorrow and see if they can be fixed. I couldn't understand anything Dad said today - don't know if it was the teeth or him. I got him 2 cups of coffee and he woke up, but it didn't help my understanding him. Anyway, that's all to report. love you, pat

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Jeanie wanted me to post that she and Maggie went to see Mom and Dad yesterday but she forgot to mention it! Old age isn't what it's cracked up to be!lol She said they were doing okay==more Mom than Dad because he was sleepy and didn't ever really wake up good. She will go again on Tuesday after she gets home from my house on Monday. Pat or/and Pam post if you get a chance cause I worry about them when Jeanie is out of pocket!lol Love to all, Judy

Friday, January 14, 2011

I AM well so don't bring me your crud!lol I'm glad at least Dad is closer to being caught up than he was! Mom is the one with NO money, so surely they won't kick her out! They should have been paying hers since she went in this past Feb! Okay, off to bed. Company coming!!lol Love to all, Judy
Quick post! I have TWO babies upstairs asleep! YIKES! I got 'the letter' from DHS wanting all this info on Dad----I knew it would come. Came the next day after the phone conference---reckon they had that ready to mail before the phone conference----I'm thinking yes! I also got the two checks from GenAM today---totals about $4800---withheld NO income tax even though I said TO do it! GRRRR!!!!!!! I'll copy those and deliver them to Michael Smith on Tues. It will still leave Dad with an outstanding balance of about $3300, but he has $2472 in account for Jan's teachers' retirement! Good grief! Now they'll keep Dad and want to kick out Mom---how sad is that!!!!!!!!!!!!!! STUFF! I swear, DHS is SO hard-nosed with us it's pathetic! Love you all, Jeanie
Hey EVERYONE get well! This is ridiculous!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Jamie that is SO awesome that contract negotiations have closed and you're moving ever closer to home. Good for you and us!!! Jeanie said she was going to talk to Chad about the house situation if we need to. Right now we're still in a holding pattern for Dad's insurance money to arrive from Gen America and DHS to say whatever they are going to say about Mom. Either way Chad will appeal Jeanie said if they deny Mom until we pay a future penalty rather than accept what has already been paid. Can we scream NIGHTMARE!!! Jamie take care of yourself. I'm better. Went to Bingo with tylenol and it helped!lol Love to all, Judy
Whatever with the house...If it needs to go, it needs to go. Would Mandy and Sammie want to buy it? Any idea what it would sell for? May be worth talking over with Chad and getting his opinion on whether it would hurt/help Mom and Dad's cause or just prolong/add to all the crap. I have no emotional ties to that house and really I have always thought of the house in Gideon as "home" again, whatever is my vote on that! Judy sorry your scooter antics led you to muscles gone awry!! Jeanie, sorry Maggie is sick! I continue to feel like crap 2 1/2 in bed..I hate it. Jerry got me some drugs yesterday and at least I got a good nights sleep. I swear the next time I fly I'm wearing one of those SARS mask! Jerry accepted his contract this morning and is now preparing to tell the military higher ups and drop his retirement papers. Exciting and scary all at the same time!! Still only a handful of people know, but I figure he'll make a big announcement maybe next week sometime. Can't believe the hardest part is waiting for the Summer to move! I'll keep you posted on house hunting plans!! Love you, Jamie
Okay first off I have to say thank you to Jeanie for coming to my house again this weekend and trying once again to gibve ME the crud!!LOL Just kidding!~ If I didn't get it when you were here a week or so ago while you wore my robe and hacked all night, surely I'm good to go for round 2!lol Jamie I'm sorry you're so sick! I pulled some muscles evidently while riding Dean's scooter on Tuesday and using a shovel to try to clear a path to my newspaper to where I'm in a chair with a heating pad going on day 2! The fun NEVER ends!!!lol All of the stuff with DHS is just pathetic!!! It just gets my blood pressure up to the point that I say if they deny them, we get an appt with Governor Beebe and we all march in there and tell him our story! I'm serious! We could do that! Hopefully Chad will take the ball and run with it, but I'm not holding my breathe! Sell the house??? Sounds good to me. They are going to get the point either on the front end or back end and we might as well just give it to them to pay the penalties if they impose those on them. All makes me want to hurl!!! Okay my heating pad is calling. Will check in again soon! Love to all, Judy OH, Jamie I remember Uncle Roy in that undershirt too and he always scared me too. I also remember Mimi Shelton cooking with that "Aunt Jemima" on her stove. She had lots of beautiful things that I always admired--including that piece of McCoy or Shawnee vase that was beautiful green. We were so fortunate to be raised as we were and we didn't even know it! I wish I had taken a photo image of everything so I could go back and look at them again. Good memories!Love, Judy

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

As long as the medicaid app is pending---they can't remove Mom and Dad from LNC. I asked. They will deny Dad---I can tell you that right now because of the GenAm money. We'll have to reapply again, I'm guessing, after that is spent----no problem. By the time GenAm takes their penalty for withdrawal (I'm guessing on this) and then pays in income tax on it for Dad, I'm not sure there'll be enough to pay his outstanding bills right now. I've thought about it off and on all day, and I've kind of come to the point of selling their house if we have to pay all of ours back. The reason: I figure if we have to pay ours all back even though it was a gift, they'll take that and THEN take the house when something happens to Mom and Dad. Basically, I figure DHS will get it all. IF we sell the house to pay the penalty, IF that comes to pass, then at least something of what Mom and Dad worked their whole life for will be passed on to their kids. Does that make sense? I'm just thinking. Anyway, I hope you get to feeling better Jamie. It seems like it's one wave after another around here. Maggie has the one that's high fever and throwing up. How much fun does that sound like to be exposed to!?! LOL! She was precious all day and never did run any fever--that I could tell---nor threw up! Good day! Love you all, Jeanie
So what's the deal with LNC and the nasty letter from Michael Smith? What did Chad say about their "threats" to kick Mom and Dad out? That can't happen right? What a great big pile of giant smelly mess!! I mean's so frustrating...I know you're sick of dealing with it all Jeanie...I guess I'm having a hard time understanding why you have to deal with it so much...can't Chad/his office do this calling and checking and following up since you've done all the exchange of personal info with these companies? What are people doing out there that don't have a lawyer? I guess for me, I just want to be sure that Mom and Dad cannot be removed from LNC...can you imagine how horrible that would be? OMG.....Jeanie please let me know if there's anything I can do from my end! Glad you all liked the photos...I've been going through some of my old pics and finding some really good ones...yes I have super memories of Grandmother Shelton's house as well...tangerines on the sleeping porch..breakfast in her kitchen with all the glassware and things on the shelves in the window and her standing at the stove cooking in her apron. She always laughed and rubbed my back. I wish I'd absorbed more from those a kid you don't think about that stuff being important. I remember Uncle Roy too...honestly, he scared me...his hacking cough and living in the dark room at the top of the stairs...I remember seeing him once in his undershirt smoking a cigarette while he shaved in the downstairs bathroom with a straight razor. Wow, hadn't thought about that in a while!! Ok, back to krud has turned to crap and I ache all eyes, ears, head...even the hairs on my unshaved legs hurt....that's bad!! Round one of negotiations is over and round 2 is in play...hopefully a decision can be made real soon on Murray...I wish I could pack up tomorrow!! I'll keep you posted!! Love you all and if it works out, I'd love to road trip to see Ona too...Jamie
Quick post---Maggie is here sick with me today. LOL! It's a good thing she's sick because my house couldn't stand her if she was any more well! LOL! Anyway, I talked to Faith Elrod (DHS) this morning to tell her to call Chad with the conference. She said that Dad wouldn't be eligible for Medicaid as long as the GenAM thing was out. (I called GenAm, too, and the check is supposedly in the mail---sent yesterday---I will believe that one when I see the check) I casually asked her about Mom. Well, the application is in Little Rock, I'm guessing from her comments. She asked about keeping AARP---since we were private pay. I told her then yes to AARP. She said that once it comes back something with the Employer's annuity we did and they straighten out the penalty then they'll know more---like the penalty was in our future---not our past!!!!!!!! I called Beth and talked to her about what she said. She said that Chad had been dealing with the date---remember earlier DHS wanted to start the penalty from the date of application----which would mean we'd have 7 months from Oct 1 for EACH of them! I told Beth that that wouldn't be a penalty---that would have taken every cent they had + the amount they'd given us + some!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway, it's still a long way from being nearly even remotely settled!!!!!!! I'll keep you posted. Love you all, Jeanie

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Went to see Mom and Dad today. They were both in bed and I thought sleeping when I got there about 3 minutes after 1:00. I walked over to check on Mom and she opened her eyes and said HI, Precious. She talked to me and told me she was glad to see me, etc. I'm sure she didn't know who I was, but it was fine. She looked so good and all. When I turned back around, Dad had his eyes open, too. He was glad to see me, too, today and talked about the snow, etc. I brought him the paper and he said he hadn't read it. He'd started the football game last night but didn't know how it ended, etc. He was good. I told him I'd brought him some tobacco, and he said good that's all he needed. I took it to Debbie and when I went back in, he asked if I'd put it in the drawer. I told him I'd given it to Debbie. He asked where Mom was. I told him she was in bed asleep. He said, ok, he'd tell her I'd been there. I told him I'd talked to her already. It was good. I just some days have a harder time than others. Today they were both so good and so nice and were so clean, etc. It made it harder on me. Isn't that weird? It catches me so off guard that it really gets to me. Anyway, I got a letter from DHS concerning Dad today. They're going to do a telephone interview about Dad tomorrow morning at 10:00. It's just the inital contact thing, but I'm going to go to Chad's office and let him do the talking. I'm through talking to DHS. I'll gather the info they want and take it with me. There will be a letter forthcoming from them asking the same things + more after the phone call. That's the way it was last time we applied for Dad. Still no word on Mom yet nor any word from GenAmerica about the life insurance surrender. GRRRRR! I knew the '10 day' thing with them wouldn't be that. I turned it in 2 weeks ago today----faxed it to them 2 weeks ago today. Nothing yet. I guess I'll call them tomorrow, too, to see how's it going! LOL! Ok, today I'm tired. Love you all, Jeanie

Monday, January 10, 2011

Gracious no I don't remember an ugly or cross word ever passing her lips! She was a great grandmother to us all! Lots of great memories for sure! Love to all, Judy
The pics were AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! It is funny how they seem so familiar and close--yet were light years away! LOL! I said the same thing about the 'tree' with the gumdrops. I would love to have that tree. It's a shame that stuff like that gets away. The candy, coconut cake on the sleeping porch, and the little Cokes in the kitchen----memories of Mimi Shelton's house. Her house holds so many sweet memories for me. She was an awesome lady and so good to all of us. I don't ever really remember her getting mad or mean with us---do any of you? Maybe I've just erased anything bad. It was definitely fun times when we went to her house. Ok, off to bed. Love you all, Jeanie
Gosh Pat you're right about the pictures. I have laughed and laughed over these things and the comments Ryan wrote cracked me up even more!lol Yes memories for sure and I too can remember Mimi Shelton's house with the glass topped coffee table and pictures under it. She had that little tree with the gumdrops on it too that we always wanted the candy and Mom wouldn't let us! We were so deprived of the candy weren't we?LOL Great memories! I hope my kids have some they hold as precious! Love to all, Judy
Jamie, those pix on facebook are priceless! I love the one of us at Grandmother's house with Uncle Tom - what memories! I can still see everything in Grandmother's house just like it was yesterday. I loved the 3 tiered candy dish that she always had orange slices, coconut bon bons and n.toes! I also was always amazed at the bubble lights she had on her tree in the dining room. It's funny the things you remember! pat
Oh, and I cracked up at Judy's remark about her short dress and Brittney replying that the hair scared her more! Hilarious!!
Hey, staying with Molli sounds like a great idea! I told Ona and fam on their caringbridge site that we'd be there when they move Randall. I will be SO glad to go! I've felt really bad this entire time not being there at all. So, Randall moving will be a good thing in a lot of ways: he'll be better and we can visit. I do hate that Ona won't have their kids at hand as easily. That will be really hard on her and them. Ok, I'm off to do ?????---snow days are bonus days for me. It's a holdover from teaching I haven't lost! LOL! Love you all, Jeanie

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Hey Pat it looks like you will get the closing though~! Good job~ I think we have at least 5 inches or more. It's gorgeous! No drivers on the road makes everything look so beautiful~! Staying with Molli should be fun! I like it! Dallas is about 5 hours from me, so you can come this far and spend the night and then we can go the rest of the way. I'll be glad to see Ona and let her know we're there for her! Off to bed, love to all, Judy
Hey, if Randall gets moved to Dallas, we can all go and stay with Molli! She just lives about 30 minutes from there. That will definitely be closer for us, even though it's still about an 8 hr. drive from here. I read his caring bridge page every day and I'm so glad he's improving so much. I can't imagine how hard it's been for all of them. Ok, it's snowing here, but I guess I still need to go to bed because my school is not officially closed yet. love you, pat
Ok, I just took Annie out to pee and it's SNOWING! I was SO surprised! When it started---not sure! It wasn't just an hour and a half or so ago, but the ground is covered out there right now! Bruce just told me, too, that Westside is out of school tomorrow! NUTS! I was going to go see Mom and Dad in the morning, but I'll definitely wait until after lunch if the roads are ok. Welcome winter! YUCK! I'm not crazy about cold weather anymore! LOL! Love you all, Jeanie
Nice to have you back in the fold Pat!lol Always ready to help get someone on here to post--call anytime you have a problem and I'll try to help. I forgot to post on here that I talked to Ona earlier this week and she was saying that Randall is making good progress and getting to the point of being ready to move to the next more intense therapy place, aka Baylor Rehab in Dallas. That's suppose to be AWESOME and where they send all of the head traumas from here in Hot Springs. Leisa was telling me that it's amazing what they can accomplish. The bad news for her is that she'll be leaving her comfort zone with Howie being right there. Dallas is probably closer to Randy than Denita or Howie either one. The owner at the ranch said that they had a medical helicopter with medical personnel ready whenever and wherever they needed to go. He also told her that she would have a place to stay in Dallas too. That will be about 5 hours away from here and I told her that I/we would definitely come to see there and she was so excited. Should be at the end of Feb or first of March. Post that on your calendars! Love to all, Judy
WooHoo!!! Thanks to the computer guru (a.k.a. Judy, hee hee) I can now post again!! Well, hope everyone had a great Christmas and has a happy new year!
Jerry & I went to see Mother and Daddy this morning and they were both asleep in their wheelchairs out in the big room. I woke Daddy up a few times, but he wouldn't stay awake. They both looked good, except Mother had on capri pants - I thought that was strange. I asked Nickie about them and she said they were fine and that this morning they were sitting and holding hands! Anyway, I'm waiting on the snow to start so I can stay home from work tomorrow! Probably not gonna happen! Nice talking to you Judy and Jamie - I feel like I'm back in the world of the living again! love you all, pat
Jamie, just a note. Your stuff will look great in a modern/custom house. I had more people tell me that they were concerned about my stuff in this house, but I've always liked my stuff here. You may have to buy more-----how sad! NOT!-----but you have some not so old along with the old. It will all look great because it all fits together regardless of the house. I LOVE looking at houses! I am MORE than ready to help there! LOL! Just say the word and we'll all help you spend that money for a house! LOL! SOOOOO exciting!!!!!!!!! Love you all, Jeanie
My tennis shoes are always ready to go! I'm looking forward to all the shopping even! I think that if I'm shopping that means I'm NOT eating, and that's always a good thing!!!LOL I noticed Jeanie hadn't posted (what's up with that Ms M??LOL) but she and Bruce drove to LNC yesterday and Mom and Dad were both asleep at 9 am but they talked to the nurse and she said they had been up and were doing fine. Maybe Pat will post later because I think she goes on Sundays. Love to all, Judy

Saturday, January 8, 2011

I was looking at houses again today...I'd love to find an old house, but not really any there for sale that are the type I'm looking for. The really modern/custom ones I love, but don't know how my stuff would look in them...some I'd definitely have to buy more furniture...oh no, more shopping!! I guess I'll know it when I go in it...that gut feeling! I'm hoping sometime in February but it's still a wait and see! Yes, keep those tennis shoes ready!! Jerry bought a new copier scanner printer tonight...I'm hoping this one will be compatible with our apples, if so I found some crazy Christmas pictures from when Molli and Brittney look about 4 or 5 at Pat's house that I'm going to scan and post!! Ok, off to run all these teenagers out of my house and hit the bed! Love to all, Jamie
It was awesome getting to visit with you too and I feel the same way about you "coming home" by moving to Kentucky. When you were talking about it, you could just see how much you want this. I'm so thankful it's worked out for you/Jerry/Mom and Dad and us sisters! You and I will be almost exactly the same distance from our house to LNC!~ Keep us posted and I'm getting my sneakers ready for a run for the houses!lol!!! Love,Judy
Yes it was so great to be so close...under 3 hours...AMAZING!!! I'm going to have a hard time not wanting to ditch here ASAP and move...wonder how Jerome and Jason would do living on their own in Washington for a few months??? Crazy or best idea ever? Mom and Dad looked so good...really...better than they did when I last saw them in April. Dad was great once he woke up and Mom looks so healthy...chubs!! Pam so glad Jody was pleased with LNC...honestly, I think the people there really care for them and their room,closets, floor were so were they until Jeanie spilled chocolate ice cream on Mom's shirt! :) I can hardly wait to be back in Kentucky...I truly feel like I'm coming home! Thank you husband for making this happen!! I'll keep you posted on my next trip... Hope all is going well and Jeanie I hope I can be a bigger help to you on things once I'm closer...what a mess this has all been for you. Pat and Pam, hopefully I can see you next time...this was a speedy trip, but maybe next time will be a little longer!! I love you all, Jamie ps Judy thanks again for the pictures....I think they really capture how good Mom and Dad are doing/looking!:)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Thanks Jeanie for the compliments~! I called Pam and told her that I had posted some and she texted me that the pics were good and wondered if Mom's face was swollen or just chubs!lol I had to say chubs!lol I'm so glad I got to come see them and they were good. It totally boosts my spirits! It WAS good to see you Jamie and like Jeanie I'm ready for you to be closer--be it temp or permanent! Love to all, Judy
Hey, you did good with the pics and the posting! You're GOOD! LOL! Well, the pics are anyway! That's pretty cool to open it up and 'see' something! Good job! It was a good visit.

I got handed a letter from Michael Smith that as of 2/04/11 they were releasing Mom and Dad into my care for non-payment. I also missed a certified letter from LNC which I'm sure said the same thing. I called Chad today and they can NOT do that as long as the Medicaid application is pending. Beth was going to call today to see if she could get an update on Mom. She said she felt sure that since we hadn't gotten anything for more info on Mom in several weeks now, that Mom would be ok. I will be SO glad when this is settled. They've sent off Dad's new application for Medicaid beginning in Jan 2011. I'm sure there'll be a request for 'more info' coming in the mail any day now. We'll see how it goes. I still haven't gotten the money from GenAmerica for Dad's life insurance policy either. This amount should finish paying for Dad's Dec bill---depends on whether they deduct a penalty for withdrawing it early + the amount of income tax they withhold to send to the IRS. I'll keep you posted.

It was GREAT to see you Jamie! KY will be awesome! Having you closer period will be awesome! Love you all, Jeanie

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Ok, I'm back! Actually we got back yesterday (Mon), but today I'm officially back! LOL! Yesterday I was still reeling from being gone and all that needed done, etc. Today, I've gotten all my Christmas packed and put away, cabinets gone through and just straightening done + LAUNDRY! Good grief! Still looks like a mess here, but it's a mess heading in the right direction! YEA! I went to see Mom and Dad today. They were good. Mom talked really a lot --- comments, in general, etc. She seems more with it than a couple of months ago! Go figure! It's great. Dad did say some things that didn't make sense, but he was alert looking and acting---he was good. Ok, as you can see by the time I NEED to be in bed and asleep. I've got to go by and sign the application for Dad tomorrow + call Michael Smith. They're still dunning me---can't help it. I did turn in the papers for the insurance, but I got another set of papers to file for it! They're not real efficient, so I'll be surprised if they send out the funds quickly---I really doubt it! I'll tell Michael tomorrow that the money's on the way------nothing else to say and certainly nothing else I do. Ok, Love you all, Jeanie

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Jody and I went to see Mom and Dad yesterday(Sat) and it was such a good visit with Dad. Mom sound asleep, but she was so clean and looked so good. On the way over, I talked with Jody about LNC and since Jody has worked at a nursing home before, I wanted her opinion. Well, when we left, she was sooo impressed with the whole situation. It made me feel soooo much better. Since no one can go today, Jody, Peyton and I are going to try our best to get back over there. School starts back on Mon., so it's going to be hard for me to go this week. I had gone on Tues. and Jim had gone on Fri., but both times Dad had been asleep. It was so good to see and talk with Dad. He said some crazy things, but most of what he said was right. Jeanie, Jody and I ran into Jon and Mollie at Target and I got to see the ring! It IS beautiful. They are a sweet couple. I'm happy for them. Ok, on my way to church. Love you all, Pam