Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Jeanie and I went to see Mom and Dad today but it was after 2 before we got there since Jeanie was babysitting and both were sleeping. Dad has an upper respiratory thing going on and Debbie had already faxed over the information to get him started on something. He was hoarse yesterday and Jeanie said she knew was getting something. Debbie had listened to his lungs and they sounded good but it's all just upper respiratory. He's not running fever but he was sleeping with his hat on, a blanket snuggled up around his chin and the heat was on! It was probably 20 degrees hotter in their room than the lobby!! He did wake up a little when the girl came around with drinks and snacks. I went in to talk to him and he was mumbling about being tired and I asked him which daughter I was! Lol. He just looked at me until I said I love you Dad and he said I love you too Judith Ann! Lol Now for Mom--- she was sleeping without a blanket in her reclining chair and Jeanie got her a blanket. Debbie had already told us that she had listened to Moms lungs and they were "wet" and she had faxed over for meds for Mom because of that and the fact her cough is horrible!!!Jeanie hadn't heard her cough the last few visits but she sure is now!! They said she wasn't running a fever. She didn't feel hot either. She did take a glass of thickened water from the aide and I made a comment that I was glad they gave them water/orange juice and she said it was required???? It wasn't a bad visit but not really good either. It is sad seeing them like they are but I just love them both so much and don't want anything to happen cause I don't want to let them go. Love to all, Judy

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