Monday, October 18, 2010

Jeanie and I went to see Mom and Dad today around 8:30 or so and they were GREAT compared to the way they've been lately. We took them chocolate iced doughnuts with sprinkles!lol It was the best we could do for a birthday cake! We did take 3 balloons to tie to Dad's chair too. When we first got there I told Dad Happy Birthday and asked him if he knew how old he was and he said "yeah, 73!"lol I told him no 91! He sad "Sure nough?"lol Mom was in bed but when I went in there her eyes were open and she was smiling and talking about someone being there and then gone and were they ok. I assured her they were and would be back and she was She took a little nap then and Jeanie and I visited with Dad and called Jamie for her to talk to him. I know you were so glad to talk to him Jamie and he was good and smiling the whole time. He opened your cards too Jamie and commented on how cute they were. Then Mom woke up and they brought her out to the big area in her chair and she was smiling and laughing and even said a few things that were "with it". She commented on Macie's pink clothes and she had on a pink bib. She took her doughnut and smelled it and said "gosh that smells good" and then she ate the whole thing. Jeanie took picutres on her cell phone and we forwarded them to Jamie and I talked to Ona on the way home and forwarded them to her. Anyone else want them?lol No problem to forward! They were still up and looking brighteyed when we left. Mom's eye wasn't matted either which was nice. Debbie said that her toe had been looking better but she hadn't seen it yet today and would look at it later. Dad had gotten a shower because he commented on it. They both have haircuts and look good. I was so pleased with my visit that I didn't want to press my luck for a bad visit and came on back home! What a wimp!lol All in all a good birthday visit! Love to all, Judy

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