Thursday, December 30, 2010

Jamie, I'm pretty sure that Dad and Gaston BOTH worked in the Gideon School System. Dad rode a bus out into the country and taught at a rural school--he's talked about walking in the mud and about his students being not much younger than he. I always thought it was out around Hartzel---where Randall grew up. I don't know if you had to have a degree to teach back then. I figure he went to Gideon because of Gaston. Pat and Pam were born in Nov 1951---they definitely were living in Murray then. I'm thinking Dad worked on his Master's that second semester (Jan-May) and then that summer before moving to Gideon. I know we moved to Gideon just like a few days or that weekend before school started on that Mon of my 1st grade. I was still 5---fixing to turn 6---1952. I'm thinking that he must have finished his degree that next summer + took some correspondence courses during that school year. I do know that we did not move back to Murray again as a fam. Ona did marry in June of 1963 after graduating in May of 1963----she finished in 3 years. No idea on the docs for Pat and Pam other than the Dr. Houston or whatever his name was. I'm so excited that you'll be back in KY! WHOO-OOOO! Hey, we'll make some BIG plans as soon as you're ready and available! FUN!!!!!! Ok, I'm off to bed---I'm pooped and I've got a nasty cold! GREAT! What a way to spend a vacation! LOL! NOT!!!!! Love you all, Jeanie

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