Sunday, February 28, 2010

Hey, Jamie, we ALL worry about the AD thing! LOL! There are many days and times I think---ok, this is it---I have it! LOL! Of course, if you THINK you have it, you don't! Supposedly! I know Judy does! LOL! Anyway, there's no way to even know for sure that that is what Mom has. That can't be determined for sure until they perform an autopsy! We don't really want that! I have talked to my kids, too, about what they can and should do---not what I want necessarily, but what's best for them and me. Hey, if I make it to 90, I'll be impressed! For me it's a moot issue! I don't figure I'll ever make it that long! WAY too many gray hairs and gray hair causes already!@!!! Love you, Jeanie

1 comment:

  1. Ok Jeanie that is not mother doesn't have AD...yet, anyway!!! lol You know thou grandma lives in her on little world and honestly if you can't have your mind at 90 then living in your own little world might not be too bad. Leisa
