Sunday, May 1, 2011

Hey all! This is Molli! Just to let you know, I read this blog every morning while I have my cereal, but this is the first time I have "hacked" in to post something...I feel like such a rebel. Marty and I went to see Aunt Ona and Uncle Randall today. We ended up staying for almost three hours (it didn't seem like we were there that long)! It was such a good visit, and it was so good to see them...we haven't seen them since our wedding which was four years ago on the 19th! Yikes! Anyway, Aunt Ona looked really good! She seemed to be in really good spirits, and hopefully she enjoyed visiting with us as much as we enjoyed visiting with her. They were in therapy when we got there, so we got to toss a beach ball back and forth to Uncle Randall a few times and then the therapist worked on a few other skills with him as well. Apparently he had already had therapy this morning...they as serious! Uncle Randall looked really good. He was very alert and you could tell he was thinking and processing lots of information. You can definitely tell he has lots of personality, even without him talking. He has lots of facial expression which is so good to see! Aunt Ona is just so sweet. I told Marty you can tell he means the world to her just by the way she looks at him! She is a trooper! She said that she has a small hotel/apartment set up across the street, but she has been staying with him in the room. She talked about the pending surgery, and of course as always with any surgery there is worry, but she seemed to have a very positive outlook about it. I really think it will make a big difference! The surgery will be done at the hospital just across the street...apparently he will go over through a tunnel connecting the buildings and will likely stay the night. I think tomorrow is when the doctors and people working with him have a "pow wow" to discuss progress, plans, and possible discharge dates. She seemed worried about this meeting, but I kept focusing on how it will be so good to have a plan and a goal to reach for! She said for him to stay here he has to demonstrate progress, so it's hard to know he has to do things. Bless her heart...tonight will mark night 285 since she's been home! I told her she will feel like she's moving into a palace when they get home! Anyway, I am so glad we went...we both really enjoyed visiting. I guess she doesn't have internet access, so I tried to share some info from here with can tell she loves and misses you all, and she knows that you are all thinking of her! She told me I remind her of Aunt Pam...what a great compliment for us both. ;-) Anyway, I think Denita and family will be there this coming weekend, and then Howie and his boys are coming the next weekend. I left her my cell phone number and told her to call if she needed anything and we could be there within the hour. Sorry if I rambled...I'm new at this blogging business! Hope to see you all soon. What a blessing it is to be part of such a wonderful family! Love, Molli (& Marty)

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