Thursday, December 30, 2010

Good grief sister Jamie!lol I have no clue about any of those except that I couldn't start to school the first year we moved to Gideon because I wasn't old enough and it was Jeanie's first year of school. Since I was born in 1947, it had to be 1951 or 52. Pat and Pam were born by then too so what year were they born? I think it was November 1951. I'm HORRIBLE with dates and stuff!lol I do know that Gaston was the principal at Mayfield and that they thought they were hiring him instead of Dad. Don't know about his education though. In 1947 Mom and Dad were living in the apartment on top of the feedstore in Clay is something else I know!lol Dad was getting his masters at Murray when the twins were born, so again, what year was that? Okay, called Jeanie and she said that she had made copies of Dad's diplomas for all of us===is she smart or what???lol Okay, according to the copies of stuff, Dad graduated from Clay High School on May 13,1937. He graduated from Murray State College with his BS on January 26,1952. He graduated from Murray State College with his Masters on July 30,1953. So Pat and Pam HAD to have been born in 1951 while we were living there and Dad getting his BS. We may have stayed there until summer 1952 while he worked on his master's before moving to Gideon. I know for SURE that we moved there in 1952 and Jeanie started 1st grade. He evidently worked on his Master's with correspondent courses and perhaps went over for a summer school in 1953 before receiving his Master's degree because we definitely did not move from Gideon back to murray for him to finish in 1953. Jeanie said Ona graduated from Murray in 1963. She married in 1963 too in June maybe?? before you were born in 1963 on Sept 1. Okay, that's the wealth of all my knowledge! lol Hopefully helped some. Love to all, Judy

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