Tuesday, October 25, 2011

My doctor's appointment went pretty good...he didn't see anything in the eyeball, but thinks I may have had something very tiny in there initially because I have a small blister on my eyeball...yuk!! The swelling has gone down some and the redness in getting better...I'm on steroid drops for a few days.  I thought I might have had pink eye, but when things were still not better this morning, I got in to see the professional...Believe me, I tried warm compresses, eyelid scrub and eye drops with no contacts or make up for 3 days first!  I hate going to the doctor!  He checked my optic nerve and pressures also while I was there...my pressures were 19.5 in one eye and 20 in the other...that's the high end of normal! 21 is the last normal range.  About 8 years ago they were 14 and 15 so they are slowly increasing...but not much over the last 4 years.   So now I'm on the watch list...pressure checks/optic nerve checks every 6 months. On the good side, my optic nerves look young and healthy and if there's a need for game 7 in St Louis, I can wear my contacts and make up!!:) Also...my checks in the mail too!:) I made a copy of my check as well, just in case LNC says they didn't receive it or don't give Mom and Dad credit for it!! Not that I'm thinking anything bad will happen, just covering the bases...something the Cards were good at last night, they just couldn't clear the bases for runs...I'm just saying!! Ok, Jerry just got home and he's out the door at 10 for a town hall with his night shift folks so I guess I better go visit with him for a few minutes!! Love you,  Jamie

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