Sunday, February 28, 2010

Well thank you Ms Moore for knowing I have AD, which means that you don't since you're so smart~!~~LOL. I have talked to my kids too but of course we who know and love Leisa so much know that she thinks it's quality over quantity and that means she'll pull my plug if I get too bad! LOL (If you're reading this Leisa, you know I'm kidding, right???LOL) As for AD and whether any or all of us will get it, isn't something we can worry about or we sure enough will get there! Vitamins, Boysenberry jam, coffee, Diet Mountain Dew (let's hope!) might help keep us from it but it's a crap shoot in picking which will or will not help in my opinion. I personally plan to continue down my road as I am and if I get it, you will have to deal with it and not me because I'll be in a world of make believe!LOL My guess is that Mom doesn't worry about any of this nearly as much as we all do. Alzheimer's is a terrible thing but as much or more for those of us who don't have it as those who do. We'll all get through this one way or another! I love you all! AD or not!!!LOL Judy

1 comment:

  1. HEY watch it!!! And you are right.....grandma has no idea and she lives in her own world and most days she likes it there.
