Monday, October 11, 2010

Pam I'm so sorry your visit was so's just a sucky situation all around..a nursing home, no matter how great, how expensive, how wonderful the staff, how beautiful the building, is still a nursing home and will never be the same as being in your home living an independent life. You were right in confronting LNC with issues you found unacceptable...that is our job and our obligation to Mom and Dad to speak for them when they can't as Jeanie said. Mom and Dad are the lucky residents because you all check on them almost daily...can you imagine what life is like for those whose families plant them there and then don't show up again?...those are the truly sad ones. I do hate it for're right Pat, this is a pitiful way to live out your life. Dad could probably live outside LNC with one of us, but he would never leave Mom. And taking on the responsibility of Dad in your home, even though he's so much better than Mom, would still be a full time could not go off for the weekend or even overnight and leave him, someone would still need to be with him 24-7, cooking, keeping him clean, medications, etc. I know it's hard seeing them like this, where they are and how things are, but someday, if we live long enough, we'll be in the same situation and our children will be dealing with these same struggles. (Well mine won't, they've basically said once I start to step off the edge, I'm out of not pass go, do not collect $200) The bottom line is we were at a major crossroad with them...they couldn't stay at home anymore, living in filthy, unsafe circumstances...we tried to keep them at home with Dorothy's help, but it became clear that wasn't enough...I think when we cleaned out that house it became even clearer! We were faced with a choice on how to keep them safe and what was best for them...and best for us as well...we made the only decision we could...and we can't feel guilty about that decision. Maybe being in Jonesboro would be better as far as convenience, but a nursing home is a nursing home bottom line. We just have to continue to let LNC know when there's a problem we want fixed, visit whenever we can, try to give a little extra attention and conversation to Dad and by all means, pray...for them and for us. I love you all......Jamie

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